What is the meaning of the Hebrew word כארו as used in Psalm 22:17?

What is the meaning of the Hebrew word כארו as used in Psalm 22:17?

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In the book "Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum : cum variis lectionibus" Kennicott, Benjamin, a comparison of manuscripts with the Masoretic text is given, of which more than 600.


In the book of Psalms. 22:17 (v16 in some modern Bibles), in the word כארי ("like a lion"), there are different readings in the manuscripts with the Masoretic text.

Examples of discrepancies:

a) Instead of כארי ("like a lion"), it is written כארו (manuscripts numbers: 39, 267, 270, 277, 288, 660)

b) Instead of כארי ("like a lion"), it is written כרו ("dug") (manuscripts numbers: 283, 291)

c) The word כארי ("like a lion") is written, but in the margins it is also written כרו ("dug") (manuscript numbers: 539, 542, 649)

But I can’t find the meaning of this Hebrew word: כארו

I made a screenshot from the book "Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum : cum variis lectionibus", where I highlighted the word כארי in Psalm 22:17 and indicated with an arrow where there are discrepancies on this word.

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