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Was Adam the first sinner according to the Bible records?
Was Adam the first sinner according to the Bible records?
Varnel Watson
Thanks to Rico Hero Here we go Ricky Grimsley Peter Christian Bro. #DAKE answers your difficult questions about Adam, Eve, sin and etc.
Peter Christian
Eve sinned first then Adam.
Peter Christian
But if we go into all creation, then Lucifer.
Ricky Grimsley
Its pretty easy to see.
Varnel Watson
Bible verse that Lucifer sinned first?
Peter Christian
Use the good and necessary consequence theory Troy, you can do it.
Varnel Watson
enough cheap talk – Bible verse pls
Ricky Grimsley
He was lying about God in the Garden or at least causing the serpent to lie?
Varnel Watson
Peter Christian How can one deny free will but relay on consequence. This can not be sound theology. Guess game at best!
Peter Christian
Troy could Adam and Eve have done anything other than listen to the Serpent and sinned against God? Was there any other option that things could have been played out? If so, tell me. Because if so, then their perfect obedience would never have brought the needed for a Christ to save us, would it? So think carefully Troy.
Varnel Watson
How do you apply the “necessary consequence theory ” on the devil? Does the devil have a consequence? Did your team too lost the Super Bowl – there is a major theological fail in your statement
Peter Christian
Was there any other option that things could have been played out?
Ricky Grimsley
Of course there were
Peter Christian
Ricky, like what?
Ricky Grimsley
They didnt have to sin. Also after they sinned they still could have lived forever in sin.
Ricky Grimsley
Genesis 3:22 KJVS
[22] And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
Varnel Watson
Who is US in the passage? The verb is NOT plural but singular there
Ricky Grimsley
Could be just the Godhead could be angels too
Peter Christian
Ricky Grimsley if they had not sinned then we not have Jesus in the world would we?
Peter Christian
so was there a possibility for them to not even sinned?
Ricky Grimsley
Jesus was talking to him already
Peter Christian
Jesus the God-man saviour who must go on the cross
Ricky Grimsley
I dont believe that was God’s original intention. “Slain from the foundation of the world” means the throwing down of the world” in my opinion.
Peter Christian
really? we were placed in Christ before the foundation of the world were we not?
Ricky Grimsley
If you believe that means what you think it does then you have to be a Calvinist.
Peter Christian
You deny what scriptures say,?
Ricky Grimsley
No one here denies scripture. We just disagree about what it means.
Peter Christian
That’s cuz u deny scriptures
Ricky Grimsley
Was not adam the image of God already?
Peter Christian
He created Mankind in His image
Ricky Grimsley
He created adam and eve but adam and eve created after their likeness.
Varnel Watson
Was Adam and Eve created before or after the original sin?
Peter Christian
Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.
Ecclesiastes 7:29 KJV
Peter Christian
Troy before
Ricky Grimsley
I believe lucifer had already sinned before adam and eve were created.
Ricky Grimsley
What were the differences between Adam and Jesus?
Peter Christian
Man vs God – man
Ricky Grimsley
What changed when he sinned?
Keith Day
actually the devil was the first sinner. sinning before man was ever created.
Varnel Watson
Bible Verse for this claim pls