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PATHEOS Reports: Plan To Force God Into Public Schools Released
New Education Reform Report written for the Trump administration would put the Christian God in public schools.
A report, written by a Christian conservative group with ties to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, plans for the promotion of Christianity in public schools and putting an end to the Department of Education.
The Washington Post reports:
A policy manifesto from an influential conservative group with ties to the Trump administration, including Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, urges the dismantling of the Education Department and bringing God into American classrooms.
The “Education Reform Report” released by the Center for National Policy, a front for radical conservative Christians with “ties to several top White House officials — including Education Secretary Betsy DeVos,” states:
We submit this report to the Donald Trump/Betsy DeVos administration with the hope that our organization may be of assistance with the restoration of education in America, in accordance with historic Judeo-Christian principles.
According to the report, education reform under the Trump administration should be based on the following assumptions:
- All knowledge and facts have a source, a Creator; they are not self-existent.
- Religious neutrality is a myth perpetrated by secularists who destroy their own claim the moment they attempt to enforce it.
- Parents and guardians bear final responsibility for their children’s education, with the inherent right to teach, or to choose teachers and schools, whether institutional or not.
- No civil government possesses the right to overrule the educational choices of parents and guardians.
The committee responsible for the report adds the following pledge:
The CNP Education Committee pledges itself to work toward achievable goals based on uncompromised principles, so that their very success will provoke a popular return to the Judeo-Christian principles of America’s Founders who, along with America’s pioneers, believed that God belonged in the classroom.
The report calls for the dismantling of the Department of Education, claiming it is “unconstitutional, illegal and contrary to America’s education practice for 300 years from early 17th century to Colonial times.”
The Education Department is to be replaced with “Presidency’s Advisory Council on Public Education Reform.” The Council would:
- Restore Ten Commandments posters to all K-12 public schools.
- Clearly post America’s Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
- Encourage K-12 schools to recognize traditional holidays (e.g., Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas) as celebrations of our Judeo-Christian heritage.
- Implement select bible classes, such as Chuck Stetson’s Bible Literacy Project.
- Encourage instruction on U.S. and world history from the Judeo-Christian perspective for middle school and high school history and civics classes.
- Develop and recommend in-service training on philosophy of education for K-12 faculty based on historical Judeo-Christian philosophy of education.
- Strongly push states to remove secular-based sex education materials from school facilities, and emphasize parental instruction.
The Washington Post sums it up:
The five-page document produced by the Council for National Policy calls for a “restoration of education in America” that would minimize the federal role, promote religious schools and home schooling and enshrine “historic Judeo-Christian principles” as a basis for instruction.
Bottom line: This is what theocracy looks like.
Varnel Watson
Jim Price Nelson Banuchi what seems to be the big deal here that Patheos is so cracking its whip about? Isnt GOD in school just great again? Hugh Lowrie
Varnel Watson
Link Hudson I figured out why you stay away from political discussions on democracy here
Hugh Lowrie
King Jehu is the historical figure that comes to mind.
Varnel Watson
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton whats your take on this one brother?
Ray E Horton
Good that he had to resign. I wonder how many other ultra-liberal professors are our there brain-washing our kids. College has become a dangerous place for Christian kidsunless they are extremely solid in their faith with a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus.
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton not what I was asking really
Ray E Horton
Troy Day Okay, what were you getting at?
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton OP?
Ray E Horton
Troy Day Mixed feelings! We do need to allow Christianity back into the public schools and acknowledge America’s true beginnings, without all the liberal revisionism. But, their should be realistic limits that explain but don’t push our beliefs down the throats of non-Christians.
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton why mixed? Hugh Lowrie God in school is GREAT I am not sure why patheos making a Link on this one
Ray E Horton
Maybe instead I should have said “agree” but with the caveat of my last sentence.
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton I actually understand your mixed feelings but we area talking about GOD in school again?
Louise Cummings
Varnel Watson
SO lets sum it up Ray E Horton Nelson Banuchi
when racism is posted by Jim Price everyone and their 2 dogs jump on the trump wagon but when GOD in SCHOOL is mentioned – having been taken out since 1962 only 2 faithful
Are Christians today supporting a man more than GOD?