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Why am I NOT a Calvinist?
REASON #1 Free will is not humanistic. It’s the Bible. Lack of free will is Medieval. Dr. Conn identifies more reasons why #Revival came within the Arminian context, and not within autocratic #Calvinism
John Kissinger [07/21/2015 8:16 AM] Man is Not Totally Depraved – Calvin’s theology begins with the doctrine of “Total Depravity,” the idea that man is born so totally and completely sinful, he is incapable of making a right choice. This idea of “original sin” is foreign to Scripture. Instead, Scripture teaches that sin is the result of willful disobedience to God (Hebrews 10:26; 1 John 3:4).
Vince Oblak II [08/02/2015 8:57 PM] Free will. Lol. As if you had one.
Varnel Watson
Why am I NOT a Calvinist?
REASON #1 Free will is not humanistic. It’s the Bible. Lack of free will is Medieval. Dr. Conn identifies more reasons why #Revival came within the Arminian context, and not within autocratic #Calvinism
Jon Ray
Free will is not humanistic. It’s the Bible. I like that CrossTheology St. Augustine would have liked it too…
Augustine claimed to believe in free will when writing against the Manichaeans but then later on he denied free will many times over when writing against the Pelagians.
Jon Ray
SUMMA THEOLOGICA: Free-will (Prima Pars, Q. 83 I answer that, Man has free-will: otherwise counsels, exhortations, commands, prohibitions, rewards, and punishments would be in vain. ~St. Thomas Aquinas Henry Volk
Henry Volk
Can’t argue with the Theologian! Aquinas was the bomb. I mean, sometimes his Aristotelean metaphysics are a little iffy, but still a brilliant mind. Good quote.
Jon Ray
Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus – – – No reward can be justly bestowed, no punishment can be justly inflicted, upon him who is good or bad by necessity, and not by his own choice. The world returned to sin…and so it is destined to fire. So is the man who after baptism renews his sins.