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Theology of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
A question asked by Rachel Ostroski:
If people could list their top books on the history and/or practice of Holy Spirit baptism (from any persuasion, not necessarily Pentecostal), I would be grateful
John Kissinger [07/20/2015 11:58 AM]
Let’s start the discussion with a #Pentecostal bibliography
Charles Page [07/20/2015 1:02 PM]
You referenced the baptism of the Holy Spirit and she asked about the practice of Holy Spirit baptism. Which one is it? The baptism of the Holy Spirit – regeneration/new birth or the baptism by Christ (promise of the Father) pouring out the Spirit upon regenerate believers.
Charles Page [07/20/2015 1:11 PM]
I bought a box of these and handed them out from the Military Ministry Pentecostal fellowships in Turkey
John Kissinger [07/20/2015 1:16 PM]
Actually “theology of the baptism of the Holy Spirit” is a quote from her second post. I am still failing to understand what exactly “is the practice of Holy Spirit baptism (from any persuasion, not necessarily Pentecostal)”? Don’t you have to be persuaded in Pentecost to even begin seeking the Holy Spirit baptism? Rick Wadholm Jr Alan N Carla Smith
John Kissinger [07/20/2015 1:18 PM]
Charles Page Given your heritage, I’d have expected you to more appropriately suggest and distribute:
Charles Page [07/20/2015 1:23 PM]
Hughes improperly called it the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Conditional salvationist for some reason don’t believe/deny that regeneration is the baptism OF the Holy Ghost.
Charles Page [07/20/2015 1:26 PM]
While I did not agree with everything Basham wrote I rejected early on the confusion of baptisms for which Hughes represented.
Charles Page [07/20/2015 1:29 PM]
back in 73 Ancil Carter, an old fashion COG peacher, told a friend of mine (who is presently an assistant GO of the COG who was “name dropping”) Son, there are only two people I know and that is Jesus Christ and Ray Hughes!!!
Rachel Ostroski [07/20/2015 1:51 PM]
Definitely giving me a lot to read! Thanks!!
Rachel Ostroski [07/20/2015 1:53 PM]
Also, I wouldn’t define what I mean too stringently. All I know is this is the first time in my entire life when I have asked this question that anyone has given me anything to read specifically on the topic (outside of the Word, which is central) that does not pertain to Pentecostal history. So thank you.
Rachel Ostroski [07/20/2015 2:13 PM]
Oh, OK, reread some of these. I am interested to know people’s opinions on the following:
Rachel Ostroski [07/20/2015 2:14 PM]
1) What is the baptism of the Spirit?
2) Is every believer given the Spirit automatically upon conversion to saving faith in Jesus Christ?
3) Can people have the Holy Spirit without being baptized in the Spirit? Are they two separate experiences or one and the same?
4) How do we know from Scripture?
5) (Some of you have already provided resources) What are other documents/resources that expound on this topic?
Charles Page [07/20/2015 2:18 PM]
baptism of the Holy Spirit is the new birth/regeneration I Cor 12:13 the washing of regeneration and renewing (regeneration) of the Holy Ghost. We are joined to the mystical, universal body of Christ
John Kissinger [07/20/2015 2:28 PM]
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is subsequent to a clean heart and follows justification, regeneration, and sanctification subsequent to the new birth. Bible answers your question 4) in Acts ch. 2, 8, 10 and 19. The rest of your questions are answered here: [very specific on the topic]
John Kissinger [07/20/2015 2:50 PM]
Also important on the contextual usage of glossolalia in initial evidence (Acts 2) vs. gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor. 14)
Rachel Ostroski [07/20/2015 2:54 PM]
What is all this about: “John 20:21 So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” 22 And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit (NKJV)”? Why did Jesus tell them to receive if He also told them to wait?
John Kissinger [07/20/2015 2:58 PM]
asked and answered – carry on
Charles Page [07/20/2015 6:43 PM]
He he he he!!! Rachel, you got him!
Joseph L. Arnold [07/21/2015 7:03 PM]
Charles Page [07/21/2015 9:44 PM]
When I grew up in the church the only way to be baptized with the Holy Ghost was lay on your back on the floor and have 4 or more people kneel beside you saying real fast glory, glory, glory, “that’s it, that’s it”‘ This would go on for hours till either you got tongue tied saying glory real fast or the the encourages got discouraged and quit. This can go on for years!
Timothy Carter [07/22/2015 1:00 PM]
Rachel Ostroski the best book you will ever read on Understanding the tongues issues isSpeaking in Tongues: Initial Evidence of Spirit Baptism? Brand: Pathway Press
John Kissinger [07/22/2015 1:02 PM]
Timothy Carter [07/22/2015 1:03 PM]
Both of these men are Professors of Preaching at Lee University in Cleveland TN a Christ Centered lebral arts University.
Charles Page [07/22/2015 3:18 PM]
Timothy, how did you receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit?
David Thomas [07/22/2015 4:41 PM]
Right after my wife and I were saved in 1976, this book almost jumped off the shelf at my wife – the Lord’s doing!
Charles Page [07/22/2015 5:16 PM]
That was a good book! I also used that book and passed it out!
Pentecostal Theology [07/22/2015 6:03 PM]
Steve Webb Empire State Building turns green in honor of Muslim holiday marking end of Ramadan
Steve Webb [07/22/2015 6:27 PM]
The other day I posted a very political post, and I will share it here. I am first and foremost a Christian, but I am also an American. Here is my post, which may offend some, but it is mine and I stand by it:
The Empire State Building was lit green in honor of the false religion of Islam. The same religion that terrorizes people, kills people, attacked us on 9/11/01, the same people that over and over proves they are not a religion of peace, and just recently killed five soldiers in Chattanooga. And our worthless president has yet to call them what they are, and refuses to acknowledge them as terrorists, AND will not lower the flag to half staff for service members killed? Someone please tell me why he is still in office? Why is he not impeached? Why is he deemed worthy of anything by anyone’s standards?
Do me a favor…please, if you support this moron in any form or fashion then unfriend me. Or spew your ignorance here so I can block you. I have zero use for a president that will light up the White House to celebrate an abomination, cheer a building being decorated for terrorists, and not acknowledge the very ones charged to protect our nation.
Pentecostal Theology [07/22/2015 6:39 PM]
Could you pls do it in a separate topic?
Speaking of Jesus, it is written,
“He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit…”
The Baptism with the Holy Spirit is the new, indwelling ministry in the Church saints, beginning at Pentecost.
Acts, an historical narrative, records the brief transition period following Pentecost as the Holy Spirit began this special work.
It is God’s plan for the Church saints to be indwelt by the Holy Spirit at the moment of conversion.
However, many errors are taught about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit in the Charismatic Movement.
Duane L Burgess You should not compare the Charismatic Movement to Pentecostal Church as you may confuse together.
Rasiah Thomas
Speaking in tongues is a must…
Troy Day dakota- I believe in speaking tongues, but where does it say that on must in order to be baptized in the Spirit?
Katie N Dakota Morrow in the Link of cog doctrinal commitments
Troy Day Maybe she meant where _in the Bible_?
Link Hudson that was Dakota speaking. Not Katie.
Katie N Dakota Morrow oops. sorry.
Link Hudson dakota- that is what I am meaning, because denominations commitments are not authoritative but scriptures are
Katie N Dakota Morrow Do you disagree with that Troy Day?
Link Hudson dakota- if he is saying that people are not baptized in the Spirit if they have never spoken in tongues before
Yes I am
David Tripp good2no