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With respect to the below scripture, why is it difficult for rich people to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
Matthew 19:23-24 (ESV)
23 And Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly, I say to you, only with difficulty will a rich person enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God
Perhaps a study of the Lazarus and and rich man can give an answer
With earthly security a person doesn’t seek additional security..A poorer person is more apt to seek security through other means..Some come around just fir the loaves and fishes.
What earthly security does any man have nowadays? Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day
it is important to use wisdom to try to provide for our families and create wealth. God promised Israel that he would give them the power to gain wealth. I often times say this is having more to do with creative ideas than anything else.
The problem always comes withgaining wealth without God being honored along the way. The problem is never money itself. Money is merely a tool which can be used for good or bad. The problem is always— did we trust God in the process of provision during both lack and abundance.
I have ministered among very poor people in Africa, for 30 years. They have the same desires as everyone else, but often lack the knowledge or ability to put themselves in a circumstance, where they can break out of the bondage of poverty. That’s where the “power to gain wealth” comes in.
Concerning wealthy people, it all depends on whether they gain that wealth, while in the process of trusting the Lord or not. If they gained it without trusting the Lord, it will be very difficult to develop the discipline to trust him. It’s not impossible as Jesus, indicates, but very difficult since they have learned to trust themselves in gaining wealt—the probability they will now surrender it to the Lord may require radical surgery as Jesus said to the rich man :
“give all you have to the poor and come and follow me “
People mistakenly interpret Jesus’ command to apply to everyone as if poverty is some sign of spirituality but that fake idea does not agree with the rest of scripture.
Surrendering, everything is required of every Christian but surrendering may mean different things for different people.
The rich person who gains great wealth, without trusting God in the process, often has put themselves in bondage to that wealth. 
Here is the purpose of the tithe.
The tithe is the same for both Rich and Poor. It makes all of us equal before God. The tithe is a representative system symbolizing that we have given all to God; the 10% represents the whole and sanctifies the whole before God, therefore, in the process we have made God, Lord over our finances and he can manage our wealth and help multiply it for us because we have put him first. That’s why the tithe ideally should be brought into the Lord’s house as a “first– fruits“.
I have seen multitudes of very poor people in Africa, who refuse to bring the tithe, and they are as much in bondage to money as rich people are.