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Jim Price |

Theology, means trying to see things at a deeper level. For example at a bible college near nere, a professor was teaching about Samson ( Judges 15: 4-5 ) catching 300 Foxes. A student encouraged by his father kept raising questions such as :foxes travel in small groups, how would Samson have found 300 in one place? In all the confusion; how could anyone be sure of the exact number? How could one man light 150 firebrands and then tie the firebrands to the tails of 300 wild foxes, all the while keeping the torches lite? Next how did the firebrands stay attached while straddling shocks and standing corn? Finally after the logistical questions the student wanted to know why God would participate in and honor this behavior since He is later revealed as a God of love and wants to bring abundant life to humankind? The professor was enjoying this lively discussion and let it go on for two weeks until the dean heard about it and put the prof,on probation for letting the discussion get out of hand. I have since heard that the professor resigned. How would you have handled this situation?
Street Preacherz
I think A.A. Allen nailed it.
“When God sets your field on fire”
For me that’s “the big take away”
Sounds like the professor became the sermon. I pray the holy spirit comfort and our Lord provide. Jesus is the baptizer in the Holy Ghost and fire.
Varnel Watson
Elijah reference or 2 SAM. 14:28-33?
Street Preacherz
Borrowing… lol
Varnel Watson
Spoiler alert – CRY story at the end
Street Preacherz
I read it… It’s not the 300 fox’s.
Similarly Isaiah 28. “What will it take for God to break you”
as to original post I have no problem with Samson catching 300 fox’s. You can get into a lot of trouble thinking you’re smarter than the Bible.
Just talked to a panhandler about Jesus Christ. Cost me 37¢. One fox down 299 to go!!!