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Jim Price |

The resurrection: Mark 1:5 tells of one angel at the empty tomb but in John 20:12 we read of two angels in the tomb. In Matt. 28 we read of a great earthquake and see the angel coming down and rolling away the stone When you teach or preach on the resurrection; do you mention this difference and if so how do you explain it?
Charles Page
Preach one text and one message
Not a synopsis
David Lewayne Porter
Use it to show we all have different view points of the gospel according to our reference points.
That means neither is more right or one more correct/wrong.
It is just who paid attention to what at which moment of time.
Nathan Ridgeway
One of the writers had one eye closed when he looked at the situation. The other had both eyes open, so he saw twice as many angels. Simple!
Pat Fretwell
The gospels have always given their viewpoint. Does it really matter how many? The main thing has to be the main thing…..the resurrection!! He arose!