Then shall they also answer

Then shall they also answer

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Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
– Matthew 25:44

I kind of reached a good number 4 loaves of bread is 44 sandwiches which is roughly 4 packs of bologna and 2 packs of cheese. 44 sandwiches is about one block of homeless people with some scattered foot traffic and dealers etc . Theres already 5 or 6 places that offer real meals to the homeless in the tenderloin . thats not a real issue but the bridge building and loving complement the gospel preaching . There isnt much of that . Were at 3 weeks so far ? and so far , with water its affordable . a gospel Johnand contact information in the mix makes a solid gold effort for Christ and the souls of men .
Maybe a few more weeks and see if it helps . One thing we need, that I need, is real love . I think it helps make those connections with the people on the ground which is so important .

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