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Isaiah 52:9
"Break forth together into singing, you waste places of Jerusalem, for the LORD has comforted his people; he has redeemed Jerusalem". ESV. My emphasis.
Barnes notes on the Bible has:
"The idea here is, that Yahweh was about to restore his people from their long captivity, and again cause Jerusalem to be rebuilt."
My comment: If the waste places of Jerusalem being restored is what is initially being described here, in what sense did Jerusalem need redeeming? Could there have been restoration without redemption?
What has been redeemed? How was this redemption achieved, and be achieved in the past? ["he has"].
Leviticus 25:25 "gaal" has an element of payment.
This happens at the Lord’s soon Coming!
Philip Williams where does it say such thing in the Isiah text? John Mushenhouse
Troy Day throughout the text, both his first coming as the Lamb of God and his Second Coming to save his people and destroy those who have rebelled against him.
God has future plans for ethnic national Israel.
Duane L Burgess YES – saved in ONE day MT24 Brett Dobbs
Duane L Burgess yes, and the church is part of that future. There is no reason for it not to be.