What Pentecostal Leaders Really Think About Donald Trump After Leaked…

What Pentecostal Leaders Really Think About Donald Trump After Leaked…

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What Pentecostal Leaders Really Think About Donald Trump After Leaked Audio Where do you stand? Why I Believe Trump Is the Prophesied Presidentwritten by Lance Wallnau… to Steve Strang for


  • Reply December 4, 2018


    LANCE WALLNAU Believes Trump Is the president
    LANCE WALLNAU Prophesied about

  • Reply December 6, 2018


    So is everyone else.

  • Reply December 6, 2018


    everyone else believes Trump Is the president
    LANCE WALLNAU Prophesied about? I know I dont

  • Reply December 6, 2018


    I put out a fleece during the primary about for whom I should vote. It came back Trump.

  • Reply December 6, 2018


    When voted for Reagan and Bush Sr I never had no doubts Guess the world is changing that now instead of hearing from God we have to put out a fleece

  • Reply December 8, 2018


    Troy, it was the primary, not the general. My choices were the ever righteous Cruz or the Vulgarian Trump. The fleece came back very clear: Trump.

  • Reply December 8, 2018


    what specifics though ? just vague generalities and a scripture cite doesn’t make a prophecy . I will tell you though if I wanted to discredit evangelicals in america and make them a future scapegoat Trump would be my guy .

  • Reply December 8, 2018


    Mark Taylor was very specific in his prophecy that Trump would be President. He got his revelation in 2011.

  • Reply December 8, 2018


    50/50 guess

  • Reply December 8, 2018


    It was.prophesied in 1989.

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