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Sunday, 3/29/20. I watched the Eagle Mountain Church on the Kenneth Copeland channel (BVON) at noontime. Pastor George Pearson, son-in law to Kenneth Copeland, officiated to an empty auditorium, as is now common. This church is part of Kenneth Copland Ministries, and the Rev. Copeland was part of the program. Ah, I hear the grumblings of “turn off” as many of you discount Kenneth Copeland as a fanatic of the prosperity Gospel. Yes and no. He is more moderate on this in the last few years, and as I discussed in my book, Quenching the Spirit, there is indeed a moderate prosperity doctrine found in the scriptures which the Puritans discovered three centuries ago and which laid the foundations of American prosperity. I find Copeland’s insights on faith and healing excellent and extravagant only in comparison to cessationist faithlessness which taints much of mainline theology and often does not even believe in healing prayer (i.e. John MacArthur).
I have certain bed-rock beliefs formed from my years as Christian historian. One is, “There is no such thing as a flawless theologian.” Even Martin Luther, with his grace-filled insights on salvation by faith, had a horrible, destructive belief about the Jews that was ultimately used by Nazi propagandists to justify their cruelty and genocide toward the Jews. Who knows what people will say about my theology decades from now. John MacArthur has already taken some shots at me – take a look at his book Reckless Faith. (Please don’t buy it new, go to a used book site where he will not get a penny of your money as royalty.)
OK, now to the point, This Sunday pastor George and Kenneth Copeland both prophesized about the corona virus Covit-19 and “judged” it to disappear “much sooner than expected.” Bu judging they meant that the Christian can take Jesus’ authority over it and declare it ended. OK, maybe. I certainly believe that Christians have certain authority over nature, as in stopping tornadoes.
But now, will this prophecy be fulfilled, or merely turn out to be a wishful exaggeration? If the pandemic ends in a few weeks it will be a startling verification of their prophecy/judgment (and the many prayers of other Christians, including the Pope). But if the pandemic takes its normal course and does not dissipate until August of September; then we have a case of false (or presumptuous) prophecy. Let’s see.
William DeArteaga
While prophet Makandiwa may have been precise about some some elements of the pestilence, some have been debunked with the latest series of research going on around the virus.
Initially Corona was thought to have originated from the sea creatures after all it broke out in a Wuhan Market ‘wet market’ which specializes in selling sea food and the illegal sales of other wild life.
It is called a wet market because the animals are usually slaughtered at the market shortly before selling to ensure freshness.
However recent research by scientists indicate that the virus originated in bats and was transferred to humans through a yet-unidentified intermediary species.
Another previous study suggested that it went through snakes before being passed on to humans.
In early February, Chinese researchers published that the intermediary species may have been the pangolin though this work has not been reviewed yet.
On March 11 World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the virus a global pandemic and said it was “deeply concerned by the alarming levels of spread and severity” of the outbreak.
According to WHO at least 5,700 people have died from the disease and there have been more than 152,000 confirmed cases worldwide. The numbers keep rising daily.
Was Makandiwa right on the money with his prophecy?
Varnel Watson
THANK YOU William DeArteaga for this timely intervention MAYBE Peter Vandever or Jon Sellers will pitch in too OK, now to the point, This Sunday pastor George and Kenneth Copeland both prophesized about the corona virus Covit-19 and “judged” it to disappear “much sooner than expected.” Bu judging they meant that the Christian can take Jesus’ authority over it and declare it ended. OK, maybe. I certainly believe that Christians have certain authority over nature, as in stopping tornadoes.
But now, will this prophecy be fulfilled, or merely turn out to be a wishful exaggeration? If the pandemic ends in a few weeks it will be a startling verification of their prophecy/judgment (and the many prayers of other Christians, including the Pope). But if the pandemic takes its normal course and does not dissipate until August of September; then we have a case of false (or presumptuous) prophecy. Let’s see.
Peter Vandever
Troy Day Jeremiah 23:16.
Varnel Watson
Peter Vandever now the man predicted corona virus pandemics in detail back in 2015 – not so easy to dismiss
Peter Vandever
Troy Day read Jer. 23
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo Peter Vandever William DeArteaga Tim Anderson While prophet Makandiwa may have been precise about some some elements of the pestilence, some have been debunked with the latest series of research going on around the virus.
Initially Corona was thought to have originated from the sea creatures after all it broke out in a Wuhan Market ‘wet market’ which specializes in selling sea food and the illegal sales of other wild life.
It is called a wet market because the animals are usually slaughtered at the market shortly before selling to ensure freshness.
However recent research by scientists indicate that the virus originated in bats and was transferred to humans through a yet-unidentified intermediary species.
Another previous study suggested that it went through snakes before being passed on to humans.
In early February, Chinese researchers published that the intermediary species may have been the pangolin though this work has not been reviewed yet.
On March 11 World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the virus a global pandemic and said it was “deeply concerned by the alarming levels of spread and severity” of the outbreak.
According to WHO at least 5,700 people have died from the disease and there have been more than 152,000 confirmed cases worldwide. The numbers keep rising daily.
Was Makandiwa right on the money with his prophecy?
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Was Makandiwa right on the money with his prophecy?
Was TB Joshua spot on with the 27th March… Coronavirus end?
Isiah prophesied that a virgin will give birth to a Son..
Seven years after the prophesy the Savior was born..
Precise prophesy..
God can’t shoot at your eyeball and hit your nose instead. He is precise.
My comment answers your question Troy..
Varnel Watson
Joseph Castillo Joe Absher DO WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS? Police arrest Florida pastor for holding church services despite stay-at-home order
34 mins ago
Rodney Howard-Browne, Megachurch Pastor Who Flouted Virus Rules, Arrested
Joe Absher
Yes of course we can talk about . we talk about everything else . .
First I would say . sadly many pastors are near poverty . I don’t think Rodney Howard Browne is in that category . but I recommend we continue to support God’s work and our beloved pastors .
Second . as to the first amendment and american right to assembly it’s going to be settled in court I guess . maybe I can see both sides . Americans have always held obedience to a man’s conscience a sacred right . but he can speak nowadays on social media so is his free speech really deprived ?
and who wants to be called a coward or lacking faith (as some here have implied)
Question is does he want make a federal case out of it ?
the article says they took every precaution ? He showed some judgment and temperance ?
Short answer ? Everybody ain’t cut out to be a pastor ! ?
Varnel Watson
This one needs to be done without the usual prejudice and passive aggressiveness because it is an important one Folks, whether you agree with his ministry or not, the arrest of this man has set a dangerous precedent. Now that this door is open, where does it end? What happens when the government issues and executive order to tell us we can’t preach against homosexuality? I believe in exercising caution and safety, but arresting this man has crossed a VERY DANGEROUS line that we may not be able to come back from. There is supposed to be something called “separation between church and state”, but we all really know that is just political language that doesn’t mean anything, obviously!
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Very sober observation.
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo well aint no one doing it – not even you
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Remember there was a post here in PT about the closure of kiosk churches(Neil’s word..)
I cautioned about govt interference of freedom to worship..
At the time you didn’t pay attention because you thought the issue was about kiosk churches and unlearned and untrained pastors..
God uses human beings and Satan uses human beings..
When the devil sees an opportunity to score a goal he won’t blast in only one but a thousand..
One lone arrest could lead to a multi faceted issues to ministries.. and ministers..
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Peter was annointed but his anointing couldn’t break the bars of jail.
Only when the church prayed in earnest..
It always comes down to prayer not a fist fight
Francisco Arriola
One thing for sure if you take the time too look him is the Brother Emmanuel does not kid around when he speaks PROFITICALLY.
Varnel Watson
I agree His prophecy was backed by a court order which I find a bit pathetic but anyhow … Isara Mo knows
Isara Mo
Troy Day
I know nothing more than my Old Jalopy SUV..
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo of which you was going to post us a picture last week and you never did
Isara Mo
Troy Day
I will try this week end..
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo you dont have it during the week