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But Hashem was incensed at his going; so an angel of Hashem placed himself in his way as an adversary. He was riding on his she-ass, with his two servants alongside, Numbers 22:22
For parents looking to introduce their kids to devil worship, Walmart and Amazon are now selling a new children’s book entitled: ‘A Children’s Book of Demons’. In the ‘about‘ section, the publishers try to turn the act of summoning demons into a kid-friendly activity saying: “summoning demons has never been so much fun”. The site categorizes the book as a “playful guide” to conjure demons to communicate with “the spirit”. The children’s product is listed for children ages 5-10 and “inspires” kids to “create demons of their own”. The book is a sort of coloring book whereby kids can draw demons using a system of sigils. As the Publishers Weekly text reads: Leighton integrates a hands-on craft element into this playful guide that invites readers to conjure gentle demons by writing their sigils, which serve as “a phone number” straight to the spirit.
The demons necessitate specific summons (a riddler named Corydon requires a sigil “drawn in bright red, the color of a clown’s nose–preferably while you’re giggling”), and express specific characteristics and abilities that range from pragmatic to gross. They include “Flatulus,” whose talent is passing gas; “Quazitoro,” an expert at finding missing objects; and “Spanglox,” “the best-dressed demon in the underworld,” who offers cutting-edge fashion advice. Leighton’s renderings of the multi-eyed, multiarmed, sharp-toothed demons are outlandish without being creepy, and the creative concept will likely inspire some readers to create demons of their own. Ages 5-10.
Varnel Watson
it is NOT a small thing William DeArteaga Joe Absher Robert Borders Isara Mo Tom Steele Paul L. King
In the ‘about‘ section, the publishers try to turn the act of summoning demons into a kid-friendly activity saying: “summoning demons has never been so much fun”. The site categorizes the book as a “playful guide” to conjure demons to communicate with “the spirit”. The children’s product is listed for children ages 5-10 and “inspires” kids to “create demons of their own”. The book is a sort of coloring book whereby kids can draw demons using a system of sigils. As the Publishers Weekly text reads: Leighton integrates a hands-on craft element into this playful guide that invites readers to conjure gentle demons by writing their sigils, which serve as “a phone number” straight to the spirit.
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Last Thursday we had a three day deliverance service of a 16 year old girl who was initiated into witchcraft since age 6 and kept it a secret all those years until last week.
The American witches must celebrate the Wal Mart book because they know the best recruitment and initiation period to witchcraft is when one is still young…
May the Lord Jesus smite Wal Mart if they dont withdraw the book..
Isara Mo
When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there.
Deuteronomy 18:9
Isara Mo
What were the DETESTABLE WAYS of those nations at the time?
Isara Mo
Let no one be found among you
1.who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, 2 who practices divination
3.or sorcery, 4.interprets omens, 5.engages in witchcraft,
6.or casts spells,
7.or who is a medium
8.or spiritist
9.or who consults the dead.
Deuteronomy 18:10-11 NIV
Isara Mo
Giving or selling children demonic stuff is an abomination…
Isara Mo
By selling that book demons for children Wal Mart is initiating children into the demonic, it is teaching them to imitate the detestable ways the Lord God has cautioned Israel not to follow..
You might think it is a SMALL.THING to sell demonic books to children but it is not..
I did a cursory check on Wal Mart and read that it is global which by inference means it is going to initiate world children with witchcraft…
What a shame…
Isara Mo
Who owns Walmart?
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo
Aren’t there “Christian” parents in America?
Shame on you Wal-Mart for promoting and condoning witchcraft…
This is worse than paedophilia…..and drug addiction…and children’s porno…
Withdraw the book and save the children..
Troy this is an abomination of the highest form…
Who has bewitched you Americans?
You want to destroy your own children with your own hands?
With the dilemma of gun control still unresolved you still add fire to fuel by handing kids hand grenades…
This Wal Mart book is like a hand grenade to kids..
I bet even a natural hand grenade in the hands of a kid is not as dangerous as this Wal Mart output..
How do suicide bombers come to that ” state of mind”?
Kids conjuring up demons?
The devil doesnt play dice or cards..
Varnel Watson
Ed Brewer I remember when Christians boycotted Target but too scared to boycott Walmart now… Jim Price
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Should man.fear God or man?
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo no one owns WalMart – WalMart owns us all
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Not me
Varnel Watson
Jerry Gomez IF THE BODY is indeed untouched WHY the 7 letters to the churches Satanic priesthood in the ” body of Christ”?
Very very possible and it is there….
The verse says and I quote//
And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.
2 Corinthians 11:14-15 NIV//
Jim Price
W M sells so many items that it’s leaders may not be aware of this book and its implications. We all need names and addresses of key people so that we can send them a well thought out letter to show our objections.
Varnel Watson
its TRUE