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To teach that Cornelius was not saved before Peter preached in his house is to turn aside from the regular course in which the Church of God has been traveling all these years. Such teaching, if allowed to go on in the church, will change our doctrine from a sound state of uprightness and correctness to a putrid state. If the founders of the Church of God had a correct doctrinal standard and I’m sure they did, then let’s stand on the original foundation. —W. L. Myers, Church of God Evangel, November 13, 1948
What are your thought on this?
John Kissinger [08/11/2015 8:16 AM]
They reason in this fashion: Cornelius received the Holy Spirit prior to being baptized (Acts 10:44-48). But only a child of God receives the Holy Spirit. Thus, Cornelius was a child of God before his baptism.
Charles Page [08/11/2015 8:25 AM]
Cornelius was regenerate before he heard Peter preach.
John Kissinger [08/11/2015 10:44 AM]
Alan N Carla Smith [08/11/2015 12:10 PM]
a putrid state ~ to emit a fetid (unpleasant) smell.
Nice one Charles
Micah Armstrong [08/11/2015 12:34 PM]
God heard his prayers and He doesn’t hear the prayer of sinners (John 9:31). I also base this on Acts 10:35 being that he feared God and worked righteousness. Also from Romans 1:20 and Romans 2:14-15.
However I am open to learn other views on this.
John Kissinger [08/11/2015 12:36 PM]
IF God doesnot listen to the sinner’s prayer, we are all but doomed!
Micah Armstrong [08/11/2015 12:48 PM]
The only prayer of a sinner God hears is the prayer of repentance.
John Kissinger [08/11/2015 12:57 PM]
There you go!
Charles Page [08/11/2015 2:08 PM]
God rules by exceptions to the rule. That is why it is difficult to understand theology. As in cards, the joker is wild!
John Kissinger [08/11/2015 2:10 PM]
so what are you saying?
Charles Page [08/11/2015 3:10 PM]
Some people’s conception of God is fluid and not absolute. He is as they construct him in their minds. Adrian Rogers called this “pickles have souls” whatever the person holding the most money says God is.
Alan N Carla Smith [08/11/2015 3:22 PM]
can you explain the “joker is wild” analogy a little more precise?
Who is joker and Who or What is wild?
Charles Page [08/11/2015 3:40 PM]
The one who creates the conceptions of God is the one holding the wild card. In Adrian Rogers case it was the one holding the cash.
Alan N Carla Smith [08/11/2015 3:57 PM]
who creates the conceptions of God? really?? no matter what the Bible says about God?
John Kissinger [08/11/2015 4:43 PM]
My point is that Peter thou elect by Christ himself, did deny Jesus and was backslidden by his own will; after which was restored to the faith by his own choice but to his meeting with Paul was not yet perfected and segregated the gentiles until direct vision from God before his meeting with Cornelius in Acts 10. And this is WHY I am not a Calvinist
Charles Page [08/11/2015 6:10 PM]
men, usually in conference or convention. They interpret scripture for the convention to live by.
Charles Page [08/12/2015 6:17 AM]
Calvinist are in a putrid condition! even more putrid are the baptismal regenerationist and the decisional regenerationist.
Charles Page [08/12/2015 6:23 AM]
Primitive Baptist would say they are singing about the subsequent conversion after one is born again
Church of God (W. L. Myers) would say they are singing about the sanctification subsequent to being born again.
Evangelicals would say they are singing about the time and place they participated with God in regeneration, decisional regeneration.
Catholics would say their baptismal certificate recorded the time and the place of their new birth.
John Kissinger [08/12/2015 8:48 AM]
Daniel Rushing “The whole concept of grace centers on the idea that when we sing “Just as I am, without one plea,” whatever else we mean, we most certainly don’t mean, ‘Just as I am … as soon as I get it all together.’”
Cindy Fox [08/18/2015 8:15 AM]
We are saved by faith in the shed blood of JESUS that HE willingly gave on the cross. NOT WORKS!! The Holy Spirit must draw us and convict us of our sin.You say,” but how does this happen?” Well someone has to PREACH THE GOSPEL to you first! That’s why Jesus gave the church the great comission! Lastly, remember the Holy Spirit ” came upon” the Old Testament saints and they prophesied ,but He did not dwell in them.So Cornelius was not saved until he heard the gospel,repented and trusted Jesus as the Holy Spirit drew him.
Robert [09/04/2015 10:18 PM]
If he was saved before Peter preached the gospel, how are we to interpret Acts 11:13-14?
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