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This worship center is the Zion Assembly Church of God, plus as I understand it the ZACOG, headquarters is also housed in this facility. It is located about three miles east on Hwy.64, Cleveland,Tn..Wade H. Phillips is the General Overseer. The denomination is rather small having less than 100 congregations.

John Kissinger [01/29/2016 3:18 PM]
Jim Price you have brought up before this church in connection with his new book series “QUEST TO RESTORE GOD’S HOUSE” CHURCH OF GOD HISTORY BY WADE H.PHILLIPS. How are you affiliated with this denomination? Are you serving in a leadership position with it and why the interest in bringing it up again so soon?
Christopher Hart [01/29/2016 3:54 PM]
Dr. Roebuck has said Phillip’s book may be the most definitive yet on early COG history. I hope to get all three volumes for my personal library.
Jim Price [01/29/2016 4:13 PM]
I have long had an interest in GOG history and how it has influenced Cleveland and Bradley County Tennessee. No I have no connection and have never been to one of their meetings. Have listened to a few of their webcasts.
John Kissinger [01/29/2016 4:16 PM]
Jim Price does he cover any of the early pre-cog occurrences of speaking in tongues, which we’ve discussed with Charles Page in the Diamonds in the “Rough and Ready” Pentecostal Series?
Jim Price [01/29/2016 4:21 PM]
In one chapter he says that shaking and hollering and running up and down the isles were common in the mountain baptist churches but not tongues.
John Kissinger [01/29/2016 4:48 PM]
This is well known. There were however much earlier tongue occurrences as early as 1850s in Arkansas, Delaware, etc. that are often forsaken by modern authors of Pentecostal history
Jim Price [01/29/2016 7:04 PM]
News to me.
John Kissinger [01/31/2016 7:50 AM]
Jim Price did you read it in? BTW posting the church name, address, location, pictures, presiding, time of meeting and so on looked like you’re advertising for them hence the line of question
Jim Price [01/31/2016 2:20 PM]
No not advertising for them at all; just commending their sincerity and efforts to promote an unpopular cause. Whether this is a misguided effort is something we might want to discuss on P T, in a loving spirit of course.
John Kissinger [01/31/2016 3:46 PM]
Forgive my ignorance but what is their “unpopular cause”?
Jim Price [01/31/2016 3:52 PM]
Well I just meant that pentecostalism and holiness has been and is a tough sell in the larger culture and when you take an even narrower approach as they do it makes it harder to win followers .
John Kissinger [01/31/2016 4:37 PM]
Charles Page has asked if the CONCEPT OF HOLINESS has prevalence among 21ST CENTURY POSTMODERN CHRISTIANS and this church may be able to answer that question well
Charles Page [01/31/2016 5:25 PM]
You don’t see their ladies on the stage wearing pants. Does their church have teachings against ladies wearing pants or do the ladies have inward holiness and don’t wear pants?
Charles Page [01/31/2016 5:29 PM]
is there a written narrative detailing the break of Wade Phillips from the CoGoP? What did he see that was wrong (unbiblical) in the CoGoP?
Charles Page [01/31/2016 5:53 PM]
From what I have seen on videos I am impressed with what he is doing. I pray he stays on the same track.
John Kissinger [01/31/2016 8:02 PM]
Charles Page [01/31/2016 8:05 PM]
They are probably too young a denomination to be a part of this.
Melvin Harter [02/01/2016 12:28 AM]
Are there any Church of God that have done what the TCOG have done?
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