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Dale M. Coulter
Paul’s first letter to Timothy has become a flash point over women in leadership. There are a number of possible applications with respect to the role of women and leadership: 1) women cannot teach/preach and thus cannot pastor or lead beyond other women or children; 2) women can teach/preach but cannot serve as bishops and thus cannot exercise ecclesial authority over others; 3) women can teach/preach and exercise ecclesial authority.
One can find the first position among scholars such as Wayne Grudem and John Piper. It is also the official position of the Southern Baptist Convention. Most Church of God ministers hold to the second or third position. In this blog, I am going to make a case for the third position.
In making this case, I will not be arguing that women should be bishops. In other words, I am not tackling 1 Timothy 3 and the question of whether Paul’s language allows for women bishops. I am keeping my remarks strictly to the question of leadership in support of the second item of the General Council agenda that “General-Council certified women ministers” can sit on the General Council.
Considerations of Scripture
The Church of God stands for the verbal inspiration of scripture and the whole Bible rightly divided. The first is a theological commitment to scripture while the second is a commitment on how to interpret scripture. We should not confuse the two.
Verbal inspiration means that the Spirit has inspired every word. There is a fullness to inspiration. The Spirit has so guided the human authors that His words and their words fuse together. We claim mystery on precisely how the Spirit guided. The outcome of this guidance was the infallible Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts of scripture. No translation is infallible. Yet, every translation, insofar as it accurately reflects the original texts, participates in the infallibility of scripture. This is why the accuracy of the translation matters more than its readability.
The commitment to the whole Bible rightly divided involves a hermeneutical principle. Every scripture must be understood in terms of its immediate context and the broader context of the entire biblical witness. The Reformation principle of historical-grammatical exegesis means that to understand the immediate context, we must examine the historical and literary dimensions. To this immediate context must be added the entire biblical witness. One cannot understand 1 Timothy 2 apart from the larger body of Paul’s letters, the New Testament, and the Old Testament.
The difference between the immediate context of 1 Timothy 2 and the broader context of Paul’s letters, the New Testament, and the Old Testament is where interpretations diverge. It is a mistake simply to isolate 1 Timothy 2 and then use it as a measuring rod for everything else Paul wrote. This is not following the basic principle the Church of God has established in its commitment to the whole Bible rightly divided. All scripture is inspired and no scripture is more inspired than any other. Everything Paul writes is “of the Spirit.”
It is also a fundamental category mistake to think that this is a matter of a different theological commitment to scripture. Too often we think that a different interpretation means a different theological commitment when it does not. This is a mistake that I see made over and over by claims like “I just believe the Bible” or “I stand by the Word” or appeals to “the plain meaning.”
The Two Contexts
The broader context of Paul’s letters reveals important biblical truths about women in leadership: 1) they were co-workers (Priscilla); 2) they sponsored house churches (Chloe, Lydia); 3) they were teachers (Priscilla); 4) they were foundational prophets who helped establish the church (Anna, Philip’s daughters); 5) they were apostles as part of team minister (Andronicus and Junia). All of this tells us that women were exercising various kinds of leadership, including leadership that was equipping others for the faith. In this sense, they were exercising authority over others, including men.
Sometimes women leaders overstepped proper boundaries for worship or were not correct in their teaching. For example, in Corinth, women were prophesying without the proper attire for worship (1 Cor. 11). They were also not following proper order in worship and some may have been part of the so-called “super apostles” (2 Cor. 12:11). Paul’s response was not to deny the role that women played but to argue for the proper way to fulfill this role.
Paul’s statement that “women are to keep silent in the churches” was not a complete ban on women speaking (1 Cor. 14:34). We know this because Paul affirmed women prophesying and praying (1 Cor. 11:5). The plain meaning of women keep silent might be taken to mean women cannot speak unless we place that scripture in the larger context of 1 Corinthians and the Pauline letters. This is crucial.
In turning to 1 Timothy, we should note several things. First, the letter was written after 65 AD to address the Ephesian house churches Timothy was leading in some way. Some of these house churches had been in existence for close to 15 years. This was long enough to create problems of false teaching and challenges to Timothy’s leadership.
Second, Paul’s listing of requirements for bishops are not exhaustive. For example, Paul says that a bishop should be the husband of one wife. This does not mean that only married men could be bishops. Paul and Timothy were both most likely single. The plain meaning of “husband of one wife” might seem to rule out unmarried persons, but the broader context of Paul’s letters tell us it does not.
Third, Paul distinctly singles out a group of women who were flaunting their wealth. By singling out expensive clothing, gold, and pearls, Paul returns to the question of proper dress for women in worship. He had told women they should pray or prophesy with the proper attire on their head (1 Cor. 11). In 1 Timothy, there seems to be a connection between wealth, teaching, and authority. We know that the letter largely deals with false teaching and false teachers. This is the background.
What we may deduce is that Paul is dealing with wealthy women who in some way are participating in false teaching and taking authority over men to do so. Paul returns to his admonition that women should listen quietly (1 Tim. 2:11). We already know from 1 Corinthians that Paul does not think the command for women to keep silent is an absolute one. Paul is not contradicting himself. Scripture is in harmony.
The question is what to make of Paul’s use of the unusual verb “to have authority over” (1 Tim. 2:12). The difficulty is twofold: 1) why Paul chooses a Greek that is extremely rare (this is the only place in the entire NT that the verb is found); 2) what Paul intends by this particular choice. All commentators recognize the basic meaning of “to have authority over” and the fact that the verb only appears here. Some commentators have argued that the verb has a positive connotation meaning rather than the negative one of “to dominate” or “to domineer.” Given the context, however, it is difficult to rule out a negative meaning entirely. I have concluded that Paul singles out a group of wealthy women attempting to exercise authority over their husbands and other men in the context of the house church. His warning is specific to them.
There are many issues I have not addressed in this already long blog. What I hope I have done is show that Paul makes statements like “keep silent” that do not mean a total ban on women praying, prophesying, or speaking. Both in Corinth and in Ephesus, Paul is dealing with a select group of women who are disrupting the order of worship with their dress and their actions. Paul seeks to silence these women.
According to Scripture, no authority over adult males in the Church.
Women may not exercise authority over adult men in the Church. We are “liberated through submission” to the roles God has for each of us.
Women instruct children and other women.
not really true now is it? J.D. King Margaret English de Alminana Ilya Okhotnikov Kimberly Ervin Alexander Isara Mo and @everyone here
As for House Prayers, we cannot expect that Brothers should conduct them all over the town or city. Born-against Sisters can do the same work wherever necessary.
Rasiah Thomas how do you mean ? Isara Mo may disagree
Troy Day Prayers or fellowship should not be missed at any cost. House prayers can be conducted if a Pastor, an Evangelist, or an Elder is unable to participate.
Duane L Burgess I my self believe what it says woman are to teach the younger women how to love their husbands and God knows we need that taught because this Day and time woman will leave their husbands by even speaking on wife’s be submissive they have lost their minds and that’s why the church is divided because woman don’t shut their mouths I’m sure I could get some amens to that, this is the way you solve this, when Paul wrote the letter to Timothy and it’ was sent to the Church nobody sat down and wrote a commentary on explaining what Paul said so when Timothy received the letter Timothy opened it and read it word for word what it said he w did not add or take away from it, so if I’m sitting and listening and it’s read just like it says they heard woman do not have authority and woman are to remain silent I guess the people would have heard just as we hear it, they didn’t no person stand up and say let’s find a commentary to know what Paul was saying, and we know today how woman takes authority over men in the church I know because I had one rebuked me because she said I want all intercessors up front and I quietly said we are all called to intercede and this was a woman 30 years younger than me correcting me and I spoke the Truth, it’s out of hand they don’t even submit at home and when they get put in a pulpit there is no fury like a womans fury they can be darn right mean and it’s your fault because they never apologize lol see what I’m saying but I would rather take God at face value on topics of such but even in that you see the woman not submitting I mean Paul even tells the slaves submit to your master’s in everything so if they was having to submit how much more those who are one flesh that God joined together and said two is one and we have the authority list God, Jesus man , woman, child there is God’s order handed down, to the body of Christ who Christ is the head of, have a blessed day brother
We have women-led churches, fellowships, ministries that are thriving and God is using his women servants in mighty ways! What is this argument all about? Are we trying to instruct God, who to use, and how to do his work?
tell us ALL about it Rasiah Thomas Jack Marsh John Mushenhouse Megh Gurung
Teach A Man = One one One teaching. 1 Tim 2:12 does not stop a woman from teaching a group or congregation, prophesying or serving in Ministry. It does follow a recommendation from Paul that HE does not allow a Woman to instruct A Man on a One on One basis. It sets a precedent, but is not a Biblical command. If one is to take this verse to the extreme and says Women cannot teach Men at all, then why should they teach children? Also it smacks against all kinds of scripture that like Gal 3:28
Tim Nick there are MORE requirements for widows than bishops – the list is longer John Mushenhouse Rasiah Thomas Wangure’s Reflections Kyle Williams
Troy Day Jesus did not give us instructions on every detail of life and ministry, He gave us enough for life and for godliness. But we are created in His image, and Christ’s Spirit lives within us if we belong to him. The Spirit continually instructs, guides, and teaches us what to do as we live for God and serve His people…if we became literalists in our interpretations of the Bible, and if we take one verse and build doctrines out of it, we may easily fall into error!
All of the above meant within in the Church Fellowship for Bible Teachings or Preachings, but not mentioned for a private group or house prayers.
First of all, there is no difference between Brethren in the Body of the Church of Christ. Gospel work mostly done by sisters in India, and bringing more souls to Church as well.
Margareth Thatcher and Angela Merkel lead countries not churches..
Male chauvism and religious pomposity is our undoing ..
Tradition has a lot to play in this but I believe women are better pastors than men ..