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Revelation 17:11 (NASB ) says: As for the beast that was and is not, it is an eighth …
- NASB says: "and is one of the seven"
- ESV says: "but it belongs to the seven"
- KJV says: "and is of the seven"
- NIV says: "He belongs to the seven"
- Young’s says: "out of the seven he is"
Can anyone shed some light on whether the 8th is "of ONE of the seven"? Or "of the SEVENTH"? Or "of ALL 7"?
Eighth beast, also called the false prophet, is the Roman Republic reappearing as the secular US Government which gives power to the globalist government, the seventh head of the beast.
Philip Williams there is NO Roman Republic since there is NO Rome – US is NOT mentioned in the BIBLE Roman Catholic church remains as only choice
Troy Day in John’s day, the Roman Republic had been replaced by Caesar. The secular US Government was deliberately modeled on the Roman Republic, much admired during the Eighteenth Century Enlightenment. A republic is rule by an elite.
Troy Day if the Roman Catholic Church is the beast, you have little to worry about from the beast. But this globalist elite may see you as a potential threat to their rule.
Philip Williams The secular US Government was deliberately modeled on the Roman Republic, and on the Egyptian kingdom, and on the Mesopotamian and on the French revolution and on the UK flag and now on the Bolshevik revolution – you are SO far off as far as finding Noah
Troy Day this government preceded the French Revolution which unsuccessfully sought to model itself on the new American government.
Philip Williams I would argue the masons started BOTH about the same time
Troy Day very close, I suppose.
“There are those who want to identify the meaning of an AT passage with its use in the NT.” Of the approaches mentioned, this is the most diverse. Include us like G And. Ladd who thinks the AT should be reinterpreted in light of the NT Christ event. He also claims that NT writers used AT in ways never imagined by their human authors.. the assertion that one’s hermeneutics for AT predictions should come from the NT use of AT is ambiguous enough that almost anyone can assert it and mean whatever they want. For instance, Kaiser thinks NT writers use AT with a single meaning or intention. Therefore, for him such hermenetic would require the sole intention of AT’s predictions. Ladd or Longenecker have a different view of the NT’s use of the AT. If Ladd is right that the NT reinterprets the AT, his hermenetic raises some serious questions. How can you maintain the integrity of the AT text? In what sense can the AT really be called a revelation in its original meaning? “Similar objections can be made to any approach that defends a subsequent or consequent meaning attributed by the NT.”
– Paul D. Feinberg
Hermeneutics of discontinuity.
In Continuity and Descontinuity, Perspectives on the relationship between the Old Testament and The New Testament. Pag. 114-116 (Continuity and Incontinuity in the Relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament) Editor: John S. Feinberg.
Troy Day This is an explicit rejection of the Christian faith just as I have been warning. He is denying Jesus! Jesus is the Israel of prophecy which is how Matthew presents him.
Philip Williams is in an explicit rejection of the Christian faith ? Is the church, the body of Christ the “New Israel” or is it rather a part of the Israel of God?.
Commented close to the previous question and close to the inauguration and fulfillment of the New Covenant is observed the following;
“Superficial logic (replacement theology) has gone on to argue that there is no longer unity for Jews and physical Israel.” As it is said that Christ has broken down the barrier between Jews and Gentiles [Eph. 2:11-18], Israel’s election is over. But this is not New Testament logic. Although there is only one path of salvation for Jews and Gentiles, the New Testament teaches that the Jewish people still have a unique place in the historic realization of the world’s redemption by God in Christ. Although the Old Testament prophecies concerning Zion and Israel have spiritual meaning, this doesn’t mean that they have lost their literal meaning..
I would prefer the Church not to use the non-biblical term “New Israel” to describe itself because its implication is that the physical Israel is now finished and replaced by the Church, as if the first olive tree had been cut down and replaced by a new one (DISCONTINUITY). The picture of Romans 11 is that of the Church grafted through Christ in the single olive tree. Although the tree has lost some of its old branches, these will be transplanted back into the original tree. Therefore, through Christ, the Church belongs to the “Israel of God” [Gal. 6:15-16] (New Testament term). And it’s not a “New Israel”.
– Howard Taylor
Continuation of God’s people in the Old and New Testament. SBET 3 (Fall 1985), 14-15.
Troy Day so much is wrong here. One thing is the mythological identification of rabbinic Jews as a genetic based race. The rabbis will explain to you that Judaism is a religion and denying Jesus is sine qua non for being Jewish. Hardly God’s chosen people.
Troy Day Feinberg is leading you to full apostasy. More and more today are openly rejecting Christianity for Judaism, the fruit of this poison vine.
mythological identification of rabbinic Jews is what you liked about Heisers mythological identification of 2nd YHWH with Link and Ricky
Troy Day you are accusing the Apostles, the church fathers, the Medieval Church, Luther and Calvin and most Christians since until this full-blown recent apostasy stemming from this true replacement theology of being superficial.
accusing in what? according to who? Certainly NOT Philip Williams
Troy Day all of you have turned from worshipping Jesus to worshipping Rabbinic Jews and their modern anti-Christian state. If this isn’t the antiChrist, pray tell what is!
not sure who is all of you – maybe Link Hudson Brett Dobbs I for one have NOT turned from worshipping Jesus to worshipping Rabbinic Jews but seems like Philip Williams has turned to a aniti Semitic pope worshipper – whats next? start using CBD oils and other farmakia(s)?
Troy Day for that, do 7 rosaries, 3 hail Mary’s!
Philip Williams find MT 24 resurrection for Brett Dobbs first
Troy Day it was Craig Keener who denied that resurrection by backing Licona. Norm Geisler warned you!
NO not really – Keener is NOT Pentecostal Duane L Burgess clearly explained to Brett Dobbs Gary Micheal Epping how MT 24 is about Israel
Brett Dobbs Ricky Grimsley Philip Williams John Mushenhouse Duane L Burgess
Revelation 17:11 (NASB ) says: As for the beast that was and is not, it is an eighth …
NASB says: “and is one of the seven”
ESV says: “but it belongs to the seven”
KJV says: “and is of the seven”
NIV says: “He belongs to the seven”
Young’s says: “out of the seven he is”
Can anyone shed some light on whether the 8th is “of ONE of the seven”? Or “of the SEVENTH”? Or “of ALL 7”?
Troy Day those are also 7 mountains. The Dominionists can explain some of these.
Arts & Sciences
Philip Williams everyone knows this
Troy Day the cats and dogs will be raptured. Then it will be reigning cats and dogs.
Philip Williams dont forget your pet snakes that come in CBD bottle
Was a human that was killed, put in the abyss, Satan was given the key to the Abyss and opened the pit and he came forth through a healing and became The AntiChrist at the 31/2 year mark of the 4 year Tribulation Period. Was the first to be cast into the Lake of Fire at the end of the Trib.
well Philip Williams sees it as the pope or something else
Troy Day lol. Doesn’t say “pope” in the scriptures.