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φαρμακεία is pharmakia and translated withcraft in the new testament. Pharmakia means drugs and booze. I’ll often hear a man call it “self medicating.” This includes drinking and weed and dope. Things like this altar a man’s personality. Clouds his judgment, corrupts the morals of a man and pulls down his will.
“Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,…”
— Galatians 5:19,20
Pharmakia is used again in Revelations
“Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
— Revelation 9:12
“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”
— Revelation 21:8
They are just physical substances but they open up the Spirit world. Especially methamphetamine. It’s interesting that the Greek word Pharmakei means “sorcerywitchcraft” is translated drugs in English. This is where we get pharmacy, pharmacist. Etc
What about Pharmekeia?
This Greek word is interesting. As noted, it is used for medicine, drugs, or spells. The purpose of many drugs used for depression is to put you under a spell or alter your thinking. They is what they are designed to do. In some cases, this is needed. However, most times it is actually going against the purpose of God for the person.
The word is used twice. Once in Galatians and once in Revelation.
In Galatians 5:19-21 we see the first use. It is related to the use of witchcraft. Paul was very careful to make sure it knew it was related to many other issues of the heart.
The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
In the midst of sexual immorality, drunkeness, hatred, selfishness and envy is pharmekeia. You can read this as “The acts of the flesh are obvious…. fornication, getting drunks, taking medicines, doing drugs….” Anything that alters the mind is of the evil one. It is the work of the flesh and inspired by the evil one.
Revelation 18:23 takes it a whole new level. While Paul said that using mind altering drugs were of the flesh, John the Revelator takes to the spiritual realm of angels and demons. Let’s take a look.
The light of a lamp will never shine in you again, Nor will the joyous laughter of a wedding be heard in you. Your merchants were once the tycoons of the world, But you deceived all the nations by your sorcery.
The reality is that the companies that make meds and illegal drugs are tycoons. They have made billions off giving people addictions. They have deceived people all the world by their usage of pharmekeia. The enemy, Satan, is inspiring people to profit off people’s addictions and it is deception and witchcraft.
You should never purchase oil’s that have Pagan or Satanic mumbo-jumbo mixed in their advertising mainly as a testimony and to not support their evil efforts. But just like with music we should never allow the devil to hijack what the Lord has created. In Africa the medicine-man (Herbalist) is one of the more harmless of what might begin to be termed witchcraft. In my opinion the line should be drawn when you start invoking spirits or the names of ancestors, etc. in the same way with essential oil‘s the names that they are given may determine whether you should use them or not. People who practice paganism, magic, witchcraft and Satanism use herbs and drugs to weaken them and alter their state of consciousness so as to be more susceptible to the spirit world. The Bible forbids us from doing this.
Varnel Watson
NOT sure WHY church ppl wanna be on drugs and STILL claim there are NO demonized believers Peter Vandever
Frances Strickland
Troy Day what does racism have to do with the drugs & booze theme?
Varnel Watson
phramakia adulatory is THE real deal Neil Steven Lawrence Peter Vandever BUT if we are to listen to James Molenaar and few others on social drinking Ray E Horton Kyle Williams next thing gay preachers will be doing crack BEFORE getting up and preaching in our churches on Sunday AM and ppl will be FINE with it Joe Absher
Ray E Horton
Troy Day I’m not for social drinking, but I’m not a legalist. An occasional small glass of wine with a meal hurts no one and is not Biblically forbidden.
James Molenaar
I never said anything about social drinking
James Molenaar
Troy Day I just challenged your assertion that “real Christians do NOT drink Any Alcohol.
Varnel Watson
not my assertion – pls read the actual post
James Molenaar
never said more than that
Kyle Williams
I’m not sure why I’m included in this post. Just have trouble ascribing the title of sin to things that the Inspired Infallible and very literal word of God does not call sin.. such as a man wearing a beard
James Molenaar
He included you and me because he does not like any challenge to his doctrine =.
Kyle Williams
James Molenaar neither did the pharisees not even when GOD himself challenged them
Varnel Watson
James Molenaar you dont know my doctrine. Pls do not attack me as a person without knowing my belief IF you like to drink or do CBD or whatever it aint my fault
James Molenaar
Troy Day YOU said I was NOT a real Christian because I said someone who has any alcohol may still be a Christian. So I don’t think saying you don’t like being challenged comes anywhere close to that.
Varnel Watson
James Molenaar ACTUALLY you said
James Molenaar I’m getting tired of people trying to say who is a real Christian and who isn’t. This is such an ignorant statement.
to which I said
Troy Day you are NOT a real Christian then
James Molenaar
because I am disagreeing with the statement.
Varnel Watson
James Molenaar well and I am disagreeing with you disagreeing with the statement.
James Molenaar
Troy Day Not only are you disagreeing with my disagreement, you stated that I am not a real Christian because of it. Do you see the issue there?
Varnel Watson
James Molenaar not really I simply expressed my disagreement in the same manner you expressed yours
James Molenaar
Troy Day you said I was not a real Christian! how is that equal to me disagreeing with a statement made?
Varnel Watson
I was disagreeing with a statement you made in the same manner you were disagreeing with a statement I made? Now do you have to add something about CBD?
Varnel Watson
Kyle Williams James Molenaar I;ve noticed believers doing social drinking do CBD as well. Do you?
Kyle Williams
Not a social drinker and yes I do use CBD…on my horse…
Varnel Watson
Kyle Williams no one should drink and ride a horse Even with CBD on it
Kyle Williams
Troy Day that’s why I choose to do so sober sir…do you mind telling me why you are accusing me of being a drunkard?
James Molenaar
I don’t drink and i use CBD on my dog.
Varnel Watson
James Molenaar does your dog drink and use CBD on you?
James Molenaar
Kyle Williams supposedly I am not even a real Christian lol.
Varnel Watson
James Molenaar now that you said too it dont get mad if someone else says it about you later on
Kyle Williams
James Molenaar I’m probably not a real Pentecostal but I’m most definitely a real Christian..if Jesus is your Lord and Savior your a real Christian.. according to scripture
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day I highly doubt CBD has any medicinal value. In my opinion it is simply “sinful attitudes” trying to pry open the door to marijuana!
Varnel Watson
sugar pill James Molenaar there is NO credible medical research for any of its after and side effects
Varnel Watson
RT Kyle Williams …do you mind telling me why you are accusing me of being a drunkard?
pls point out where were you being accused for that ? First off is it true or you are jsut making a point here
James Molenaar
Troy Day YOU give biblical evidence that ANY drinking makes you not a real Christian, and please add context.
Kyle Williams
Troy Day your definitely saying I’m a social drinker.. and that is not something that I ever said.. I said I wouldn’t call the consumption of any alcohol a sin.. so your assumption is that I’m a social drinker, who rides my horse while drinking?
James Molenaar
Kyle Williams on CBD ?
Varnel Watson
Kyle Williams pls read what I said and dont make false accusations like James Molenaar pls Are yall planning to contribute to the discussion any or just spewing on me for calling yall out in the light ?
Kyle Williams
James Molenaar not me just my horse brother lol its really good on my 15 yrs old mares joints.. Vet recommend ?
James Molenaar
Kyle Williams sorry thats what i meant lol
James Molenaar
Troy Day I am trying to have a discussion. I need to see your biblical evidence
Varnel Watson
James Molenaar read the post pls There is PLENTY with Greek exegesis and all Should be sufficient
Kyle Williams
Lol brother Troy what on earth are you talking about
Kyle Williams
Troy Day I would just like to know WHY I was called out? because I said a man having a beard was not at odds with scripture?
Varnel Watson
Kyle Williams discussion was forked from the social drinking discussion where James Molenaar mentioned CBD and then I answered you both by asking under this CBD topic
Kyle Williams
Troy Day I dont recall chiming in on the discussion on social drinking
James Molenaar
Troy Day we were not having a social drinking discussion. We we having a discussion on you wrongly calling people not christian if they have any alcohol.
Philip Williams Jeffrey Snyder Brett Dobbs Link Hudson Joseph D. Absher
Troy Day yep, he will have to stop smoking pot to get high if he wants to follow Christ.
It is also true that he will also stop wanting to smoke pot if he truly wants to follow Christ.
Troy Day If the question is being asked, then the one asking the question should examine themselves to see whether they are in the faith.
Duane L Burgess how would you counsel them?
Saying I am Open Theist and reject Calvinism has gotten me kicked out.
William Lance Huget true that What was open theism? Ricky Grimsley
Have you tried CBD for Christians or @everyone
What are the side effects of its addictive use?
Should Christians use it @all Peter Vandever
Troy Day I’ve tried CBD for insomnia. I didn’t notice anything at all. I think it’s overrated.
Troy Day I tried it fir diabetic neuropathy. It did not work.
Troy Day there are no psychoactive compound in CBD. It will most likely be classified as a vitamin within the next 5 to 10 years. It is not addictive because it is not psychoactive. I don’t know of any side effects, but just like anything good too much of a good thing isn’t a good thing. Same thing can be said of water. LOL
I do not use it however I have done a lot of research on it because my youngest son suffered a TBI when he was younger and there is a theory and many studies that shows CBD can help to repair neurological pathways.
Troy Day – use CBD every morning and evening. It’s great for inflammation. Much better than taking Aleve or something else.
Troy Day no of course not, we rely on Jesus for everything, including anxiety, depression, addictions. WE DEPEND ONLY IN JESUS.
George Carrillo Strange attitude. Ignore all the abundance of resources that God supplies and then claim you ‘rely on God for everything.’ It reminds me of the story of the man in the flood that refused help three times because ‘God will rescue me’ and then died in the flood.
George Hartwell strange attitude??
your funny my brother. Of course we rely on God for everything and all His abundance but when you introduce stuff like this, you don’t know if a new believer has an addiction of cannabis and is trying to get set free from this. But when you have introductions like this then we can be a stumbling block to them. If anyone decides to use this stuff, pray about it and keep it between you and God.
George Carrillo ????
What’s CBD?
tell us ALL you know about it
Troy Day ???
Darren Haumaha CBD gummies contain cannabidiol (CBD), a chemical present in the cannabis plant. CBD has properties that may help manage anxiety, pain, and other conditions. Gummies are a convenient way to take CBD for these purposes.Nov 9, 2022
Darren Haumaha come on – tell us already
Jim Price christian book distributors?
Are you looking for a ‘theological’ debate about CBD with or without THC, as in a regulated health care prescription for pain or it’s benefits as compared to prescribed pharmaceutical drugs that are possibly much more addictive and hard on your liver?
Nick Swirski christian book distributors?
Troy Day I don’t understand your reply?
Nick Swirski you dont know what christian book distributors is?
Troy Day I buy lots from them… sometimes in bulk… I just don’t understand that as a reply to my post?
I guess you’re speaking from personal experience (being kicked out, I mean). I have no experience of it, and I never will. 
Yes I have tried them and they do work. But it’s like anything else you can let it control you. I food can control you. Video games. I don’t take the continuely and haven’t in a while. I had accident too those for the pain instead of hydro or other opioids.
Where is the faithfulness unto the Lord Jesus Christ he will heal thee ask
Paula Young tell us
I’ve used the oil on my arthritic hands. Really works well.
No, I haven’t tried it!
I think it is okay to use CBD oil from a Christian perspective if you are using it in a medicinal way, like when the Apostle Paul told Timothy to take wine for his stomach. With CBD oil, you can get it without the THC compound that would give you a high. I work as a Kinesiologist and sometimes I see individuals with a chronic pain condition, some of those people who tried taking CBD oil said it works well, others found it did not help. I have not tried it personally, but it seems to be effective for certain individuals
Joey Joe comes positive on basically ALL drug tests
I’m really pablo escobar lol
Joey Joe how is it okay to use CBD oil from a Christian perspective if you are using it in a medicinal way – same goes for whiskey and other spirits Peter Vandever explained in phramakia oils and spirits from the demons
Bishop E Howard Steen but they do and then they do it again
That is why I stick to exegesis and not speculations.
John Mushenhouse why is that? not for Philip Williams I hope …
Troy Day no I avoid speculations and the sensational.
tell us ALL you know about this Philip Williams
Troy Day I don’t engage in topics for adolescents.
Philip Williams true – NOAH’s boat is but a child story
Troy Day young children have innocent believing hearts.
Philip Williams are you still talking about christian book distributors?
I’m a medical marijuana user. It’s a Godsend for me. Anything can be abused, but to deny it’s God given medicinal benefits is just ignorant.
Anthony Tonka Green 2 verses from the BIBLE marijuana is a Godsend
Troy Day For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; -1 Timothy 4:4
It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man.” -matt 15:11
The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit with seed in them, after their kind; and God saw that it was good. -Gen 1:12
Anthony Tonka Green Gen 1:12 is not valid as the ground was later cursed due to the fall. 1:12 was pre curse–Gen 3:17 is post – And to Adam he said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, ‘You shall not eat of it,’ cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life;— so heroin is good? How about poisonous mushrooms? What about all the food that causes cancer? Anthony stop your proof texting and do some exegesis and give it some thought.
Anthony Tonka Green ???? Did you leave.
Anthony Tonka Green what about mara and how it had to be cleansed. What about the poisoned stew and Elisha had to do a miracle. You would be out of luck with your making fun of pentecostals. Troy Day this young man is ill trained. I asked him to parse the verb loved in John 3;16 and ne never did. I also asked what verses 14 and 15 mean in regards to 16. God did His part now man has to look up as with the serpent on the stick. Anthony Tonka Green.
John Mushenhouse he was gonna stay but he got… (on CBD)