Most of us who have come to know Jesus still have sins we are dealing with. Unfortunately, some just continue to sin with no remorse and justify their actions. How often do you stop and really think about the sacrifice Jesus made for your salvation? He left His home in Glory to enter this sin-filled […]
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Varnel Watson
another great one by Perry Joe Absher Isara Mo
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Yes a great one and was excited about it until.I listed to the second clip…off point
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo so what is the verdict ?
Joe Absher
The one i seen was about 5 minutes . …maybe my experience is different but witchcraft curses against a christian or a church is a real threat . true enough the blood covers us but the soldiers of Christ and his cross must engage the enemy .
Varnel Watson
Joe Absher did you watch the whole video ?
Joe Absher
The one that came up was 5 minutes
Louise Cummings
I will have to say I’m against any type of what Ronans (1) talks about living that life style. Also demons. We know is of the devil and witches and all that kind of stuff. Doesn’t mean when we see people like that we don’t pray for them. I pray for them. I don’t think they should have a leadership position. Until they are saved. And we , all Christians should pray and ask God to give them faith to cast demons out. It’s possible that they want help. And it’s possible they love using it. We still need to pray that God would give us power to cast them out. But those other things for wanting one leg , and things like that. I have never heard of in my life until now. Is that called demon passion? Or mental disorders. On the sec part you can believe almost. The Bible mentions some pretty terrible things. I could name them. But I know Bible readers know. But going back to mental disorders. Do you think they are demon possession? I’ve seen people that could get around. Some would go to church. And some seem just enough knowledge to get to know if they were saved or not. They would say yes. But you wonder , even if they said yes they were Christians. But never go to church. Does God hold them accountable, because they were born that way.? Some things I don’t know the answer. Could you have an answer?
Varnel Watson
who will sum it up for us – 20min video? Joe Absher
Isara Mo
Troy Day
I will try later
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo you better
George Hartwell
No, we do NOT have to send any curse back against anyone.
What he said was that if witches try to curse a praying, Spirit-filled Christian it returns to the sender by itself. That means:
1. If you are sanctified, consecrated and filled with the Holy Spirit, the curse will return. In that case, you don’t have to send it back.
2. If you are NOT sanctified, praying, Spirit-filled Christian, then who are you to ‘send a curse back?’ You may find you do not have the authority and that your prayers do not work like some formula. That is right your prayers do NOT work like some formula because this is NOT witchcraft. It is about holiness.
Varnel Watson
I think this last video was meant for the dems Hugh Lowrie and the dems media has gotten the message BUT pls note George Hartwell most in this group DO NOT believe we are YET sanctified and some under dems influence
Isara Mo
Troy Day
After watching this clip…and having gotten to the crux of the matter, I dont have any summation.
Perry was talking from a carnal point of view and was not ” spirit filled” when he uttered what he uttered against the Dems..
Varnel Watson by Eddie L. Hyatt
Eddie L. Hyatt
Here is an article I wrote and posted for the occasion.
Varnel Watson
keep them rolling
BUT tell us plainly do them dems have demons or is it just Perry worrying / warring them too much