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William Akers |

Serious question so please just serious responses. What do you think of worshiping with other denominations in an open door atmosphere. By that, I mean, I run a program for addicts, recovering addicts and recovered addicts. We have different denominational people that join us and some even give their testimony. I am apostolic myself. I ask only because I’ve actually been warned of spiritual adultery.
Semayawi Feker
Give us the example of other denominations.Then we can talk.
Semayawi Feker
A church is not a chuch bcz its name is a church.we say a church ,the church that is filled by the presence of God. When God’s finger is working there.when HolySpirit is working.that is when deliverance healing prophecy miracle are taking place.this is the trueand live church of Jesus Christ.we do not say the gathering of people in a building a church
Shane Snow
If someone thinks thats spirtual adultery they have some serious issues about God
Shane Snow
Shane Snow
If its mormonism or something thats different
Street Preacherz
Please forgive me it’s off topic but what materials do you use? Or do you present a Bible study.
To the question i’ve been chastised myself for praying with unrepentant people. And my answer is “how are going to get them saved if you don’t pray with them?” Maybe in the same context it could be said “people need to see and hear people worship God.” Besides our worship is to God not men. It is good and right and holy to give God to worship God for God is good and right and holy.
You will have nay-sayers but this is something God has given you. You will bring fruit to God if you remain faithful to him and the vision he has given you. Keep Jesus name sweet and holy. That’s what I think of when I hear “Apostolic” not the Jesus only or salvation by water baptism or tongues. It’s the worship and reverence for Jesus that sets you apart. Never loose that. Hope you excuse me for being so plain spoken.
What materials do you use?
Anita Crase Hays
We are all striving to get to the same destination so if we can’t associate and love one another here how do we expect to make it to heaven and spend eternity together
Wayne Dodd
Spiritual adultery? My goodness that’s over the line. Sounds like way to much “control” for me.
Stan Wayne
I hope they have a separate section in my fathers house for apostolic s
Dennis Young
I have as minister of the gospel God has opened many doors for me to preach at different denominations other than mine and I make sure that I preach the Word of God. He can work out the differences as long as the Word is given.
Street Preacherz
We have a heroin epidemic in our nation. The current prediction is 2023? for it’s peak. Many will die. Brothers sister’s mothers father’s will die. Many more will mourn.
People need help and Jesus can help them. Please do what you can. God bless you and be with you and give you victory in Jesus name.
Paul Jones
Jesus mingled with publicans and sinners; he refused to exclude them, even prostitutes. So long as there is a commonality with Jesus and the cross being central, I see no conflict. “By all means, save some.”
Bill Stockham
“I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, PREACH THE WORD; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;But you, BE SOBER IN ALL THINGS, ENDURE HARDSHIP, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” (2 Timothy 4:1-5)
Philip Warstler
sounds like another day at church.
James Darlack
Samaritans were the heretics du jour in the Gospels, but Jesus hung out with them – – along with Roman sympathizers that were exploiting their own countrymen. Jesus touched the lepers, the unclean, and even the dead. The power of God to transform lives is not so fragile or easily contaminated by every the dirtiest of today’s “unclean”. We do the Gospel (and the world) a disservice by “staying away” for fear that we might get dirty. Preach the word. Seek to perceive the work of the Spirit in surprising places.
William Akers
I raise the question of if one cant worship with someone that doesn’t believe the doctrine you do, and you call them lost, what’s the difference in you worshipping and sinners sitting on your pews?
Robert R. Holliday
And this is why some apostolics are a cult. So glad to be delivered from that bondage thinking
William Akers
Too much preaching the Law of God rather than the Love of God!!!
William Akers
I have been saved by grace through the blood. I am bot bound by the law and standards.
Dan Irving
Is the undiluted truth being proclaimed?
Dan Irving
Because remember, the question involved “worshiping with,” as opposed to “associating with.” (two very different concepts.)
William Akers
We do worship together because we give them and everyone a chance to pray. We have music and songs and we praise God together.
William Akers
Im not there to convert them and they’re not there to convert me. We have had some talks afterwards. Witnessing has taken place also.
Dan Irving
True worship must be “in spirit and in truth.” The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. There are many false spirits that would attempt to join and dissuade from this; ie.12-steps is a false spirit; brotherhood of man is a false spirit; social justice is a false spirit; restoring Adam is a false spirit. Yet these seem to abound in many supposedly Christian centers. Again, you used the term “worship with.” I suppose its up to you how loosely you use that term.
Street Preacherz
Thou preparest a table before me, in the presence of mine enemies.” Jesus is the good Shepherd. Try not to worry little flock. It is He that will carry you and keep you and make a way for you…