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[I received some interesting feedback after the service one Sunday. The Lord used a sister to cry out for the men of the church to spiritually protect the women, after which compassion arose in my heart and I was spontaneously led to exhort the men. I’ve heard since that several men were put off, thinking I knew something about them. So let me set the record straight. I never pay attention to or listen to individual situations. I do not see that as my place. What I said was spontaneous and, I believe, right from the heart of God. I believe this is a message for all Christian men.]:
“Praise and worship led to a time of ministry and a number of people came forth to be prayed for concerning attacks of depression. Someone on the line said the presence of the Holy Spirit was strong as the people who came up received individual prayer.
Fight their spiritual battles
A man’s highest calling of love for the women in his life is to pray for them, and stand in the gap for them, and protect their hearts by doing battle for them in the spirit realm
“As personal prayer ministry concluded, sister Liz, who has a wonderful husband and five small children, came forth in tears (I believe the tears were the Lord’s), and asked if we noticed that most of the people who came forth for prayer were women. I had indeed noticed that, and as Liz shared, the Lord’s compassion welled up in me. Her prophetic exhortation to the men was to be strong for their wives and fight the spiritual battles for them. Women are attacked by the enemy differently than men, and they need our spiritual strength.
“After sister Liz’s anointed cry from God’s heart, Pastor Jim called all the men up – must have been about a hundred of us, and the Lord spoke strong exhortation and encouragement through me to all the men of the church. Among other things, I was led to share that we are called to love our wives, and we can bring them flowers, serve them, listen to them, all of which are very important, but our highest calling of love is to pray for them, and stand in the gap for them, and protect their hearts by doing battle for them in the spirit realm.
“God is raising us up higher, and in these last days, He is calling us to put aside our pleasure and selfishness, our worldliness and indifference – we can no longer eat, drink and be merry – we have a higher call. And as we grow strong in Him, we have all it takes: He dwells within us. And we have each other and need to be accountable to one another and be there for one another. I told them about our great men’s group, where the men are growing, as one way.
“As we grow spiritually strong, He will be all that we need to be for the women in our lives: our wives, children, sisters, girlfriends, whoever they may be. That is what they need from us, to be strong spiritual leaders, loving them with the love of the Lord, protecting their hearts, and releasing them, as God does, to be all they can be, everything God has called them to be, and strong partners by our sides.”
This was a generalized word to all the men, including myself. And I believe it wasn’t just for our church but applies in the Body of Christ universally. Let me point out that being strong for our women can enhance our prayer effectiveness as well. Here is a scripture that comes to mind, 1 Peter 3:7 – “Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.”
A Woman’s Strength
They are usually more vulnerable to attack because God made them more sensitive with the wonderful gift of being the nurturer – they are typically by nature more sensitive to God and to other people
As it is rendered in the NLT version, “she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life.” And while women are typically physically weaker than men, I think the verse is getting at something else here. Women have a different kind of strength. They are usually more vulnerable to attack because God made them more sensitive with the wonderful gift of being the nurturer – they are typically by nature more sensitive to God and to other people. That is a good thing, but it is also the key reason they need our consideration, understanding, encouragement and protection. That allows them to keep their hearts soft and to be who they are.
When the enemy uses his lies, deceits, and accusations against your woman – and he tries all the time, listen to her, do not try to fix it in the natural, rather build her up, then rebuke the devourer off her life, her mind, her heart. In Jesus name he must take his lies and get away from her, in the authority of the Name above all names. Not only will that please her, but it also works. As you protect her spiritually, watch her grow in confidence and love, and, by the way, respect for you as well.
A Word of caution to wives
Now, a word of caution. Wives who read this, please do not dump this on your husband who doesn’t yet understand. You cannot force change. It is the work of the Holy Spirit. It calls for prayer. And God is faithful. He created you and knows you and knows your need. Fathers and brothers be spiritually strong for the ladies. And church, for those women who do not have a man that grasps this, or who are single, it is up to all of us to corporately be fighting the spiritual battle. As we first submit to God, then resist the devil, he will flee (James 4:7).
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