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And according to 2012 Pew Research Center survey, within the next four decades, Christians will remain the world’s largest religion; if current trends continue, by 2050 the number of Christians will reach 2.9 billion (or 31.4%). By 2050, the Christian population is expected to exceed 3 billion.
Travis Elias Christian
Is this a sly way of saying there isn’t one? All I see is:
“And according to 2012 Pew Research Center survey, within the next four decades, Christians will remain the world’s largest religion; if current trends continue, by 2050 the number of Christians will reach 2.9 billion (or 31.4%). By 2050, the Christian population is expected to exceed 3 billion.”
Steve Losee
Rom. 1: 22-32; 1 Cor. 6:9-11. Next dumb question?
Varnel Watson
Steve Losee are you familiar with the gay interpretation of those verses? Have you ever encountered personally? What church are you from anyways
Steve Losee
No, but I know the Scripture means what it says, according to 2 Pet. 1:20 & 21. And, after many years of street ministry, I’ve learned there’s nothing “gay” about them; they’re homosexuals, and if they’re so “proud” of it, why do they object to the accurate word so much? Have I ever encountered what personally?
Varnel Watson
Joe Absher encounter them in street ministry too
Steve Losee
Very often; ministered to drag queens & trans hookers, etc. Watering down Truth doesn’t help them in any meaningful way. And I rarely had to pinpoint their sexuality. Just sharing about Christ our accountability to God (like in the Book of Acts), brought conviction. I only respond to their emphasis when they bring it up.
Varnel Watson
Joe has had them forcing and so on in detail
Joe Absher
The ministry of Christ means working with men coming out if that life
Dora Woods
I hope you meant that word if to be of instead.
Joe Absher
Thank you yes.
Ted Robinson
Sodom and Gomorrah was not a Fairy tale
Varnel Watson
what do you think Tyler Lee Price Charles Page
Tyler Lee Price
Troy Day my position is obvious. It’s sin according to scripture, therefore God will see it as such. Though, I do not believe we are to judge non-believers, but we are to show them love and let God aid us in leading them toward repentance.
Varnel Watson
John Cox you never said what was your position on the OP and how does your own church deal with it in our time and day
John Cox
Troy Day there is no “op”, the link goes to a few remarks about church growth by 2050. (As mentioned in an earlier post) let’s see, “What’s God’s real opinion about homosexuality?” GOOD GRIEF! (Oops, position) That’s His “opinion …” It begs the question, does God have opinions? I would say no. We can have opinions, and we can pontificate about our opinions from the heights of our intellectual superiority…though I’m not sure what that accomplishes in light of the Bema Seat of Christ. You seem to be a bright fellow, from your intellectual pedigree, lots of letters…after your name…but I wouldn’t want to make an ass of you or me…(though God did speak through a dumb ass one time to get His point across to a smart well-known prophetic type…back to your question…our church loves homosexuals but hates their sin. They have been stalked and caught “in the secret places in villages” and taken captive at Satan’s will. Our “position” is to love them enough to minister truth to them and see them delivered from their deceptions. It does no good to brow-beat them, but Holy Spirit can give wisdom to direct them to truth, ultimately delivering their soul from death.
Varnel Watson
The OP or the original post is the question asked It’s a common practice in nowadays social media to ask questions or poll people Now then when you say obvious I also see Tom Steele laughing BUT this is certainly NOT a laughable matter IMO Are you and Tom also of the OT position of stoning them?
John Cox
Troy Day, your last post was almost indecipherable…I suggest in this “nowadays social media” to “proof before you post”. What did I “say obvious”… I also see…IMO??? By the way, if you stoned homosexuals today, it would actually be a hate crime. We also don’t throw them off tall buildings like Muslim extremists. I have family members who are caught up in this lifestyle and have personally seen God’s loving grace & mercy at work in their lives as well as in my church member’s lives. One young man was dying in the hospital with the carcinomas associated with end stage aids. He was given three days to live. I went to see him as the son of one of our members. He was not conscious but I asked God for a miracle on his behalf and his family’s. 3 days later he left the hospital completely healed and virus free. I left that church to travel in Evangelist work and some years later was called by his parents to come see him in the hospital. After years of celibacy and serving God, he went back to his former partner, recontracted aids and was terminal again. This time in his repentance, he was baptized in a bathtub. I carried him there myself. He asked us to pray for his friend down the hall who was also terminal with aids. That fellow was in agony, writhing on his bed, covered in abscesses and incoherent. My wife and I laid hands on him, led him in a sinners prayer, told him that God loved him and would forgive him if he confessed his sins, asked Christ to be LORD of his life, and would receive Him into his heart. Darius calmed, went still, breathing normally, and was at peace. We told him we loved him, would see him in Heaven and committed him to the LORD. He died before we got to our car. This story is a common thread in my life and ministry. I don’t know you from Adam, but your flippancy in your posts doesn’t serve any purpose that I can see. Every sinner stands at the foot of the cross in need of Grace.
Varnel Watson
IMO means in my opinion – did your opinion shift from stone them to not stone them or did I miss something?
Keith Day
It is real simple. If you want to know what God thinks about any thing look at what His written word the Bible says….Leviticus 18:22 (KJV)
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
This is God’s Word. This is what He thinks about homosexuality.
Varnel Watson
he says to stone them – shall we?