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What Trump Said About Religious Liberty, Late-Term Abortion, and Socialism in His Third State of the Union
Varnel Watson
what was that? 0 good or bad Isara Mo Ray E Horton
Ray E Horton
Troy Day Those three things, good, of course.
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton did you watch the video? its just 3min
Ray E Horton
Troy Day No, because I had watched the whole speech, but just watched the clip now. What was I supposed to be noticing.? I still think he did s great job.
Haley Knox
No cause he’s honoring all faiths
And there’s only 1 faith that saves
He’s wrong. He’s grouping in hindus muslims atheists and witches in with us Christians
Varnel Watson
how is he honoring all faiths Haley Knox I raised this question on school prayer last week and no one answered
Haley Knox
Troy Day he says it right in his speech
Varnel Watson
Haley Knox like where about – in the same sentence he said we pray to God and then no radical islam – how is that 1 faith saves?
Varnel Watson
Joseph Gunter
Irrelevant, what Trumps says only matters what he does and his evil policies document and prove that Satan, is the god that Trump serves and will always serve is fact!! Why do supposed Christians, support Trump, simple they are deceived reprobates that refuse to OBEY, Luke 4:4, just like Trump, that has repeatedly, broken all of GOD’S Commandments and has never, repented nor will is fact!! how many children, must die in Immigration Internment Camps, before people realize who this monster is? Apparently, it must be Millions, like happened in Nazi Germany, before Americans can figure this out!!!
Joseph Gunter
Trump, implements similar Nazi policies in America, like his deadly, brutal, Immigration Internment Camps, and brutalization through policy of minorities, children, women, native Americans etc etc etc and calls this abomination, M.A.G.A. yeah, Massive Assault Government Annihilation!!! Trump is German / Assyrian, and destroys all that he touches, including, America is fact!!! GOP, GREAT DEPRESSION 2, is a certainty and there will be no recovery is fact and sadly most are totally unprepared for trusting in a man, Jeremiah 17:5, and are under a curse and shall experience the full wrath of GOD, Ephesians 5:6 Hebrews 10:31 and Romans 1:18 Amen!!! So be it!!!
Joseph Gunter
Is Trump a Christian? After months of reflection, Donald Trump says he still doesn’t regret his decision not to ask God for forgiveness for his sins. Romans 3:23, all have sinned, including, Trump, is fact!!
In an interview on Sunday with CNN, the Republican presidential front runner said that he does not, regret never asking God for forgiveness, partially because he says he doesn’t have much to apologize for. (false, Romans 3:23)
“I have great relationship with God.(False 1 John 2:4)) I have great relationship with the Evangelicals,” Trump said in the interview before pivoting to his poll numbers among Evangelical voters.
“I like to be good.(False,Mark 10:18) I don’t like to have to ask for forgiveness. And I am good.,(false) I don’t do a lot of things that are bad.(False) I try to do nothing that is bad.” Trump, loves money and the love of money is the root, of all evil: 1 Timothy 6:10 and Trump has the same fate of the rich man, Luke 16:22-23 ” the rich man also died, and was buried; 23) And in Hell he, the rich man, (Trump) lift up his eyes, being in torments,!!!” Trumps fate is like King Jeroboam: 1 Kings 14:10-11, 14:14-17!!! No one is exempt from GOD’S Word, and GOD, requires ALL mankind to repent, Mark 1:14-15 ” Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD,
15) And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of GOD is at hand: repent you,(all mankind) and believe the Gospel!!!” Trump by his own words has refused, thus sealing his fate!!! Out of the abundance of the heart/mind, the mouth speaks:Luke 6:46″
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks!!!” Trump’s own words condemn him, is fact!!! GOD, Warns us: Matthew 12:36 ” But I say unto you, (all mankind) That every idle word that men(all humanity) shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment!!!” Amen!!! So be it!!!
Ann-Marie Roy
I deleted my previous comment because it was not quite as loving as it could have been so trying again….
Gods Kingdom, his government will make the petty squabbles between politicians, the lies, the failures, the sexism, the racism, the inequality, the brutality, the denials, the selfish me first, my rights attitudes of many…..disappear when the kingdom will…
“….. crush all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, but will itself endure forever.” Daniel 2:44
The question remains….will we put our trust in Gods Kingdom or imperfect mans?
Jonathan Pounds
Funny, because in the 2000’s Trump said he supported late-term abortion on the Meet the Press. But as long as he tells you what to hear now, right? ?
Jonathan Pounds