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218) The woman on the beast, mystery of Babylon – Finis J. Dake
218) The woman on the beast, mystery of Babylon – Finis J. Dake
Varnel Watson
I would say this is mother Russia – the way things are going. Russia occupy Turkey takes over mid East + attacks Israel rides the red beast from Eastern Europe to Alaska + China + Korea What an excellent chart Ricky Grimsley Randal W Deese
Ricky Grimsley
I believe mystery Babylon is Jerusalem
Varnel Watson
well many have said it is ROME – others America with its many ships BUT who was the major factor during the times of John? Where were the 7 churches? – you guessed it: the house of Tagurmah, modern day Turkey where Noah arc landed (not in KY)
Ricky Grimsley
Here give it a start.
Varnel Watson
Who is Chris White?
Ricky Grimsley
He is just a guy who studies the Bible and makes videos. Listen to it and tell me what you think.
Randal W Deese
Finis was wrong in a few areas – this is one of them
Varnel Watson
Dake was wrong on few thing Eschatology especially Dan/Rev prophecy is not one of them Ricky Grimsley IF Russia takes over Syria Turkey which seems to be the big deal – and not a take over as it often charged, but more of an economic response to USA, EU and other unions – then it means the Orthodox church will be the woman riding the beast; wouldnt that interpretation be much more Biblical than any other? John did not see the woman in Rome or America; he saw the woman in the middle East making the Orthodox church a prime candidate for this prophecy
Randal W Deese
Haha..goofy theology…
Randal W Deese
Prove from Scripture the identity of Babylon – waiting on my couch, resting
Ricky Grimsley
Ricky Grimsley
Randal W Deese
I have taught Jerusalem as Babylon for decades… I was asking the pro-finis group to attempt to present their teaching…
Randal W Deese
I would suggest that you present your points in writing in a platform like this…