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Ricky Grimsley [11.11.2011]
When the 70th week starts next year……
I’ll let you know what to do from there
CIA Released the CREST UFO Archives
UFO and conspiracy theories: A Christian historian’s reflections
UFO and conspiracy theories: A Christian historian’s reflections
well I believe Ricky Grimsley that John Digsby does not believe that AND John Mushenhouse can prove theologically from JOHN it is not even true WhatS yalls take on this here prediction bro Dale M. Coulter Dallas Joseph D. Absher
i dont worry/wonder about a bunch of stuff that you guys talk about.
i can skip most rev teachings and rapture, yah, its a no too that too.
John Digsby thats GREAT – can you change your profile with a better, perhps more Christian one The current one scares Brian Angela Doyle and Brett Dobbs Bro Gary Micheal are you still in here – hellooo?
Troy Day see there Troy. What you just experienced is called a “word of knowledge”. You just had a revelation that I am scared of John Digsby’s profile pic.
Other wise you had no way of knowing that.
awwww… give dad back his computer kids.
i didnt say the op was wrong. i just dont bother with futuristic concerns of that nature.
did you know rev 19, the signs in heaven are actually literal, stars. the serpent is draco, the woman clothed with the sun, is virgo… the moon is well, the moon and the chapter tells of jesus birth time.
YES Brett Dobbs I’ve been complaining to Joseph D. Absher that I have not seen WoK operating since the 60s when the charismatics came into our churches Even Link Hudson had not seen it and he’s been cog BiG or something of that sort And lo and behold THERE comes John Digsby
Troy Day hmm…WOK is the gift that I’ve seen in operation the most.
Brett Dobbs yeah – like where OH you mean by John Digsby
Troy Day no not him.
Brett Dobbs oh
Troy Day lol
thats not a scary pic
Seems like the real knowing is in the going and doing . And in the obedience to the known will of God . The word of wisdom & word of wisdom , coupled with providence of late. The good hand of God reveals his will , his foreknowledge and provision. and we are willing available and grateful . It’s beautiful and humbling . Sorry if the verbage is too much . Trying to make sense of it all . On the way to a homeless camp under the overpass in Seattle just now . Peace
NO Link Hudson I have not posted to you @ 5PM and there is not a single cog I know that holds services @ 5pm Sounds more like a Lutheran mass or such
Troy Day don’t know about that but this was an independent church I’ve visited if I missed church when family was sick in the morning.
Link Hudson your accusing once again unwarranted
Troy Day you can go through all the history of tour posts throughout the years and see if you have ever pisted at exactly 5 PM and tagged me.
Link Hudson 5pm on Sundays we have church board so probably NO – 5PM on Wed we have a meal in the church and getting ready for service BUT none of this really matters IF you go to independent non-cog church or someone is sick or visit – none of these are my fault as you accused yesterday At the same time one can easily estimate we are in church Sunday morning and preaching
Troy Day i don’t recall saying you PMed me at 5PM on Wednesday. I have Bible Study with my kids at night. I could be studying the Bible at a time in the mirning when you tag me. But if I do not want messages to come up when I am doing these things I need to turn off sound, data, wifi, bluetooth, use airplane mode, etc.
Link Hudson sure – no one can guess what you do if you go to church BUT it is certain preachers are in church @ 10am on Sundays so dont bother It is well understood if you do not attend I suppose though a cog member gets the boot after so many weeks of not attending or pay 10% Enjoy your Lutheran mass and let real preachers preach the Word
Troy Day I was going to say I’d never been to a Lutheran church, but I visited my in-laws which is Calvinist-Lutheran from the Reinlandish mission in the 1800’s. But other than that I don’t go to a Lutheran church. But I’m trying to remember if I preached in a youth group at one, once. I’ve probably been in a Lutheran church three to five times in my life.
Why don’t you turn off that stuff on your phone? What would you do if you were in church and someone called you from India to help you get a medical brace or to pay some money to the IRS to keep you out of jail?
You could also not randomly tag me on Saturday afternoon or night so I won’t be tempted to go through my messages while waiting on every else to get ready before church.
Ricky Grimsley been trying to figure out for years which album is the shirt from
Troy Day death magnetic.
Ricky Grimsley the one with the casket on the cover ?
We have no idea when the fullness of the Gentiles will come in. There are no signs or prophecies that must take place prior to the Pre Trib rapture.
All we can say is that ethnic national Israel, while yet a disobedient people, has been back in the land for 75 years. Their time of Jacob’s trouble is drawing very close.
Duane L Burgess There are no signs or prophecies that must take place prior to the Pre Trib rapture.