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No, the Tribulation Has Not Yet Begun, Period
The problem is that there are too many people who are wrongly stating things like we are IN the Tribulation, the Tribulation has begun, or they’re busy exclaiming that this seal, that trumpet, or that bowl judgment just now opened! They are ALL wrong and I say that with conviction because I know for a FACT that the Tribulation has not begun. Why? Because the Bible tells me so.
One recent article states the following:
“At the same time the first crater opened in Russia was the same time ISIS began their killing spring in Iraq. Since June of 2014 until now, ISIS has literally destroyed large swaths of land through Iran and Syria taking over cities, towns, and villages and a literal genocide on Christians…and killing any Muslims who refuse to surrender to Sharia Law. But during the exact same time that ISIS has been on this torturous terror, demonic terror, craters have been opening up in Russia and now the seventh crater has just opened. And so one woe is passed, or one woe has been woe is in play…one woe…behold there comes two more woes thereafter.” —Paul Begley
The title of the article in question is “A Massive Pit Has Opened, and the Death Angel Has Come Forth! The First Woe Has Begun and End Times Demons Are On the Loose!” Scary, right? The author of the article then goes on to connect the above quote from Paul Begley with Revelation 9, which speaks of the 5th Trumpet Judgment when God allows the release of a demon horde of “locusts” to infest the earth. According to the Bible, they come from the pit itself.
Here’s the problem though. In order for that particular judgment to occur, of in fact, any of the 21 judgments listed in Revelation to take place (7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 bowls), the Tribulation would have to have already started. In other words, we would be inside the Tribulation itself. I am dismayed to learn of more and more people who apparently believe we are inside the Tribulation, that it already began and they tick off the specific judgments as they happen. They are simply convinced that the Tribulation began and it is moving along toward its conclusion.
Are we? Are we inside the Tribulation period that the Bible speaks of? Is there any way to know for certain or are we left to guess? We can and should know. Guessing is not allowed and serves no purpose except to misunderstand God’s Word.
I believe God’s Word, while requiring study, is very clear in most things. I believe the Bible reveals to us the exact event that starts the Tribulation and we will know it when we see it, if we are looking for it and aware of what is going on in the world. The answer to when the Tribulation begins is found in Daniel 9:27 specifically. That verse describes an event that will start the Tribulation and it is the event where Antichrist (the “he” in that verse; cf. also 2 Thessalonians 2) will confirm a covenant with the many for one “week” (or one group of sevens).
The short answer is that NO, the Tribulation has not begun yet. The event that will kick it off has not yet occurred. We are not inside the Tribulation. Clearly, if we are not inside the Tribulation, then none of the 7 seals, 7 trumpets, or 7 bowl judgments have taken place yet. If you’d care to read on, I’ll explain how we will get to that event and why it is still in the future.
Daniel 9 speaks of events that deal with Israel. You’ll recall that Daniel 9 opens with Daniel the prophet discovering that the 70 year captivity spoken of by Jeremiah was nearly over. Naturally, he was very excited and immediately set out to pray and praise God for His marvelous works and purposes (cf. Daniel 9:1-3). He took time to humble himself before the Lord.
As he prayed and even before he had concluded his prayer, the angelic messenger Gabriel came to him to explain some things to Daniel (cf. Daniel 9:20-23). Gabriel essentially told Daniel that yes, the 70 year captivity was nearly over and the Jewish people would be released from that captivity and allowed to return to Jerusalem. However – and Gabriel made this clear – that another form of captivity would affect the Jewish people, the state of Israel, and the Temple Mount for not 70 years, but 70 “sevens,” (that is the English word of the original word that was used in the text, though most translators translated the word not to “sevens” but to “weeks.”)
What Gabriel was saying was that there would be 70 sevens (or 70 groupings of seven) in which the Temple Mount would be trod underfoot and controlled by Gentiles. This became known as the “times of the Gentiles” and began with the Babylonian Empire under Nebuchadnezzar.
The question to ask then is 70 groupings of seven what? What did the “sevens” refer to? Clearly, the entirety of Daniel 9 is dealing with years (not weeks). There was the 70 years of captivity that was soon to be over. Gabriel arrives and says yes, but there will be 70 “sevens” of…years that will continue until those years are expended.
We call them “weeks” of years or 70 weeks. In reality, they should be called 70 sevens of years or 490 years in total. Most commentators who do not allegorize Scripture (and even some who do) would agree that the 70 “weeks” in Daniel 9 ultimately refers to 490 years in its entirety.
We will delve more deeply into this in our next article, but let me leave something with you to ponder. Would you agree with me that every pro basketball game breaks down in the following way:
- each game has four quarters
- each quarter is 12 minutes long
- all four quarters totals 48 minutes
Is the above information accurate? Is that the way games are played in the pro basketball league? Okay, if the above information is true, then how is it that each and every basketball game can actually last 2 1/2 to 3 hours?
Give that some thought and we’ll be back next time with more.
Philip Williams there is much TALK in such statements Michael Chauncey Robert Borders Robert Cox Neil Steven Lawrence Oscar Valdez TerryandNita Wiles Skip Pauley but Link Hudson has failed to provide a SINGLE BIBLE verse – even a half BIBLE verse the trib has started just yet OR perhaps it has been his intent to do so – both provide a verse AND /or start trib? WHO knows? Perhaps he is too echoing CTcom to tell us trib has already started which is kind-of a popish NAR claim anyways right now
And of course CTcom has run many other FAKE news – is NOT theological in any way possible and William DeArteaga has time and again debunked them as fake news and Christian conspiracy theorists BUT Phil likes this time of fake Noah’ boat discoveries to flood our great group with …
Troy Day copied and pasted from the revelation 6 article.
“Daniel’s ‘70 weeks,’ prophesied in Daniel 9:24-27, are the framework within which the Tribulation or the 70th week occurs. The seven-year period of Daniel’s 70th week provides the time span with which a whole host of descriptives are associated. Some of those descriptive terms include Tribulation, Great Tribulation, Day of the Lord, Day of Wrath, Day of Distress, Day of Trouble, Time of Jacob’s trouble, Day of Darkness and Gloom, and the Wrath of the Lamb.”
Are all these terms found in the book of Daniel as this author says?
So far I have found “a time of trouble” which is a reference to the latter half of the 70th week. That is the last 3.5 years of the 70th week.
Please show me scripture that says the 70th week is 7 years of tribulation.
Brett Dobbs what do you mean by this?
Troy Day hmm… I just re read the copied and pasted section from the original post.
I guess I originally thought the author was suggesting that all those terms is used by Daniel in the book of Daniel. But now re reading it, I see that perhaps the author is suggesting that all those terms, are the different terms that various people use to refer to the 70th week. So just disregard that post by me.
But I will say, I think it’s an error by many to use all those terms to reference the 70th week. It makes it confusing. The reason why it makes it confusing is because all those terms have distinct definitions and meanings and applications that are very specific. It makes it hard to have a dialog about eschatology in general if we have different terminology.
Brett Dobbs dont think SO I think Philip Williams missunderstood the article as well CT is not a theological source merely preaching the news here IMHO
Brett Dobbs THE article is quoting ICE – Dr ICE is a well known pre-trib rapture scholar There is NO trib just yet
Most of us answer with Scripture. Troy Day answers with Perry Stone.

Philip Williams I think Michael Chauncey made a great point debunking your fake theory…
… when the tribulation comes it will be a day of Darkness without a gleam of light. As the one man ran from a lion only to encounter a bear and he rests his hand upon the wall only to be bitten by a serpent.
Today, there will be trouble in persecution for Christians in certain hotspots of the world. But Christians All Over America and in various free countries will enjoy the same Liberties that they enjoyed yesterday. You can pray and attend the Bible studies and speak freely about faith without being thrown into prison.
During the tribulation there will be no such days as we enjoy right now. Nowhere to run and no place to hide.
Troy Day so you think we live in a day of enlightenment! So do the woke crowd. God have mercy!
Philip Williams I believe you have made the most unholy and heretical notion not to mention dumb I’ve read on the internetS today – if trib has indeed started 1 of 2 would have been dead by now; 1 of 2 remaining meaning you or Link Hudson I do hope he is alive and well teaching his Tu class but his silence turns into an argument of silence that you may have something here that concerns you both AS well as ALL post-tribbers… Just something to think about TerryandNita Wiles
Troy Day why are you involving me in this?
Link Hudson in the tribulation? You involved yourself with your unbiblical doctrine – now you get to stay LEFT BEHIND
Link Hudson same here but ol Philip Williams felt it was important to tag me with his fake news article HOWEVER there seems to be a division in the post0trib camp Yall need to figure out IF trib has started or not AND what would be the sign of it starting so we can all be warned according to yalls frontological hypothesis
Philip Williams when He the Holy Spirit comes He Will lead you into ALL TRUTH , What is He saying to the churches ? When did disobeying Jesus To watch for The Signs Of His Return , Become Wrong ? ARE WE IN A SEASON ? ARE YOU GOING TO THE WEDDING ? Comments welcome

Tom Williams the Bride must first make herself ready. How’s she coming?
Well actually Phillip Williams , just a fearful baby boy

! But FEAR THOU NOT , For He that walks in the midst of the candle sticks is STILL KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS ! I Hear the Sound of the ABUNDANCE OF A MIGHTY RAIN ! IM LAUGHING SO HARD RIGHT NOW Lol

Michael Chauncey Neil Steven Lawrence I can only add that the lack of faith shall leave Philip Williams here during trib to love on his beloved pope
of whom BTW Kyle Williams virtually all reformers claimed to be THE antiChrist – ohWell
Philip Williams stated on this here post
Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.
I believe this 100% Link Hudson I believe the righteous shall be taken away TerryandNita Wiles John Mushenhouse Neil Steven Lawrence Nelson Banuchi Michael Chauncey and the rest shall stay here with their beloved antiChrist whom they do not fear
to walk with the antichrist in step with the wicked
to stand with the antichrist in the way that sinners take
to sit with the antichrist in the company of mockers,
and delight in his laws of the antichristis that shall cover this earth during the Trib
Troy Day Trees by the water are firmly planted. They won’t be uprooted by the winds of the tribulation as the chaff which flies away.
In Noah’s day, it was the evil people who were taken away. The righteous remained on the earth.
THAAT is not true Nelson Banuchi our Philip Williams has been sining this oriental mantra for a while now but its plain lie IN NOAH’s day GOD told NOAH to enter the boat so he can take him away – the left behind were not taken away. They die in a flood tribullation THAT SIMPLE John Mushenhouse Neil Steven Lawrence
A movie? Yeah, I’m sure that’s theological accurate…
Because the antichrist has not been revealed yet. 
And he will not be revealed until the church is taken out of the way in the Rapture! 
2 Thessalonians 2:7 
Neil Steven Lawrence the antiChrist had already appeared in John’s day.
Philip Williams
The worse that can happen to a Christian during the great tribulation which scripture says is the wrath of Satan/antichrist/2nd beast/the son of perdition is that followers of Jesus will be killed for their faith. Maybe they will even have to suffer too.
All the apostles suffered for their faith. 11 of them was executed. Jesus told them that they would suffer. He told them that servant was no greater than his master.
I’m starting to think that these pre 70th weekers think they’re so Holy and righteous and faithful that God wouldn’t allow no harm to come to them.
Where is that promise?
No, I’m still here
Daniel Denmark you expect to fly away in the coming storm?
Philip Williams I will fly away when he comes
Daniel Denmark that Philip Williams thinks BAPTISTs are post-TRib is the funnies thing I heard ALL day long ALSO he took a CT article on a upcoming movie to be his sign of the last days
No the tribulation has not begun. There is no such thing as “the tribulation”. There is only the great tribulation. There is the 70th week, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 vials of wrath, the day of Christ and the day of the Lord.
The 70th week begins when a covenant is made with many.
Brett Dobbs will the flighty by then have flown away?
Philip Williams flighty?
Brett Dobbs irresponsible!
Philip Williams only the ones who die before it begins
Brett Dobbs many don’t believe that God can and will protect them from all earthly harm. These are unbelievers like Troy Day.
Philip Williams oof…. Unbeliever is a very strong word.
I see it more of unfaithful to put their trust in God.
By of which I think that we can all be guilty of sometimes.
Brett Dobbs love overcomes all fear. Troy Day doesn’t need to hide under the bed.
YES Brett Dobbs post-trib will have the same story as Unbelievers
Brett Dobbs lot of folks thought whenever a war breaks out this the beginning of the Great tribulation and look at the what happened in Europe during World war II and look what happened in in other areas where we had wars, The Vietnam war and the other wars, people were freaked out about that!
Jerome Herrick Weymouth you have spoken the truth for Philip Williams when TRIB start even Noah’s boat can help
Jerome Herrick Weymouth that’s because they didn’t study their Bible. There is a very clear order of events. Those things is what we’re supposed to be watching for.
You ought to talk to some of the O.G.’s like Troy day or anybody that is still alive from the World war I generation or the World war II generation. Because they all thought that the Antichrist in World war II is either Mussolini or Hitler and you can read up on it. So I wouldn’t say those people didn’t read their Bibles I would say that those people were looking at the signs of the times and we’re thinking “Hey this could be it!”
Here’s proof of what I was talking about. Charles S. Price was a Trinitarian Pentecostals preacher and wrote several books well worth reading Troy Day and Ray E. Horton can verify this.
TerryandNita Wiles do you feel the TRIB has really started like Philip Williams tried to proclaim to all of us thsi morning ?
Troy Day of course not. I’m still here on earth.
thatS about right… John Mushenhouse
“There will be greater anguish than at any time since the world began. And it will never be so great again” (Matthew 24:21). Many Bible scholars have called these days “The Great Tribulation.”
Thomas Ice, who has written extensively on The End Times, provides a good summary of the Bible’s teaching on The Tribulation. He writes:
“The Tribulation in Bible prophecy is the period of time that begins with the signing of a covenant between Israel and the Antichrist [this is the rider on the white horse] and ends seven years later at the second coming of Jesus Christ. The most extensive biblical comments on the Tribulation are found in the writings of John, specifically in Revelation 6-19. In these chapters, John provides a detailed exposition of the Tribulation days.
Oscar Valdez how could be part of this group where 1/4 to 1/3 of the posts are my posts on being pre-Trib and STILL ask? These are the posts that keep Link Hudson awake at night till 2-3am trying to figure out how to diminsh the meaning of the BIBLE in them…
Oscar you do know 1/3 > 1/4 right ? or do I need to explain?
Can you imagine living in Europe during the period between 1347 and 1351; the Black Death Plague, extreme weather, and famine combined, killed more than half of the population. That wasn’t the Great Tribulation. However, the people of that time remained faithful in their belief in God. We are being tested today but so far, not nearly as harshly as in those times. It’s sad to say that, due to the attacks and prohibitions against Christianity by government institutions, the universal media, and academia; so many people are turning away from God. This aspect of modern times is different. So many people put their faith in science and forget about God who’s responsible for the advances in science.
Jerry Flynn yes, prosperity and the deception of science is much the problem, but so is the disunity among Christians. The Government allows more freedom of belief than the churches allow their members, which explains the divisions.
Jerry Flynn Can you imagine living in Europe during the period between 1347 and 1351; the Black Death Plague, extreme weather, and famine combined, killed more than half of the population. That wasn’t the Great Tribulation. TRUE
Can you imagine how many Christians NERO killed
That wasn’t the Great Tribulation.
Can you imagine how many JEWS Hitler killed
That wasn’t the Great Tribulation.
Neil Steven Lawrence Jerome Herrick Weymouth TerryandNita Wiles Nelson Banuchi 6 000 000 JEWS out of 6 000 000 000 earth population was merely 0.1 – A fraction – a tenth NOT even 1% – imagine that
NOW we;ve calculated from REVELATION for Link Hudson that during the GTrib 1 out of 2 on earth will die That is 50% of 8 000 000 000 people
50% > 0.1% and not just 500 times more but 6bil VS 8 bill – 2 bil increase since the 1940s gives you even MORE Than 500 times killed
to put it simply
1 out of 2 means
out of Philip Williams and Link Hudson one would die within 7 yrs
now imagine it aint ol Phil but you OR your child
imagine that… STILL wanna stay and feel strong toward staying with the antiChrist – you just go ahead. I;ll be out a here … #BOOM #raptureReady
//the Black Death Plague, extreme weather, and famine combined, killed more than half of the population.//
And faithful Christians were included in the number pf deaths as they were, and still are, included in the disasters and illnesses (like COVID) today.
So, what makes anyone think that Christians will be spared in the final chapters of this age by a “rapture” that scoops them up to safety before the “Great Tribulation”?
Nelson Banuchi 1 little verse that literally says
Neil Steven Lawrence TerryandNita Wiles Michael Chauncey
Troy Day there is no reason to think thst wanting to stay around or leave does changes the time of the rspture. BOOM!
If half the population of Europe died and God didn’t rapture the Christians away first, then there is no reason to think the rapture must occur before half the population of the world dies. BOOM!
Philip Williams, divisions within a church congregation, denomination, or Christianity as a whole?
Jerry Flynn well, the congregations and denominations will not allow disagreements over their sectarian distinctions. But of course the sects don’t agree resulting in confusion to those who wish to know whose Christianity is true.
Link Hudson Are you comparing the Black Death Plague to the Tribulation cause you believe Jesus returned at the end of the Black Death Plague like you believe he would return at the end of the tribulation OR are you againb comparing apples and oranges?
Jerry Flynn No one has said anyone leaves the earth in an earthly body? Why are you bringing a strawman no one has argued or mentioned?
Troy Day A bunch of people suffering didn’t make the rapture happen before the suffering.
“The tribulation will be terrible” is not evidence for the pretrib rapture.
NO 1 leaves
Troy Day, no one leaves the earth in an earthly body. Those who’re dead in Christ will be raised into glorified bodies. Those who’re alive will be changed in the twinkling of an eye.
Troy Day, I wasn’t arguing, I was just saying. Is this a debate? If so, I missed seeing any debatable thesis statements. I did notice a bit of contention between you and Baruchi regarding whether or not there will be a rapture.
Link Hudson all these tribs have been seen and wetnet it
this one is not seen since the fall of the worldS
Jerry Flynn not sure about that Philip Williams started it with some fake news article – he should tell ya
Troy Day “we who are alive… until the coming of the Lord,” and, as far as my reading of the Bible is concerned, there is only one event wherein Jesus returns and that is after the GT and at the final end of the age.
Michael Chauncey you stated
when the tribulation comes it will be a day of Darkness without a gleam of light. As the one man ran from a lion only to encounter a bear and he rests his hand upon the wall only to be bitten by a serpent.
Today, there will be trouble in persecution for Christians in certain hotspots of the world. But Christians All Over America and in various free countries will enjoy the same Liberties that they enjoyed yesterday. You can pray and attend the Bible studies and speak freely about faith without being thrown into prison.
During the tribulation there will be no such days as we enjoy right now. Nowhere to run and no place to hide.
when the Trib comes Link Hudson would wish it is only a day and NOT 7×360 days
Link Hudson you wrote
– Troy Day I have not argued that the great tribulation has started so why would I provide a verse for that? But Jesus said ‘in this world ye shall have tribulation but be if good cheer. I have overcome the world.’
and just like that the Philip Williams Link Hudson duo stopped singing the same note
FYI Philip Williams stated Even Baptist have a more spiritual understanding of Revelation than PLACE a NAME HERE – just based on this sorry CTcom link
Philip Williams not sure where this one come from – Troy Day so you think we live in a day of enlightenment! So do the woke crowd. God have mercy!
I do not think we live in a day of enlightenment!
Perhaps you mixed me with Link Hudson ???
Just learned today that we (humanity collectively/the planet) may run out of helium in 25-30 years, as it is a non-renewable resource.
Troy Day plenty of helium inside the earth’s crust.
Philip Williams do you agree with Link Hudson that your post was just another nonsense ?
Troy Day no yours.
Who knows that it may be a trailer too.
Rasiah Thomas JESUS? the BIBLE?
Troy Day Sorry, I made a comment for a joke to laugh and think about.
Brett Dobbs the funny part about this is that Philip Williams dont even know who ICE is
had he known ICE is among the TOP proponents of pre-TRIB rapture he would have been scared to post it here BUT ignorance plays bad jokes on him all the time ChHistory101 needed again
Troy Day I’ve never heard of Dr. ICE.
I’d love to be able to have a dialogue with a top well known proponent of pre trib rapture.
I wish you finally drop some verses here so I can demolish your fake theology
Most likely
Candice N Jesse Nix based on?
Troy Day look around you
Nope. Not there yet. But getting closer.
Not until the bride is taking out and the ac confirms the covenant
Darnell Henson Jr. dont hold any now – tell us all you know about this
It is on the way to start at any time.
sure thing
Most likely said Candice N Jesse Nix
Amos 5:18-19 gives us clue. Today, the sun is shining and all is well for many of us.
Michael Chauncey are you saying it hAS BEGAN?
Troy Day no, I am saying the tribulation has not begun
.. it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood