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Troy Day |

Should President Trump make his tax information available to the public? [A PUBLIC POLL OPINION]
In a recent Facebook poll [see here:]
Virtual NO Pentecostal believer answer the question with a NO
The vote is split between YES and Who cares? While only 4% is concerned with Why is this so important?
Should churches stop being 501(c)3?
Since i think we can all see how america is turning, should churches stop being 501c 3’s and start paying taxes to insulate ourselves…
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Kremlin published Putin’s income on Tax Day with official Information on incomes, expenditure, assets and liabilities of the President, the Presidential Executive Office staff…
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Varnel Watson
Stan Wayne who has been very quite in the last week since the first war strike could disagree, but this is the truth: WE the People deserve to know… I can see how many like Link Hudson could care less if you are somewhere in a foreign land and do not feel connected with the political situation and depend on the economy here, but even from an economic stand point – do WE the people deserve to know the truth?
Link Hudson
Troy Day, why don’t you post your own tax records. I’m an American citizen, btw. I don’t think I have a right to see his tax records. If he didn’t take campaign financing, was it a requirement for him to release it.
What I don’t like is him saying he would release them after an audit if he wasn’t going to do it. Now he’s in charge of the IRS. Is he still being audited.
Varnel Watson
Already done by default. Every 501c3 is obligated by law to post it’s taxes. By law – and they are legally obtainable. So does our church incl. what we pay the preacher, staff and so on. So it is already posted publicly by default. And we are not talking about just any man’s business taxes any longer but a public servant. Just from purely economic standpoint do the PEOPLE deserve to know with some certainty and transparency since there has been lots of administration flip-flopping recently?
Varnel Watson
Ricky Grimsley I just see you voted – dont care. Should we care to explain last nights MOAB bombing of Tora Bora which was built by the CIA in the first Afghani war with American tax payers money?
Link Hudson
Troy Day, what is the relationship between Trump’s tax return and the recent bombing?
Link Hudson
Troy Day, lobby to change the law and require it of public officials, then. For me, the issue is honest. If he didn’t want to release them, he could have just said no.
Ricky Grimsley
Well if we put it in the best light….i hope that Trump is flexing American muscle and showing what we can do in an attempt to avoid dropping bombs on highly populated areas.
Varnel Watson
Link Hudson All paid with taxpayers money to no avail
Ricky Grimsley
However, i hear rumors of troops going to syria and north korea so maybe he is just going to try to solve every problem in his first 100 days.
Varnel Watson
Troops going to north korea? Where? Post a link pls
Link Hudson
Is this Pentecostal and theological tax information that he’d be releasting?
Varnel Watson
Oh yes. Thanks for asking.We should aleays be ready to answer this qeustion. The topic relates to Pentecostal Theology in the following ways:
(1) Pentecostal view on Church and state ie Politicl theology
(2) Tax and Church – discussed with Ricky Grimsley under the 501c3 discussion
(3) the claims that Trump is saved under a Pentecostal ministry
(4) Pentecostal involvement with their stand on WAR and other social issues
(5) Pentecostal involvement in Social Justice, especially movements that insist that if you got rich by robbing the poor you should repent from injustice and restore justice by returning your wealth. Its a very Biblical thing you see
(6) Liberation Theology on involving the church in political wars and other war crimes against their religious conviction and without their direct consent through using their tax money to fund such war directives globally and without their knowledge
(7) And finally, the prophetic involvement of the church in last days events directly relative to direct political moves i.e. war in the Middle East, using attack and war as a state defense system, prophecy on Syria, rapture of the Church and so on…
Ricky Grimsley
Link Hudson
Trump can be a bit like a N. Korean leader, the type that leaders of other countries think may be a bit crazy and unpredictable.
Ricky Grimsley
Ricky Grimsley
There is the fake news report. Lol
Varnel Watson
China troops yes But US troops in North Korea? Not likely soon Stan Wayne No one in the poll gives an absolute No. Seems like ppl want to know
Stan Wayne
Wait a few days
Varnel Watson
For the impeachment? BBC said N Korea evacuated 600,000 form capital. Rest ready to go underground. Too bad Ilya Okhotnikov told this group Russia is not getting ready for nuclear war when it actually was
Stan Wayne
I was referring to the cyber attacked missile launch
Varnel Watson
Show ’em now. Dont be shy Stan Wayne
Stan Wayne
He would be dumb to
Stan Wayne
Why do what Soros wants when there are Kims Ayatollahs to fry
Ron Culbreth
When they came up with Trumps returns from several years back it showed he paid more taxes in one year than most people make in a life time. I could care less if he show his returns, it is not a requirement to hold the office of President of the United States. To me it is much to do about nothing.
Nelson Banuchi
To this question: Should Trump’s tax information be available to the public?
Well, yes. He said he would publicize them and it has been done by Presidential candidates since Nixon; therefore, why not?
Varnel Watson
Have to agree with Nelson Banuchi here US ships to Korea leaving defeated Stan Wayne Bulling did not work with ol’ Kim. Now dems introduce new bill for a shorter impeachment. And rightfully so Ron Culbreth Those taxes were from 2005. The PEOPLE have the right to know if our President has filed properly and legally since 2005. Any other citizen would have been audited by now
Varnel Watson
Stan Wayne Why Trump is vulnerable to impeachment?
Trump’s history and the path he has followed — as candidate, president-elect and president — show that he is uniquely vulnerable to impeachment. It took three years for the House to impeach Andrew Johnson and nearly five years for the impeachment of Bill Clinton and the near impeachment of Nixon. Yet in the early stages of his presidency, Trump has already begun matching the abuses of Nixon.
Thomas-Tammy Smith
Is this page going to become another politically blundering bunch of whiners? Discuss Theology (The study of God) not political pouting and pandering. God is not pleased with this divisiveness in the body.
Stan Wayne
1 Cor 13 is so very clear – there are not one, not two but THREE elements that definitively prove that the end of gifts is the coming of Christ – (all commentators of the last 20 centuries, until US fundamentalists like Church of Christ and JWs went insane over it, they agree – look at any commentary before 1900)
The New Testament part of the Bible was not written as instruction between 60 AD and 90 AD only but for US:
“For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.”
1 Corinthians 13:9-10, 12 ESV
1) the Perfect one is Jesus – not the book of revelation
2) face to face means Jesus – we still see thru a glass darkly
3) we will Know as we are Known – not now – how absurd – but when Jesus comes
Varnel Watson
Hey Stan Wayne Jesus showed His taxes to everyone. It’s even in the Bible for all to read and see
Varnel Watson
Thomas-Tammy Smith This is a theological group, not a page. And yes from time to time we discuss Political theology too
Varnel Watson
RichardAnna Boyce
Varnel Watson
again this SO old coming back again Jim Price Robert Erwine Nelson Banuchi
Varnel Watson
I would imagine a lot of Republican congressmen, senators, and governors would not want to get into the race against a sitting Republican president with a decent approval rating in the party.
But what if the Democrats are able to pull off something with this impeachment business? If there are no good candidates running for the Republican nomination… look at who is running on the Democrat said? Would we want any of them to be president? Shouldn’t the Republican Party talk some decent candidate into running just for risk management purposes?
Who would be a decent candidate to run if the Democrats are able to turn enough of the country against Trump to win the election? He just got in there by the skin of his teeth last time. Who knows what will happen this time?
Would this be a good time for either Cruz or Rubio (but not both) to run? Please don’t say Carson. I like a lot of things about him, but his answer of finding someone people who know what they are doing to help him with stuff he doesn’t know doesn’t inspire much voter confidence.