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In 1 Kings 18, verse 16 onwards we read that Elijah performed a miracle.
He prays to God and brings fire down from heaven to consume the sacrifice.
He is shown as a courageous prophet who is not afraid of King Ahab or the followers of Baal.
But in the following chapter, we read that he runs away after Jezebel sends him a death warning.
Was he insecure or unsure that God who performed miracle through him, would also save him from Jezebel?
Troy Day
Neil Steven Lawrence @followers John Mushenhouse Link Hudson Robert Cox Robert L. Carpenter II Transgender (gender dysphoria) ideology says “You don’t need to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Don’t change your mind, just change your body with gender reassignment surgery and hormone treatments.” The enemy is trying to create a bunch of gender fluid people making them like Demons and Angels (able to be male and female because they weren’t created in physical bodies). It maybe the spirit of Jezebel because in order to serve Jezebel in the OT you had to be a eunuch (gender dysphoria) and be castrated (removing the role and function as a man that was assigned by God). Where the agenda is unable to transform gender, it will force to suppress it by making an example via charges, policies and lawsuits, purposing to emasculate and silence the real men of the Church.