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Who is the Whore of Babylon mentioned in the Bible especially in Revelation?
“a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous
names, and it had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in
purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and jewels and pearls,
holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the
impurities of her sexual immorality. And on her forehead was written a
name of mystery: “Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of
earth’s abominations.” And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of
the saints, the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.” (Revelation 17:3–6
Is the Babylon of Revelation 14 the same as the Babylon of Revelation 18?
What do the woman and the man child from Rev.12 symbolize, for diferent traditions?
Revelation 18:4 – Should we leave Babylon if we are in the “Great Babylon”?
How central is the claim the pope is the antichrist to Protestant theology?
THANK YOU So much for clarifying on JEZEBEL William DeArteaga Isara Mo This is important for the Body especially in light of the pre-trib desertion of this spirit in the book of Rev ch2-3 AT one point Link Hudson did not believe this was a female spirit AND Ricky Grimsley agreed – Philip Williams was NOT able to explain how this is America in any way OR the capitalist system replaced by his fav. popish socialism – – – perhaps MORE research is needed here John Mushenhouse Neil Steven Lawrence Oscar Valdez Dale M. Coulter Tony Richie do you BY any chance remember from your lectures someone claiming and/or proving Jezebel from REV was Dorkas from ACTS ??? I have read it but do not and cannot remember the actual and exact scholarly magazine reference right now …
in an expressed post 10/16/21 Philip Williams stated
Capitalism =
Mystery Babylon
Rev 17, 18
It’s the money-loving world that crashes and burns under God’s judgment.
344 comments later
Ricky Grimsley replayed : Mystery Babylon is Jerusalem – he of course mistakes the Bride Heavenly Jerusalem with the physical earthly one
Jared Cheshire told us that: There is no Mystery Babylon. Y’all need to learn syntax.

(notice the coma) 

(what follows is what is being revealed and is no longer a mystery) “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”
He was showing (revealing) you a mystery (meaning after the revelation it is no longer a mystery),
Neil Steven Lawrence further stated
Philip Williams The richest people and families are probably those who owned ship companies. No one knows how much wealth they really have. Even in the book of revelation when mystery Babylon is destroyed it mentions the “ship captains” weeping over the smoke of her destruction.
My opinion to John Mushenhouse was that there is NOT a single evidence of America in ANY Biblical prophecy – America is simply NOT mentioned in the BIBLE Not sure if Link Hudson was in the group then or too busy but he can state his reason now here
A.J. Bible said If only Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Job, David, Solomon, Barnabas, Joseph of Arimathea, and countless other saints knew capitalism was evil!!!
Dan Anthony blamed the trinity
and Isara Mo simply stated its demonic origins to which William DeArteaga proposed this THE DISABLING COMMAND AS A TOOL IN SPIRITUAL WARFARE AGAINST THE RADICAL AGENDA
As the church of Laodicea is now the dominant church of these last days, it is time to search the scriptures to see if what they confess is in accordance with what the Bible teaches. Fortunately, it will not be that difficult to determine if what the Laodiceans proclaim is scriptural. In times past, seminary students were taught to examine every doctrine, looking for the slightest deviation from established principle, to ensure that they were standing firm on sound doctrine. Those days are no more as sacrilege is the rule rather than the exception in many of our seminaries and institutions of higher learning. The primary problem is that the doctrines of Laodicea must conform to the ideology of the evil globalists who are its financiers. The orthodoxy of the church must be amended in order to accommodate the aspirations of our new overlords. This orthodoxy will then be enforced on its congregations, other churches, and on society at large. The evil globalists are working in concert with the papal cult, which is now dominated by the Jesuits, who are no doubt their religious advisors. This is why many of their ideas seem to be backed with religious fervor and spiritual overtones. It is also why they will zealously demand that the world conforms to them with the accompanying civil penalties for those who resist. The Jesuits have a long and sordid history of spiritual deception (and oppression), and there is no indication that they have ever changed their ways. The primary concern of the true church needs to be to combat deception in the last days of the church age. Therefore, it is crucial that we examine the doctrines of the Church of Laodicea and use the Bible to correct them. Most of the deceptive dogmas are already here. Some are not fully formulated, and two have not yet been proposed and enforced. In Peter’s second letter and in the Book of Jude, we learn a great deal about the false prophets and teachers who will flourish in the last days of the church age. They will bring in destructive heresies, following their sensuality, and because of their sin, the way of truth will be blasphemed. Peter, as Jesus did during the Olivet Discourse, uses the examples of the days of Noah and Lot to describe the scoffers of the last days. He warned us to be on guard so that we would not be carried away by the error of lawless men. If we are carried away, we could very well fall from our secure position. Peter points out that false teachers and false prophets are irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed. Their hearts are trained in greed as they forsake the right way by seducing God’s people away from the Lord. In their ignorance, they do not understand the difference between freedom and licentiousness. Freedom contains a moral component, and when it is taken away, it is turned into licentiousness. For instance, we are free to abort our children, but there is no moral component to this freedom. Licentiousness is freedom without morality, and it is what the Laodiceans will encourage. There is no freedom or morality without a true knowledge and understanding of Christ. Those who do not remain in Christ have separated from the true vine and are incapable of bearing good fruit. They are the branches that are tossed aside but later gathered and thrown into the fire and burned. Even if they come to a true knowledge of Christ, they quickly turn back from the holy commandment to preach the Gospel. When they fall away from the faith, it would have been better for them to never have known the way of righteousness. The reason for this is that when they abandon the faith and fall from their secure position, they are beyond redemption. Such people will be the spokesman for the dominant church of the last days. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing, although anyone with discernment will see that their ‘attire’ is poorly woven. Their doctrines will not be subtle, and their errors will not be difficult to detect, as they will be based primarily on greed, hedonism, and lust for power. The following is what we are seeing now. People of faith need to be prepared to give an answer to the horrors of false doctrine to remedy its effects on society and the eternal souls of men. Historically, when the nation began to fall away from the faith, as it did in the ‘roaring twenties,’ the people could return to church for revival. As the nation was declining into debauchery, God sent great hardship to bring the nation to repentance. There were still solid churches at that time that would serve to revive their faith and preserve the nation a little longer. Today, these kinds of churches are few and far between. As God’s judgment falls upon us, there will be few sanctuaries that will serve as a retreat. These are the doctrinal confessions from the dominant church that we can expect over the next decade. Those who preach these doctrines take the name of the Lord in vain every time they ascend to the pulpit. Since it is obvious that what they are teaching in the name of God is not authorized by God, it is likely that those who preach most of these doctrines repeatedly are beyond redemption. The Gospel: The Gospel is of first importance and is the foundation upon which we stand and the avenue by which we are saved. The Good News that Paul received is simply that “Jesus died for our sins.” Jesus, who was God in human flesh, died for humanity because, in our sin, we fall short of the glory of God. The Gospel is the path by which we receive the gift of faith, which, in turn, is our key to eternal life. The Church of Laodicea will preach a different gospel than the one Paul preached. We will call their new gospel “The Wide Gate Gospel,” as the narrow gate is only for ‘right-wing racists and extremists.’ Those who refuse to do their part to fight climate change, or ‘arrogantly’ claim that homosexuals need to repent, or that there is no such thing as a ‘transgender’ are ignorant racists who need to be punished by the civil authorities. Such people are ‘unenlightened’ as they have no tolerance for diversity. It is diversity rather than our faith that is the true strength of the church. It is not by accident that, after Jesus instructed us to enter by the narrow gate, he told us to beware of false prophets. They come in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. We now can see that these wolves will preach the false doctrine of ‘Universalism,’ which is the belief that a loving God would never condemn anyone to hell. The Church: the primary purpose of the church is to “proclaim repentance and the forgiveness of sins in the name of Jesus.” We are called to share God’s law and his Gospel to a fallen world in hopes that many will come to repentance. The foundation of the church is that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. The church is the “called out ones” because we do not conform to the world. The essence of the Laodicean Church is what we currently term ‘Postmodernism.’
Philip Williams has been silent on this one one again but just to respond to Luke Stephens on his latest inquiry on holiness – hoilness among man is everything that oposes the secular mystical magical evil Babylon Joseph D. Absher
Can anybody answer what Holiness actually is? Is it just a “standard” some choose to live by? Are those who do not have the “standard” less “saved” than those who keep a standard?
we may simply NOT know Michael Chauncey Link Hudson Isara Mo Neil Steven Lawrence our Philip Williams is not answering all week, which maybe a sign Noah’s boat has sunk with Babylon not to be found forever
Troy Day Hey, I’ve been sick this week. Glad to be back among the living. What did I miss?
Michael Chauncey hey GLAD you are back – now what say ye?
The revived Roman Empire a world economic power that will unite all religions into one great blasphemy.
Michael Chauncey well Larry Dale Steele was sick too but look at him go
Philip Williams thinks it is America; which is NOT Link Hudson IMHO
Troy Day American Government definitely modeled on the Roman Government. If you don’t believe this just take a trip to Washington, DC.
Michael Chauncey Robert Dickinson our Brett Dobbs said
The apostate church, a new religion of combined Islam, Judaism, Christianity. Or the Roman Catholic church. Or maybe it’s something else.
but that was not what Philip Williams meant when he said
Capitalism =
Mystery Babylon
Rev 17, 18
It’s the money-loving world that crashes and burns under God’s judgment.
Our US Government is the beast of Revelation 13.
The second beast, Science, is the false prophet.
Mystery Babylon is the money-driven world supported by this beast.
and so on ala-bal-isms
Troy Day I think Philip Williams
is mislabeling pieces of a bigger puzzle.
Is capitalism drunken with the blood of the saints?
Who is drunken with the blood of the saints, martyrs of Jesus Christ?
Islam, Roman Catholics-Pope, communism.
1st beast is a one world government. For example if all countries had to submit all authority to the U.N. The great reset or something like it. The re-birth of the Roman Empire. Global elites.
2nd beast will be the Anti-Christ a false Jewish messiah.
Mystery Babylon will be the mixed religions.
MARXISTS think capitalism drunk the blood of the saints?
Brett Dobbs absolutely wrong! Just look at the persecution of Christians today. The US corporations prevent our government from prioritizing Christian persecution. So the Voice of the Martyrs tell us. Catholics rather are high among those being martyred. The blood is on the head of the capitalist and all who defend them.
Troy Day Marxism is state capitalism.
Philip Williams I don’t deny some various persecution. If you have some information to show me that Catholics and or Christians are being martyred for having faith in Jesus. Please share that information with me.
Brett Dobbs almost any nation in the world were Christians are being martyred, Catholics are the majority of persecuted Christians.
Philip Williams please share some evidence.
Brett Dobbs i first learned from Bishop Javed Albert, head of the persecuted church in Pakistan. Javed took over the job when the Catholic priest who formerly held the position committed suicide due to not being able to save one of his Bible students from being put to death on a fabricated charge of defacing the Quran. But I regularly note that the Catholics are among the first to be persecuted as the case of ISIS and in Nigeria.
Brett Dobbs
Headline in today’s Christian Post whose chief editor is my friend Richard Land.
Philip Williams and who are the ones doing the killing? Islamist it what it looks like to me. How does that connect to America or capitalism?
Brett Dobbs it’s the same wherever Christian persecutions are taking place, from Islamists, Hindus, Buddhist, or communists in China, Korea, or Cuba.
A Voice of the Martyrs visiting my interdenominational ministerial conference said that Coca Cola and other international corporations block legislation and State Department actions to protect the persecuted Christians. Profits(capitalism) is responsible for all these persecutions.