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Ricky Grimsley |

Who is the best prophecy teacher right now.
Who is the best prophecy teacher right now.
Aaron Morton
Dan Irving
The Holy Spirit. The real question is who is the best student.
Street Preacherz
Backsliders love their end times prophecy. It’s a strange comfort. For a God so near…
Bill Stockham
The best and most accurate is the Holy Spirit! “”But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all…” (John 14:26) and where is He when he teaches us? “…you know him, for he lives with you and will be IN YOU.” (John 14:17)
Stan Wayne
Jack Van Impe and Dr Rexella
Phil Earehart
David E. Bowyer Jr.
Ricky Grimsley
April fools?Stan Wayne
Tony Conger
Charles page!!!!
Ishwara Brahman Brahman
Ishwara Brahman Brahman
My legs are scanned by satellitels.only me
Louise Cummings
Bro. Perry Stone.
Terry Wiles
David Siriano
Ricky Grimsley
Yes yes charles page
Varnel Watson
Perry Stone by far. His study NT is already out of print…
Ricky Grimsley
Perry stone is very smart. He was on the cutting edge of exposing islam. He is dead wrong when it come to his politics though and sometimes he gets used politicians. Imo. Obviously he totally messes up the rapture. However, like you say he is mostly great.
Varnel Watson
Well so have most of prophecy teacher in Pentecostalism before him. But he is on the cutting edge and most probably in the top 3 today
Street Preacherz
A wicked and adulterous generation seeks a sign…
Seek Him. The Creator of the blood moon the maker of mankind, He is the cloud by day and the fire by night. And the narrow gate. He alone will hear your prayers in Jesus name.
sorry fella’s just saying lol
Varnel Watson
oops Cindy? Ricky Grimsley
Ricky Grimsley
She spooks me.
Varnel Watson
You love her
Ricky Grimsley
As I love all humans….with the love of the lord.