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| PentecostalTheology.comThe rich and poor meet together: the LORD is the maker of them all.
– Proverbs 22:2
giving thanks to Christ my Saviour tonight for giving me grace and courage . I surely need it . somehow ended up preaching at the federal building. the back side is the tenderloin . as it happens they were installing a federal judge . thinking it was providence I gave my best effort to preach Jesus Christ , the Judge of all the earth . Justice and liberty that is in him . it was difficult to preach to those suits and ties . but surprisingly the homeless and regular folks liked it . A waiter gave me 7 bucks and told me keep preaching . a lady was yelling out the window thank you! the street sweeper said y
you done good. crazy because I honestly thought it was awful . I prayed and studied all day without inspiration. I walked for two hours believing God and asking for a verse . Nothing . I had nothing . today was like hitting a wall . but somehow Gods people were encouraged and blessed .
I did help a old man that had been assaulted laying on the sidewalk bleeding . and talked to an old man 72 years old from Yemen smoking crack . It was awkward he had no teeth and he keep spitting on me . Anyways an honest effort for Christ the Saviour . Peace
2nd day .