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| PentecostalTheology.comDaniel 11:37: He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women
In a passage that many Bible interpreters understand to be a double prophecy about Antiochus Epiphanies and the end-times Antichrist, Daniel 11:37 reads, “He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all” (NASB). The fact that the Antichrist will “show no regard for . . . the desire of women” leads some to believe that the Antichrist will be gay/homosexual.
The question is what is meant by “the desire of women”? Is it referring to a desire for women, or is it referring to something that women desire? Either is a possible translation of the Hebrew text. If “desire for women” is the proper understanding, the Antichrist’s forsaking of it could be an indication that he will be gay/homosexual. But, if “something women desire” is the proper understanding, the phrase would point in a different direction entirely.
While the NASB, KJV, and NKJV translate the phrase as “the desire of women,” other translations render it differently. The NIV and ESV translate the phrase as “for the one desired by women” (NIV) and “to the one beloved by women” (ESV). If this rendering is correct, Daniel 11:37 is saying that the Antichrist will show no regard for “something/someone women love.” Essentially, the NIV, ESV, NLT, and CSB all agree that the phrase is referring to “something that women desire” …
Dr: Link Hudson: Beast’s Religion Mix of Pentecostalism and Liberalism?
“I saw a posting a while back about some kind of church that was supposed to be Pentecostal that had a falsely so-called ‘married’ ‘gay’ ‘pastor’. There are apparently ‘churches’ out there that accept Pentecostal or Charismatic teaching and cultural packaging that promote homosexual perversion. At first, this was a major contradiction to me. I wondered how anyone could tolerate the incongruency.
I wonder if we will see a religion that merges the non-Bible-believing forms of liberalism, including ‘progressive’ beliefs that currently promote homosexual behavior under the guise of social justice. Some individuals who hold to these views may not see the resurection [sic] of Christ as a physical event, but as a ‘spiritual experience’ of the disciples….”
Pastor: Obama paved a way for the Antichrist
Several Pentecostal schools in the past decade, have pushed the idea of Pentecostal Sacraments. Perhaps not realizing the scheme behind it, multiple authors within various Ag, Cog, IPHC faculties and Birmingham in the U.K. have received grants to produce a line of monographs on various topics like: A Pentecostal Response to Sacraments, Encountering God in Pentecostal Sacraments, A Spirit- Vision of Social Common Good, and many more.
It all began with introducing a new theological “doctrine” under the code-word “non-practicing homosexual.” It emerged from a vital representation of the need for a safe-place, a sanctuary and necessitated a sacramental framework toward Pentecostal social transformation of the common good. Such is conceived in the vision of so-called “impenetrable monastery” – a protected temple for non-practicing homosexuals introducing a Pentecostal set of sacramentalism to encounter God anew. Yes, such places, just like any other monastic paradigm will be same-sex oriented. And they are already in high demand. Just look into the Pentecostal Monks Sought-After in Sweden
Pentecostal Monasticism: Communities of the Spirit by Evan B. Howard
I began this essay by suggesting that an interpenetration of the charismatic and monastic within the context of Christian community may prove valuable for an appropriate “traditioning” of Pentecostalism. My use of the word “traditioning” is taken from Simon Chan’s Pentecostal Theology and the Christian Spiritual Tradition, where he argues explicitly for the need of Pentecostals to undertake a “traditioning process”: locating theological reflection within the conceptual framework of historic Christianity—and more particularly within the frameworks of Christian spiritual theology.63 Chan recommends that Pentecostals consider a legitimate place for Christian theological systematization: thinking with exactness and thoroughness, maintaining dialogue with historic church tradition as a legitimate expression of the ongoing work of God’s Spirit, and reconsidering current practices of worship. The aim of Pentecostal Theology is just that: to foster an appropriate traditioning of pentecostal theological reflection. All well and good.
But I would like to argue—and I am sure that Chan would agree—that a theological traditioning must not (and truly cannot) be separated from an ecclesiological traditioning. We may, in our desire for both charismatic experience and Spirit-led maturity, institute “covenant communities” or “shepherding.” But in doing so, we must realize that we are venturing into models and questions—and we are wiser when we are in conscious dialogue with these models and questions—which have been discussed for centuries. Our theologies are embodied in our concrete forms of life as communities of faith. When for example we establish new charismatic communities, we are traditioning the leading of God’s Spirit. Consequently we must, as Chan recommends, examine our practices of Christian formation and congregational life (just as we examine our theology) with exactness and thoroughness, in dialogue with a church tradition that we understand to be—in spite of serious failures throughout history—as an expression of the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit, understanding our worship of God to encompass all of life.64 Various streams of the Christian faith are nourishing one another.65 I see great hope in this. As we permit the Holy Spirit (charismatic) to be embodied in intentional forms (monastic) in local expressions (community), I see a path toward a vibrancy of Christian life that might become a vehicle for revival in the generations to come.
The terminology of “New Monasticism” was developed by Jonathan Wilson in his 1998 book Living Faithfully in a Fragmented World. Wilson was, in turn, building on ideas of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who said in 1935, “The restoration of the church will surely come only from a new type of monasticism which has nothing in common with the old but a complete lack of compromise in a life lived in accordance with the Sermon on the Mount in the discipleship of Christ.” Philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre in his book After Virtue voiced a longing for “another . . . St. Benedict.” By this he meant someone in the present age who would lead a renewal of morality and civility through community. Wilson identified with that longing in his own book and outlined a vision to carry it forward.
The middle months of 2004 became a defining moment for the movement, when a number of existing communities and academics gathered in Durham, North Carolina. The conclave drew up the “twelve marks” of New Monasticism:
1. Relocation to the “abandoned places of Empire” [at the margins of society, usually in depressed, urban areas]
2. Sharing economic resources with fellow community members and the needy among us
3. Hospitality to the stranger
4. Lament for racial divisions within the church and our communities combined with the active pursuit of a just reconciliation
5. Humble submission to Christ’s body, the Church
6. Intentional formation in the way of Christ and the rule of the community along the lines of the old novitiate
7. Nurturing common life among members of an intentional community
8. Support for celibate singles alongside monogamous married couples and their children
9. Geographical proximity to community members who share a common rule of life
10. Care for the plot of God’s earth given to us along with support of our local economies
11. Peacemaking in the midst of violence and conflict resolution within communities along the lines of Matthew 18
12. Commitment to a disciplined, contemplative life
Philip Williams Terry Wiles Duane L Burgess Brett Dobbs Kyle Williams Neil Steven Lawrence Nelson Banuchi Isara Mo Charles Page Alan Smith Clifford D. Hampton Dale M. Coulter how is @everyone feeling about the mixed gender relations of the new non-practicing homosexual doctrine based on the quote by Dr. Link Hudson regarding :
Beast’s Religion Mix of Pentecostalism and Liberalism?
“I saw a posting a while back about some kind of church that was supposed to be Pentecostal that had a falsely so-called ‘married’ ‘gay’ ‘pastor’. There are apparently ‘churches’ out there that accept Pentecostal or Charismatic teaching and cultural packaging that promote homosexual perversion. At first, this was a major contradiction to me. I wondered how anyone could tolerate the incongruency.
I wonder if we will see a religion that merges the non-Bible-believing forms of liberalism, including ‘progressive’ beliefs that currently promote homosexual behavior under the guise of social justice. Some individuals who hold to these views may not see the resurection [sic] of Christ as a physical event, but as a ‘spiritual experience’ of the disciples….”
tell us more about your experience Rasiah Thomas Isara Mo J. Stephen Conn Wangure’s Reflections Oscar Valdez @Jeffrey Snyder
Troy Day it’s exactly what the Bible says it is, an abomination.
Troy Day the devil is alive and well in all the denominations…
i can tell you that i am really concerned for my grandchildren growing up in this society! I have three and pray for them several times a day. It’s wrong in every way. it’s concerning. frustrating. madenning, actually. when i was a kid, i only had to worry about getting on the right bus and riding my bike when i got home..
Troy Day The stand of the African church on the issue of homosexuality is clear and on record. On this issue even the African Anglican church has differed with their mother church. Homosexuality is SIN. Period. The African church does not debate about compromising on the issue of homosexuality.
The church would frown on a homosexual member. A homosexual pastor is unthinkable especially in the Pentecostal and charismatic churches. Same-sex marriage in church is a “Western problem”. It’s unacceptable in most African cultures. It’s would be an anathema to almost any Pentecostal church in Africa.
Wangure’s Reflections what about the Methodist churches?
Troy Day The Methodist church in Kenya is anti gay.
Wangure’s Reflections Kenya is NOT ALL Africa brother
I don’t know the Methodist stand in other African countries but the Methodist church in Kenya came out to present its strong anti gay stand and even severed ties with some Methodist congregations in the US for supporting gays
Wangure’s Reflections well true and not true William DeArteaga is not too happy with the anglican gay view and has written a lot against it online characterizing it as demonic @ best
Al Taylor As the founder and first president of the Church of God Foundation does your BITCOIN fundraiser USDT Coinbase Crypto Wallet contribute to this cog project? Would Charles Page Neil Steven Lawrence Melvin Harter approve of such fundraiser?
Charles Page not sure WHY Al Taylor would place his fundraiser in this otherwise independent theological group. Are you part of it getting kick backs?
Gary Sean Mullings do you have more insights to share on this one here?
Justice lived out scripturally is living social Holiness.Unfortunately many Pentecostals operate functionally as racist,classist,sexist, ableistic outside church many times in Orthopraxy.
Historically true classic Holiness Pentecostals of my family going back to late 1800’s fought against these ideas. No walls but yes we need morality.
But unfortunately many reject this because of fear of the Anti Christ spirits and man of sin in future with many phobias and cultural biases with misinformed conscience.
Early Pentecostals were anti military also note .We could serve but not in combat willingly. Until we said we will cave to Romanism in church.
Timothy Ross did you just say THAT Historically true classic Holiness Pentecostals of your family going back to late 1800’s fought FOR non-practicing homosexuals and monasteries for such because Philip Williams claims similar roots too going back to 3 if not 4 gen in his Azusa rooted Appalachia family
Troy Day No don’t read into things. They fought for justice but not immoral acts . Classic Pentecostals were anti worldly actions .
Timothy Ross well did you read the article and its explanation ?
it sums up operational functionalities as racist,classist,sexist, ableistic outside church into sub- operational monasteries based on the doctrine of Ortho-non-praxy Charles Page John Mushenhouse addressed prior
Troy Day I read article but added my thoughts pertaining to article.
And maybe I misunderstood the angle of article.
Timothy Ross OK but pls explain how does this transform the theological quorum toward the re-formation of what Link describes There are apparently ‘churches’ out there that accept Pentecostal or Charismatic teaching and cultural packaging that promote homosexual perversion. At first, this was a major contradiction to [him], he continues. Now 6-7 yrs. later into progressions seems to be just the normal “NoRM” thing
Troy Day my view is they reinterpret passages pertaining to sexuality as if it doesn’t apply for modern homosexual practices.
Or they don’t understand a true believer will desire to live holy .
I know I have preached in those churches or been at churches who hold those views. Affirming types.
I believe it’s deception. Idol worship leads to reprobation Romans 1.
The Spirit of Whoredom at work with other strongmen. Spirit of Error ,Bondage and so on .
Doctrine of demons .
Confusion of tolerating people with accepting sinful practices in the body of Christ.
Timothy Ross But I would like to argue—and I am sure that Chan would agree—that a theological traditioning must not (and truly cannot) be separated from an ecclesiological traditioning. We may, in our desire for both charismatic experience and Spirit-led maturity, institute “covenant communities” or “shepherding.” But in doing so, we must realize that we are venturing into models and questions—and we are wiser when we are in conscious dialogue with these models and questions—which have been discussed for centuries. Our theologies are embodied in our concrete forms of life as communities of faith. When for example we establish new charismatic communities, we are traditioning the leading of God’s Spirit.
Troy Day I think think it’s a good place for ideas of a male or maybe a female who desire that singleness in life . The dessert tradition. I am ok with that but it’s been done at times in un- healthy ways. Eunich ideas men who castrated for the kingdom.
What would be the theological foundation for any such be? John Mushenhouse Duane L Burgess if any of course I dont think the Link gave any definite theology
First, liberalism is a social construct, usually denoting to someone who does not have a strict line of reasoning, often associated with big spenders. This idea of liberalism associated with immoral sexual acts can only be loosely connected. Knowing Republican Liberals, like President Bush, I would shy away from that sort of terminology, because though, Bush was a liberal in spending, he was conservative in every other aspect. i would rather stick with moral and immoral, or right and wrong terminology.
Second, to think the Church can be Holy and unholy at the same time is just plain wrong. A person can be right and wrong at the same time, but a holy institute cannot be moral or immoral. Just because our sins have been forgiven at the cross, does not mean we will no longer sin. It only means we are free not to be burned by the shame or guilt. Furthermore, in order for the communists to gain control, they must get rid of God and anything associated with God. The communists began indoctrinating our children years ago. One way they did this was to teach our children: LGBTQ is moral, which it is clearly not. The Church must find a way to reach these young folk. One way, which has been tried is: LGBTQ clergy and acceptance into the Church as if LGBTQ is moral in some manner, which the bible makes it clear: It is not. The bible clearly states: “Do not sow your fields with two types of seeds…do not wear clothing made of two types of fabric.” This is not about clothing or seeds, but about mixing righteousness with unrighteousness. This makes the Church look bad to those on the outside and does nothing but put people on the comfortable road to hell. Jesus says, “People will come to me and say, ‘We did miracles in your name.’ Away from me I never knew you.” He never knew them because they didn’t have a good handle on the difference between right and wrong. Just because a person continues to do wrong after coming to the cross, does not make it right for them to say, “My sin is okay or moral.” The bible also says, “People will call good evil, and evil good.” This is one of those cases where people are calling evil good and Jesus would say of them, “Wo to you,” which means harsh punishment.
In conclusion, anyone who is in the spotlight of trying to reach lost souls for Christ, including the Church, must be upright and blameless, in secret and in the open, because in the end times, “Everything will be laid bare,” including hidden sin, motives, reading, and more. It will all be exposed to see.
Philip Warstler what do you know about this John Mushenhouse Charles Page Timothy Ross Jeffrey Snyder Clifford D. Hampton ?
Troy Day it is beyond my scope of caring.
Troy Day People honestly in non Theological informed circles conflate godly people creating space for Biblical practices of social justice with progressive politics Lol . I am not progressive politically but find misinformation about ideas leads many to think this way Lol . Conflating Biblical social Holiness with Communism or even socialism Lol
John Mushenhouse not calloused are you?
Charles Page no, but good to see you in here. My interest is in other areas of Pentecostalism and how it relates and proven by the bible.
John Mushenhouse not too sure but noticing cog folks Link Hudson Charles Page are changing OP and not addressing their role in this issue especially as to the theological foundation given to it by the so called Pentecostal sacramentalism Melvin Harter Dale M. Coulter
Dios le bendiga
No LGBTQ Gods doesn’t look well on it and condemns it
Robert Dornan is non-practicing homosexual LGBTQ too?
Troy Day I would say it’s worked in there somewhere
Well the term liberalism is a kind of a confusing term because it it what it means is actually the opposite instead of being liberal with truth it means being liberal with sentiment and subjectivity and using that as an overlay to truth so when they talk about Christian liberalism they’re not talking about being liberally Christian they’re talking about being liberated from the conventional truths of Christianity into a subjective and nearly purely emotional form of Christianity that has some of its content but is now more subjective and malleable and able to be formed into whatever shape is necessary to be accepted by whoever it’s being presented to with whatever views they currently have or express.
It’s bad. People might not say that but that’s the real goal.
Theres some teaching on the emergent Church that if you read about the emergent Church on Wikipedia and also some of Kevin DeYoung stuff is good and even if you read the stuff like by Marcus Borg about the emergent Church you’ll find out what it is is really liberal Christianity as it matures grows into this thing of seeing itself is just another Faith amongst other faiths that is just as valid has any other faith not only in reference to that it can be believed by people but also saying that all truth claims are equal.
And that Christianity is no different from any other system. 😕
David Lavoie I believe you run a Pentecostal LA ministry if I am not mistaken – weve spoken about Pentecostal history here with you and Bishop Bernie L Wade however Charles reported your comment as liberal and non-Biblical – do you see yourself promoting any such communistic ideas? IDK!
what do you know about this Ben Bottke – r u Pentecostal or what now ?
Ben Bottke dont know much about anything Pentecostal Alan Smith but it is avidly surprising that acclaimed cog-connected Link Hudson Charles Page are staying away from this topic like devils from the BIBLE now 2 weeks in a row with a popish-like silence which only Philip Williams can understand as some Carthusians vow of silence on the subject of Pentecostal monasteries. And even Dale M. Coulter whose references to Pentecostal sacramentalism and Henry Volk with his catechism booklet ( I;ve referred to through the years ) are joining the mentioned above vow and ignoring a topic of such magnitude, which basically streams from their historicity and theological praxi-tradition purposing to create a NEW histology of the global Pentecostal experience restricting it within the 4 walls of monastic orderology – I call bull on this John Mushenhouse for it should occupy the very essences of our current Pentecostal theological study interests ! Lest we are sent into monasticism2!
Troy Day I go into the world and not stay in a facebook monastery discussing current fads. John 19 is so fascinating.
John Mushenhouse WELL facebook monastery is basically in the world Soon they would want you and me in them as well – monastically
Troy Day Already posted a response. Not an interesting enough topic to keep generating content for you
Troy Day I believe that there is a difference.
John Mushenhouse yes there is a difference TOO BAD Link cannot see it us interesting enough as a cog person whose organization is pouring into this idea right now. Too bad he only sees Pentecostalism as a mix in the religion of the antiChrist which seems conspiracy @ best William DeArteaga Ricky Brett Dobbs Ben Bottke Nelson Banuchi Philip Williams Jeffrey
Very slippery slope
Alan Smith I’d say so but even if non-pentecostal attendees like Link Hudson Charles Page are NOT worried about it it is still a solid theological concern John Mushenhouse should address from the Word of GOD
Link Hudson why did you hijack the theological post of your own cog theologian Dale M. Coulter instead of challenge Charles Page under this proper post? Are you seeing problems with current theology in your movement and seek a more open dialog?
FIY Link the author combines Wilson, Bonhoeffer, MacIntyre and St. Benedict in an interesting non-conventional way. I do not have enough info to agree or disagree but remembered your own speculation on the religion of the antiChrist which Duane L Burgess Kyle Williams Neil Steven Lawrence and others disagreed with. Do you feel that this monastic moves toward alternative cultures will be the way church operates during the Great Tribulation?
Troy Day unlikely but who knows.
But promoting homosexual seems kind of antichrist with a small a.
Link Hudson well I do not disagree with that one bit but why is your denom. pushing it in some missional paradigm is also beyond me
Troy Day tell me the details.
Link Hudson Terry Wiles these are ALL the details given to us at this time BUT as Philip Williams posted anew Charles Page Ricky Grimsley may have MORE to tell !
Link Hudson youVE deleted MANY posts you are tagged in because you feel clocked by your own speculations Charles Page posted some details worth hearing !
Troy Day seriously, define monastery as in the context of this post, thanks
Troy Day I think I deleted one. And I had a good reason to do so.
No one really cares Link Hudson
Charles Page could be called the MISSION the convent
the caring place – the counseling center – who cares?
Troy Day why would you keep talking about it if you don’t care? I don’t care about something that didn’t happen except that you keep bringing it up.
Link Hudson not even sure what you are talking about once again I was answering Charles Page with his question BUT you claim cog affiliation and have no information of any cog’s doings – just lame if you ask me You are some fake charismatic wanna be that just tries too hard John Mushenhouse may agree on this from his own observations
Troy Day I think it’s fairly typical for most people who go to large Pentecostal churches not to know everything that’s going on in the denomination. take Free Chapel in Gainesville Georgia as an example how many people who go there even know that it’s a congregational Holiness Church
Link Hudson lets talk about The Unknown Hebrew Story of Jacob
We read the exact text of that second blessing (the one that was actually intended for Jacob by Isaac) in Genesis 28:3-4. All of these words came to full fruition. They promised Jacob that God the Provider will grant him a large number of offspring and that they will have their own Land (this blessing is very diferent from the one he stole from his brother Esau).
וְאֵל שַׁדַּי יְבָרֵךְ אֹתְךָ וְיַפְרְךָ וְיַרְבֶּךָ וְהָיִיתָ לִקְהַל עַמִּים
May El Shaddai bless you, make you fertile and numerous, so that you become an assembly of peoples. (Gen. 28:3)
This particular blessing invokes the name of God as אֵל שַׁדַּי (El Shaddai). As mentioned above, the Hebrew etymology of this special name is not certain. Several theories have been put forward about its meaning. One explains that El Shaddai is “God Almighty,” a name connected with the Hebrew verb שָׁדַד, meaning “to destroy, despoil.” Another theory speaks of “God of the Mountains” – a name connected with the Acadian word shadau. It is also quite possible that El Shaddai, instead, should be translated as “God the Provider,” “God who is Sufficient” or “God the Sufficient One.” There are two basic reasons for such interpretations. The word שַׁדַּי (shaddai) may be connected with the Hebrew root word for “breast” שד (shad). The female breast is one of the clear symbols of provision for the beginning and the very substance of human life and nourishment. Alternatively, the letter ש (shin) may be understood as a prefix that means “then.” In this scenario, די (dai) may be taken to mean “sufficiency” which in Hebrew literally means “enough.”
Link Hudson is it your official stance as a cog attendee or whatever you are there that these monasteries discussed by Charles Page Ricky Grimsley etc are not a thing?
in relation to the post you deleted but the archives kept it
we did read some about gay antichrists – just confirming
Daniel 11:37 reads, “He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all” (NASB) Link Hudson =>
Link Hudson READ the comment by Charles Page AGAIN
“COG is providing sanctuary for homosexuals under varying harbors
This includes people with gender identities
They are being protected from active conservative believers” if you didnt know or harbored knowledge NOT you know !
By the way we are not your sources you can demand info from
The information is PUBLIC – the man is telling you straight forward
You claim to be a cogger or something you may not be
GO check it out if you really are affiliated and get it over with
That you did NOT know Jentzen is cog is shameful
Neil Steven Lawrence Melvin Harter Alan Smith Jim Price Tony Edwards will tell you how many cog board Jentzen has served on through the years They dont let you and me serve on those boards you know! You gotta be a cogMan to be elected
Troy Day Link Hudson READ the comment by Charles Page AGAIN
“COG is providing sanctuary for homosexuals under varying harbors
This includes people with gender identities
They are being protected from active conservative believers” if you didnt know or harbored knowledge NOT you know !
Link Hudson yes NOW you know
Charles Page has spilled the beans on it
any said cog attendee should know this
Troy Day ge hasn’t said what is going on and neither have you.
ge hasn’t said ? Do you mean GO or GA of cog?
or do you mean Charles Page who literally said
“COG is providing sanctuary for homosexuals under varying harbors
This includes people with gender identities
They are being protected from active conservative believers”
what else do you need to be said – do you need their address to tend to or what? I mean the it says what it says NOT sure what else you need
Link Hudson I also see Philip Williams staying out of this one BIG time as we know for a fact in his Catholic tradition such has existed for a long time
Troy Day go count your beads!
Philip Williams yeah my popish son – come home to mamma church
Link Hudson I believe John Mushenhouse is right There will be no further info given by cog attendees and scholars. What Charles Page said is what it means !
How is “monastery” defined in this post?