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Why does MacArthur teach you can be saved with the MARK of the BEAST?
MacArthur teaches that Christians can take the mark of the beast during the Great Tribulation because he reads the BIBLE and sees clearly that ALL will take the MARK of the BEAST! There will be NO refusal!
So called Christians and so-called believers during the Tribulation – ALL will take the MARK of the BEAST! No one can escape the MARK of the BEAST! The BIBLE is EXPLICIT:
Bible Question:
On a Youtube video it appears that John MacArthur teaches that Christians can take the mark of the beast during the Great Tribulation and still have entry to heaven. His teaching seems to differ from Scripture. Have I correctly understood what he said?
Bible Answer:
We have received a number of questions about a Youtube video in which some believe John MacArthur teaches that Christians can take the mark of the beast during the tribulation and still be permitted entry to heaven. Consequently, some accuse Dr. MacArthur of being a false teacher. This article responds to those concerns and to what John MacArthur stated.
“Antichrist’s empire will maintain strict economic control over the world. Food, clothing, medical supplies, and the other necessities of life potentially in demand in the devastated earth, which has felt the judgment of God (6:5-6), will be unobtainable for those without the mark. Currency will probably vanish, to be replaced by controlled credit. Instead of a credit card, which can be lost, people will have a mark (possibly a bar code) in their forehead or hand. Scanning people’s foreheads or hands would identify them to a central computer system.”
(p.63; bold original)
MacArthur’s comments above serve as an example of futuristic speculation. He does not present evidence showing that any of this will, in fact, happen. He does not present data that can be independently assessed in this regard. To be fair, he cannot do any of this because such evidence is, quite frankly, hard to come by. The things about which MacArthur speaks have (in his mind) yet to happen, after all.
Bible Question:
On a Youtube video it appears that John MacArthur teaches that Christians can take the mark of the beast during the Great Tribulation and still have entry to heaven. His teaching seems to differ from Scripture. Have I correctly understood what he said?
Bible Answer:
We have received a number of questions about a Youtube video in which some believe John MacArthur teaches that Christians can take the mark of the beast during the tribulation and still be permitted entry to heaven. Consequently, some accuse Dr. MacArthur of being a false teacher. This article responds to those concerns and to what John MacArthur stated.
you cannot Link Hudson you can run but you cant hide
Gary Micheal Epping the Montana mountains aint big enough for millions American Christians – the nones shall not be saved as easy. Rapture is the true test of holiness and perseverance for preservation of the saints Kyle Williams
If you do not have a plan to escape the tribulation you shall be doomed with the other 50% of world’s population dying under the antiChrist Brett Dobbs
The just shall live by FAITH alone – not by their works in Trib Duane L Burgess
when properly exegeted Rev 3 10 gives a TRUE promise for us all
Jerome Herrick Weymouth Neil Steven Lawrence Nelson Banuchi Darnell Henson Jr.
Troy Day //Rapture is the true test of holiness and perseverance for preservation of the saints//
Rapture a test of holiness? Respectfully, that’s a misuse or overuse of what to me is a dubious theological viewpoint.
Troy Day show me where the Bible teaches that if one does not have a plan to escape the tribulation that one will die. Also show me that having a plan will cause one not to die and survive to the return of Christ.
If this is the case then pre-tribulationalists will be in dire straits indeed.
An argument based on fear is a logical fallacy.
Link Hudson Revelation shows 50% of population dead during Trib
You are quite the educated men – figure out the rest
BTW had better plans for this OP but today went by me so quick
Did you ever check the Azusa quote I found for you ?
Troy Day We don’t know what the world population will be when it starts, or whether it will come during our lifetimes, so calculating how many will die is just guesswork. You referred me to a whole article. I saw nothing in the section titles about marriage, and the doc wasn’t searchable. I wonder if you had the right edition.
Link Hudson we do not know what the population will be when it starts
BUT we DO know from the Book of Revelation that precisely 50% from the start would die during the trib by its end Check my math here and get back to me 50/50 is a very very bad odds even for a single family
the Azusa quote: This problem was so wide spread, that William Seymour himself published a series of articles on the Biblical teaching of marriage and divorce addressing ministers who did not “want to be bothered with their families.”
BTW Link Hudson Philip Williams Brett Dobbs Gary Micheal Epping Nelson Banuchi When you have FEW free min. do check the Greek video I helped with at the bottom of the post I Can assure you it is one of the best Neil Steven Lawrence Jerome Herrick Weymouth Darnell Henson Jr. John Mushenhouse Steve Losee
Troy Day Were you speaking on the video? If so, you are a better speaker than post-writer.
Can you show me where the Bible says that Beast will give universal basic income?
Link Hudson no no – I just helped a little back in the b-greek days But Yes I am a better speaker though You have not really read any of my books or lectures either
“All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life,…”
The people in the A part of the verse are mutually exclusive to the people in the B part of the verse. 
This passage does seem to imply that if you worship the beast, your name will not be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. 
This inference is a legitimate interpretation. 
The Unpardonable Sin 28 “Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; 29 but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation”
Having sinned against the Spirit Duane L Burgess there remains NO one to draw them to the ALL saving grace of GOD. Therefore Christ’s sacrifice remains unapplied on such sinners We’ve discussed this with Link Hudson a lot before
Troy Day the Mark is associated with idolatry worshiping the Beast and His image. There’s a warning that people who take the Mark or worship the Beast will burn. Later in Revelation there is a passage about all liars being thrown into the Lake of Fire. Does that mean that everyone who has ever told a lie throughout human history will be cast into the Lake of Fire, or are those who are forgiven through Christ exempted from this punishment? Revelation also speaks of being washed in the blood of the Lamb.
I would certainly not want people to take the attitude that worshiping the Beast is no big deal and they can just get forgiven for the idolatry later.
But I am also not aware of any scripture that says that those who take the mark of the beast are required to speak evil of the Holy Spirit
The OP is totally confused and falsely accuses.
If you had the credibility to check this out you would find that the context of the statement was a question about whether taking the mark of the beast is an unpardonable sin.
There is no such thing as an unpardonable sin in Scripture.
No sin is greater than God’s ability to deal with it.
Some Pharisees, who rejected every possible evidence that Jesus was the Messiah, even charging that Jesus’ miracles were the work of the devil, were told that their blasphemy of the Spirit would not be forgiven.
God is redeeming blasphemers every day.
As it is written, there is none righteous, no one seeks after God.
Jesus told Nicodemus that God is sovereign in salvation.
If God wants to redeem someone who took the mark of the beast He can do so.
Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.
REPENT! Cease your false accusation!!
Duane L Burgess what seems to you a false accusation ?
There is no such thing as an unpardonable sin in Scripture. ??? You may wanna check the BIBLE on this one again
29 but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation”
Now to the OP
are you saying ppl with 666 on foreheads will walk in Heaven? and Kyle Williams Brett Dobbs got nothing to worry about? There is also this thing of giving false hope to ppl left behind the Rapture
Duane L Burgess
Neil Steven Lawrence NOT sure HOW one would be ON earth and NOT worship antiChrist that the whole world will worship? Terry Wiles Link Hudson Ricky Grimsley Gary Micheal Epping I do not see JohnMacs argument as presented by Duane L Burgess to be biblical JohnS been wrong on many other things as well starting from the blood to Pentecost
Troy Day It’s obvious that the saints who overcome, who Revelation says do not worship the image of the beast, do not worship the image of the beast.
Link Hudson says nothing bout saints says souls
Duane L Burgess yah John was wrong once again here !!!
Troy Day
You can’t receive the Mark of the Beast unless you worship the Beast; at which time I believe the Beast worshipper will not only receive the mark so they can “buy and sell” (Rev.13:17) but also they will receive a demon.
To solidify the idea:
* There is some reason why people who receive “the Mark” are not able to repent as (Rev.13:8) implies by giving a distinction between: “people who worship the beast” AND “those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” —ie. one excludes the other!
I believe it is because they are demon possessed by one of the demons who’ve been waiting a long time to control another being (made in the image of God – ie. mankind). These are the demons who are “held in chains of darkness” mentioned in Jude 1:6. Obviously these particular demons are in a different class than the demons who freely roam the earth—my guess is because they would not abide by the limits Yahweh placed on them when they were cast down to the earth, so He bound them up. I speculate they will be let out for a brief time to help the Antichrist wreak havoc on earth during the Great Tribulation. Jesus taught (Mat.24:22) it would become so unbearable that even the elect would fall away if God didn’t end the terror (obviously through the 2nd Coming). Now these extremely unruly demons can follow Lucifer in their host body of the Beast worshipper. Corollary to this is Lucifer will not send a chief demon to possess the Antichrist, but he will do it himself. So the real issue is not “the Mark” but the power behind the Mark.
Furthermore, the power and influence of the Church will be greatly diminished because the freedom of speech will be suppressed — I believe in a much greater level than even in China today. World-wide there will be no tolerance of the Gospel message by the Antichrist and his minions. All forms of media will be utterly locked down. The only way people can be saved is if they hear the Gospel? — how can they hear if there’s no preachers allowed to speak?
To paint this ominous picture further, the number of people slaughtered in the Anti-christ death camps will far exceed the Nazi (15 million) or Stalinist (20 million) or Maoist (60 million) blood baths. It is likely 100 million to 1 billion people will be directly tortured and slaughtered; a large percentage of these will die by starvation. Many of those who died due to Communist (and Statist —Nazi) regimes perished because of starvation.
Remember the 10+ million Chinese who starved due to Mao’s failed centralized killing of the birds (to ‘save’ grain)?
Remember the 3+ million Ukrainians who starved because of Stalin’s centralized redistribution of the grain?
Remember the 2.2+ million Armenian Christians who were genocided by the Muslim Turks (1915-1920)—many perished because of starvation?
Remember 2+ million South Sudanese Christians who were genocided by the Muslim north Sudanese government during 30 years of civil war? Many of them died by starvation.
Soooo… compound all these factors:
1. removal of the current thriving genuine Christians in the Rapture (Rev.14:14-16) at the beginning of the Great Tribulation;
2. the shut down of the Gospel message by Antichrist media control (Rev.13:7);
3. the capture and slaughter of MOST people who refuse the Mark and choose to stand for Jesus (Rev.13:7,15);
4. all “mark-bearers” receiving a demon when they worship the Beast as god (Rev.13:16-18).
THUS, it will be highly unlikely that any person who chooses the Mark over Christ will be able to be saved.
Neil Steven Lawrence I think when disusing the prior OP on this with Link Hudson Gary Micheal Epping their argument for living with the antiChrist is not Biblical and doctrinally wrong. As per their plans to survive they are not practically accomplishable and for this reason Nelson Banuchi is prepping with NO plans
If they want to stay here they have to agree with the John MacS argument Duane L Burgess is defending with NO Biblical foundation
Terry Wiles has presented a wonderful scenario on this in his book on Revelation and I have to agree with most of this by
Great Tribulation: Can those who receive the Mark of the Beast be saved?
Category – End Times
Tags – Antichrist, demon, demon possessed, Great Tribulation, Mark of the Beast, unrepentant
Powerful demons during the Great Tribulation.
by Rev. Neil Steven Lawrence, M.Div.
You can’t receive the Mark of the Beast unless you worship the Beast; at which time I believe the Beast worshipper will not only receive
the mark so they can “buy and sell” (Rev.13:17) but also they will receive a demon.
This article will flesh out this idea:
* There is some reason why people who receive “the Mark” are not able to repent as (Rev.13:8) implies by giving a distinction between:
“people who worship the beast” AND “those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” —ie. one excludes the other!
Revelation 14:9-12 also gives the ‘determined’ condition of ‘Beast worshippers’ saying they will receive the “full measure of God’s fury and wrath” and “there will be no rest…for those who receive the Mark.” These conditions seem to apply both eternally and on earth during the Great Tribulation. The overall tenor of these judgements pronounced by the God of heaven upon mankind match the extreme sin, oppression and violence which occur during the worst period of Tribulation in human history. So much so, it is called the GREAT Tribulation. A time so terrible that it far exceeds all periods of human depravity in history. During the Rwanda Genocide, in which 1+ million were slaughtered in only 100 days (7 April — 15 July 1994), (mostly with machetes to save bullets), the Time Magazine cover stated, “There are no more demons in hell, they’re all in Rwanda.” This is what will occur on an exponential scale during the Great Tribulation. During the Great Tribulation we see spiritual forces allowed by God to be unleashed upon the world as never before in all of history. The seals, trumpets, and bowls bring deeper levels of God’s wrath upon the earth. The spiritually wicked character of this wrath is unmistakable. The evil demonic forces which have been held back by Yahweh’s limiting power are now allowed to be unleashed from their controls.
One example of this is in Revelation 9:1-11 when the 5th Trumpet blast occurs. “The Abyss” is opened. Demonic creatures described as locusts pour out from the abyss. The description of these creatures match other historical pictures of demons. There is no doubt they signify a supernatural, evil force. Their main purpose is to torment all who belong to the Beast. The torment is so horrible that it will cause the desire to commit suicide. “They (demon locust) had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).” This is the Biblical and pagan name for Satan himself.
What are your plans? You can’t invent an additional return of Christ that the Bible doesn’t teach. We don’t make Jesus return just by making a plan.
If you think one must make a plan, have seven years of food stored up, build a bunker to hide in, and have seven years of property taxes paid up at all times (I don’t think they let you do that), then why wouldn’t you do that? In his scenario many of the pretribbers, if pretrib is still a belief during this time, will be extremely unprepared.
I just hope pretribbers don’t rationalize that the mark of the beast is not the mark of the beast because they think it can’t be it because they are still here.
Revelation 7:14: “And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”
Link Hudson revelation 7:14 are those who missed the rapture come to their senses, and except Christ as Lord and the biblical narrative. Of course, they will realize that they must die in order to stand for their faith during the great tribulation.  this is because they realize they cannot take the mark of the beast. 
Neil Steven Lawrence show me where the rat of the church gets raptured and resurrected before the first resurrection in the book of Revelation.
Link Hudson Rapture = Rev.14:14-16 // Armageddon = Rev.14:17-20. The Bible clearly portrays over-and-over that the two events are distinct. The Rapture comes first; Jesus REMAINS in the clouds; the entire earth is harvested of believers; the final resurrection has not yet happen.
Duane L Burgess Martyred Tribulation saints or Jewish evangelists like the 144K? Billy Monroe Poff Philip Williams ONE thing is for sure Neil Steven Lawrence Jerome Herrick Weymouth Darnell Henson Jr. our friends Link Hudson Brett Dobbs Ricky Grimsley will have a VERY VERY hard time proving souls ARE resurrected especially explaining the 2 groups in Rev 20 Then I saw thrones, and people sat upon them—those to whom authority to judge was given.[b] And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Yeshua and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image, nor had they received his mark on their forehead or on their hand. And they came to life[c] and reigned with the Messiah for a thousand years.