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[The secret to true revival, surrender and pray, and leave it up to the Lord. Below is a teaching clarifying the understanding of revival. – Ray E Horton]
I am sharing a few thoughts learned from my experiences in powerful moves of God that I have seen in different parts of the world over the years. Some of these were triggered by God using our ministry. Others were triggered by God using others, but I was privileged to be part of them.
It’s About the Holy Spirit Having Us
Yielding” to the Holy Spirit is about submitting to His total Will and to His Way in our lives and in the Church
It is not about us “having” the Holy Ghost in our church, but about the Holy Spirit “having us.” “Yielding” to the Spirit is not just about going with what people call a “move of the Spirit” in modern-day jargon. It is something far deeper; it is firstly about our understanding and acknowledging that the Holy Spirit is Almighty God. Then to understand that He wants our complete and total Surrender and Submission to His Lordship and to His Will.
So “Yielding” to the Holy Spirit is about submitting to His total Will and to His Way in our lives and in the Church. The Holy Spirit will not come to our church under our conditions. We do not get to set the terms or the rules for Him. We do not set the conditions about WHEN He can come and about WHAT He is allowed to do, at the times we designate for Him to show up and to move. We do not get to tell Him what we like or dislike. He is the Sovereign Lord. He decides. With Him it is ALL Him or nothing. A man-designed and tailored “Pentecost” that is built to suit our tastes is not acceptable to Him.
It Is All About Jesus
Man cannot start a “Revival,” only God can, but the Lord uses and responds to man’s Prayers, Hunger, Brokenness, and Preaching of Jesus Christ
A Holy Ghost Revival is not about us, but totally about Jesus. It is a result of man bending before God, calling out to Him in Prayer, and the Holy Spirit coming in His own way to do that which pleases Him. Another element in this is that we continually lift up, preach, sing and are centered around Jesus, His Cross and His Blood.
Man cannot start a “Revival”, only God can, but the Lord uses and responds to man’s Prayers, Hunger, Brokenness, and Preaching of Jesus Christ to ignite Revival amongst His people. And these things rise out of the hearts of men when they realize that they are nothing without Jesus, and how desperately they really need Him.
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