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With all the documentation of Russian collusion piling up, President Trump’s best excuse may be that his people were too incompetent to organize a conspiracy. Luckily for him, an innocent-by-reason-of-stupidity defense has the virtue of being plausible. This week brings word that the Trump campaign was in direct contact with WikiLeaks, described by Trump’s own CIA director as “a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia.” And who was the point of contact? D’oh! Donald Junior — asking privately for information from WikiLeaks, which at one point suggested an action that the candidate took, in part, just minutes later.
- Kushner had contacts about WikiLeaks, Russian overtures he did not disclose
- Jeff Sessions just threw a wet blanket on President Trump’s Russia dossier conspiracy theory
- White House divided over scope, risks of Russia probe
- Trump says Putin sincere in denial of Russian meddling
- Election officials move closer to placing new rules on Facebook and Google
- “God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains,” Sean Parker said in the interview published Thursday.
- Collapse of German coalition talks deals Merkel blow, raises suspects of new elections
- Facebook’s first president, on Facebook: ‘God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains’
- rump blasts critics on Russia as ‘haters and fools’; calls North Korean leader ‘short and fat’
- FCC just repealed a 42-year-old rule blocking broadcast media
- ‘Any Russians?’: Sessions pokes fun at fervor over Kremlin
- Rising alarm in Britain over Russian meddling in Brexit vote
- Russia is using a video game to ‘prove’ the U.S. is letting ISIS flee Syria
- After Russian meddling, Google and Facebook shift their stance on a crucial issue for voters
- AT&T and the Justice Department are at odds
- TV stations are about to track you and sell targeted ads, just like Google and Facebook
Varnel Watson
Stan Wayne I for one believe this to be true. Too many clues out there just to be another internet hoax William DeArteaga Ira Huth Street Preacherz
Street Preacherz
Mix – Tasha Cobbs – Break Every Chain (Lyrics):
Varnel Watson
well Street Preacherz when fb and twitter are admitting it before congress even Stan Wayne is quite
Street Preacherz
No words can express the joy that comes with doing God’s will for your life. Some folks are called to this. I’m not. I’m grateful for everything you do. We need faithful men in this arena. God bless.
Right now I’m trying bring a few men together to hit the streets of Chicago. I don’t know that they trust me yet. It’s fun and it’s heartbreaking it’s great joy and grieving. Success and failure, a little measure of each as God enables us…
Street Preacherz
I backslid last month or so and told Paul Ryan from Wisconsin to get his act together and balance the budget. I think I deleted it…
John E. Ruffle
So.. what if Russia was involved?
Varnel Watson
makes it unfair – what if Russia changed the Queen tomorrow
John E. Ruffle
Well Hillary should be happy.. One step closer to a OWG
Varnel Watson
is The TRUMP Dossier 75-90% truth?
Stan Wayne
Yes Hillary and The Ruskies were meddling in our Uranium – Trump won anyway
Varnel Watson
Stan stop taking us for fulls here pls. No on in America, neither Obama nor Hillary, can single handily sell uranium to anyone This is not Australia. Multiple committees must be exhorted and authorities to be advised. This is not Australia OR are you now convinced that Russia is getting ready for a nuclear war?
Joshua A. Humphries
That head wound has miraculously healed! ???
Varnel Watson
Stan No one in America can be selling uranium single handily all while TRUMP single handily was in touch with Russia to get help and be elected. Now is time for a pay off. The largest one in American history…
Nathan Glenn
Is liberal Pentecostals an oxymoron ?
Varnel Watson
Nathan even if they are they exist in an oxymoronic state Have you heard of the Pentecostal queer dialogue?
Nathan Glenn
A bipartisan special counsel has produced nothing of any weight concerning Russian collusion. Any wrong doing is being prosecuted. This is old news. Continuing to beat a dead horse will never get Hillary in office. How about the Donna Brazille story and the stolen Democratic primary? When will that be prosecuted? Uranium One? Benghazi, Email scandal, Fast & Furious, I could go on and on. Both parties are corrupt and need cleaned out and Trump is doing just that! Is he a saint?No. Does he have a big mouth? Yes. Is he doing exactly what he said he would do? Absolutely! Clean out both sides of the aisle Mr. trump! Defending either side and attacking Trump shows an absolute ignorance to our modern political landscape in America. Your CNN talking points makes you look very uninformed. Do your homework and get back with us! #drainingtheproverbialswamp
Varnel Watson
oops have you actually read the testimonies from fb and twitter testimonies; officials It was pretty solidly established there if you ask me Most definitely no one in the US can sell uranium without committees, expertise and so on. Just cant happen. While meetings of Trump’s son and attorney general with Russian officials did happen. Did you watch AG’s testimony? Did he lie in his testimony or in his signed declaration that he did not meet with the Russians. It was pretty obvious on TV. And yes DEMS administration was crooked. So was the Bushes
* Kushner had contacts about WikiLeaks, Russian overtures he did not disclose
* Jeff Sessions just threw a wet blanket on President Trump’s Russia dossier conspiracy theory
* White House divided over scope, risks of Russia probe
* Election officials move closer to placing new rules on Facebook and Google WHY?
* FCC just repealed a 42-year-old rule blocking broadcast media
BTW John E. Ruffle Rising alarm in Britain over Russian meddling in Brexit vote
*After Russian meddling, Google and Facebook shift their stance on a crucial issue for voters – WHY?
Nathan Glenn
Those are being investigated the democratic ones are not!Russian interference had zero to do with Trumps win. The evidence is very thin, if any. Meetings & sitting at tables with Russians is not illegal or corrupt. Those have been looked into, the democratic corruption has not been. Did Trump play hard core dirty politics against the Clintons? Yes, but nothing illegal has been proven. Did they fix their primary? No! Did the Dems? Yes! Why aren’t they being investigated?Hillary was only one of many involved in the Uranium One scandal. We know her payoffs yet the others are not being investigated. How about the multiple mysterious deaths connected to Clinton informants? The Clintons deserve prison, multiple felonies have been committed yet no investigation. Seems like everyone is on their payroll. Our government sickens me on both sides! The problem was there long before Trump arrived!
James P Bowers
It’s very dangerous to excuse Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Roy Moore, or anyone with the relativistic reasoning that “they all do it.” Sure, politics is rife with opportunities for misdeeds because power and wealth are on the table and human beings are sinful. I hope we don’t reason that the inevitability of sinful deeds among humans means it doesn’t concern us if persons sin or politicians are corrupt. The point of law is to constrain sinful tendencies in the civil arena. We may know that sooner or later someone will get caught with their hand in the cookie jar, but we don’t just throw away the jar or the prohibition. If Hillary Clinton actually committed prosecutable crimes, she should be prosecuted. The FBI cleared her. If Donald Trump or his campaign colluded with Russians, he and they should be prosecuted. That, in either case, does not make their political ideology right or wrong. If we decide what is criminal and lawful strictly or even primarily by political alignments, we set ourselves up for any evil form of despotism imaginable. Law must rule in criminal acts, not politics. Otherwise, get ready for our own Hitler and any matter of mischief.
Nathan Glenn
The FBI only investigated her emails, it was not an exhaustive investigation into the laundry list of other criminal acts. Absolutely, if Trump is guilty prosecute him as well. I’m not wanting to give anyone a pass. But no one is above the law, even the Clinton/DNC machine!
Varnel Watson
Nathan Glenn James P Bowers Could care less about Hil; my questions is WHAT we as pentecostal holiness church are going to do with the injustice in the nation? What is our stand? Is supporting crooked Trump (or Hillary) the best we can do?
James P Bowers
Social justice, in my view, is less of a stand than action. What are we going to DO about injustice? I’m tired of meaningless rhetoric- the COG and others have been pumping out largely irrelevant “Resolutions” ad nauseam. How about practicing equality for women and persons of color in our own churches for starters? How about getting off the homophobic bandwagon and responding missionally not politically to those of different sexual orientation or ethnic background? How about disavowing the culture of fear propagated by Fox News and other far right groups? How about engaging in civil disobedience and NOT voting or endorsing “conservative” politicians whose personal morality we reject just because they claim to be pro-life and hate Muslims who we are called to love to Jesus? I’m afraid I just don’t see much institutionally in Pentecostal denominations to give me hope we will embrace radical holiness. I hope I’m wrong, but I doubt it.
Varnel Watson
Cant argue that
MarvinandCheryl Ellis
What has any of it got to do with Pentecostal Theology.
John E. Ruffle
MarvinandCheryl Ellis that’s precisely why I left the group for a year and may well leave again.
Varnel Watson
MarvinandCheryl Ellis John E. Ruffle We are looking for a Pentecostal response to a spiritual crises in the land. This is precisely what Pentecostal theology does. In the past 30 years the only civil action response from the conservative side of Pentecostal theology has been NAR – new apostolic reformation which is more charismatic than pentecostal in orientation but searches to represent the whole Pentecostal tradition suma magna. In more resent decades the political theology wing in the Pentecostal tradition has become more and more out spoken. More charismatic circles were actually connected with several of the presidential candidates in the 2016 US election race. G12 churches have been involved in several separatists oppositions in Latin America and now in Span. Protestant charistmaic pastor led elections in Germany, then in Macedonia and Ukrain. We are looking for a proper Pentecostal response to what is going on in the world around us. And this is not a new thing within our tradition. Early American Pentecostals were for the very political Prohibition Acts, they were open pacifists and outspoken against the wars.
Wouldnt it be plain ignorant to watch the news around us and NOT establish a proper theological response? Jesus Himself spoke openly about kings, princes, royalties and the establishment. What would your response be as Pentecostals?
John E. Ruffle
Why are you drawing a distinction between Penticistals and charismatic? Would it not be better to use the label “penticistalist” – spelt correctly of course! ?
Varnel Watson
This is why we will have no proper Pentecostal response – because we chose to mock and question the search of others for a better theology. I can excuse John E. Ruffle for coming from a Catholic background but MarvinandCheryl Ellis graduated from Lee and PTS and should know better
Ira Huth
Ira Huth
Troy Day I would rather post and trust a news story from CBN over the Washington Post , Fox News or any other news source any day and twice on Sunday.
Ira Huth
Varnel Watson
Well now CBN and ol’ Pat
MarvinandCheryl Ellis
So because I see no connection between politics and theology I should no better. Oh well I guess I am one of the grab that thinks theology should be Bible oriented rather than political. I also have an M. Div. From the Pentecostal Seminary there in Cleveland. I attended Lee University but did not get a degree from there. Evidently you don’t know me as well as you thought you did.
Varnel Watson
Political theology investigates the ways in which theological concepts or ways of thinking relate to politics, society, and economics. Though the relationship between Christianity and politics has been debated since the time of Jesus, political theology has been an academic discipline ever since
Varnel Watson
Just trying to answer your question. Sorry you feel this way I guess I expected better. Pentecostal silence in the face of fear is disappointing IMHO
MarvinandCheryl Ellis
But there is a difference in Political Theology and Pentecostal Theology. I am a conservative Republican and a Trump supporter but that doesn’t enter my pulpit. God sets up governments and takes them down. To say I should know better when a simple question was asked is quite offensive to me. The above statement would have sufficed. I also hold a Doctorate of Theology and a Doctorate of Divinity degree just so you know me better.
Varnel Watson
How does it not enter your pulpit? Do you have a US flag on your right hand side when you preach? Do you ask for a 501c3 exempt offering? Did you present your congregation with a transgender bathroom resolution? BTW Most of us in this group hold doctoral degrees. Around here that and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks (also very political
Ira Huth
Troy Day what I believe the point that MarvinandC
heryl Ellis is trying to make is and this is the point that I and others are saying to you is. What I just posted in my previous comments that with all due respect and with the love of Christ is that your statements, content and view points is more from a human, worldly, politically, socially perspective than Spirtually with the foundation and principles.
That is what is meant when said political theology and Pentecostal theology.
MarvinandCheryl Ellis
I have no time for arguments and contentions.
Ira Huth
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:9 KJV
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV
Varnel Watson
Bro Ira The question was asked to poll a response from the group from a theological stand point. Then I was personally questioned of the connection with Pentecostal theology by bro. MarvinandCheryl Ellis which I promptly answered. If it is the opinion of the group that we should be quite and not ask question as related to our faith and the political involvement in it, I have no problem deleting the OP Would silence help find better answers?
Ira Huth
Not silence my Brother, content and perspective based on the Word of God , scriptures not the Washington Post, Fox News and or other resources.
MarvinandCheryl Ellis
Ira Huth has expressed my feelings completely.
Varnel Watson
Ira Huth From my personal conviction and understanding of the Bible, the AB should not be lying live on national TV. In my perception that’s exactly what he was doing while presented documented proof showed likewise. Even more proof that Russia’s Prophetic Destiny is Unfolding as predicted by the Bible There, in the Bible, book of Rev claims global media will be implemented to deceive God’s people in the last days. IMO we are witnessing exactly that and it is worth my time to inform about it
Ira Huth
Bro. MarvinandCheryl Ellis as I was reading one of your previous comments the Holy Spirit quicken me to share this testimony with you. This actually happened before I joined this Group. I was getting frustrated with some of the negative things that was posted on FB and the Holy Spirit quicken me by putting this thought and desire in my Spirit. Just continue to shine and promote the truth of my Spirit, Word and Precepts and leave the rest up to me. In actually that is what we all should do if there is issues whether in our congregations, our fellowships, our assemblies or in the Body of Christ. I have thought and hope this is true that, this is why Troy Day let’s so many different types of people in this Group. None of us is perfect, but the Holy Spirit is and is the only person that can convict us of all of wrongs. I love these verses in 2 Timothy Chapter 2.
Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes. And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.
2 Timothy 2:22-26 KJV
Varnel Watson
This is hardly a foolish and unlearned question to avoid. We are talking about the spirituality and moral decade of the nation How many who avoid political issues would stand in the pulpit and preach from 2 Chronicles 7:14 How will God forgive their sin and will heal their land? Here’s a good theological question – should AB repent on national TV when proven to have deceived the nation? This is the highest government standard for justice. Should we accept injustice and deceit to rule us all? Nero burned Rome…
Ira Huth
Brother Troy Day your totally missing my point and not understanding. That is not what I’m saying.Your taking certain things personal and out of context on what I’m saying. That’s OK none of us are perfect, especially me.
God Bless I’m done!! Love you my Brother!!!!
Varnel Watson
I speak to the issue to the best of my ability because I think it is important for all of us in the church. It affects us all. I cant help that people get their feelings hurt when Trump is mentioned in one or another scandal that has emerged along his rullership Politics should not divide the church We should continue to ask questions, search for answers and establish God’s standard on this earth … or we can avoid all issues until they re-appear as attacks on the church
Varnel Watson
The Fake News Russian Connection Stan Wayne
• Fake news Russian farms producing some 80,000 fake news pieces during the 2016 Election’s campaign alone
• War in Ukraine fake news bloggers who turned to support Trump campaign
• Twitter and Facebook testifying of the Russian connection – both stocks skyrocketed in price after the testimony
• The TRUMP Dossier 75-90% truth?
• Trumps Hollywood tape
Varnel Watson
Sorry Stan Wayne Jan Dixon Sykes Carl Murphy
Varnel Watson
oh no he didnt MarvinandCheryl Ellis Stan Wayne John E. Ruffle
Street Preacherz
If you spent half as much time seeking God and calling on Jesus you wouldn’t have to beg come Sunday morning.
Yours truly the 3 minute window…
Varnel Watson
So we are to believe he acted completely on his own without higher approval or direction? If Trump allowed that it would make him even more unwise
Ira Huth
We will watch and wait to see what comes out in days to come. We don’t know all the details yet, like it was said in several reports. It is common practice in that position to meet with ambassadors and dignitaries. WE WILL SEE!!!!
Varnel Watson
What else needs to come up? The man already said he was guilty
Ira Huth
Guilty of what, what lie what circumstances and so on. I just heard something interesting. A question was just brought to the table. The FBI already new what he said in the meeting, they had wire taps and knew exactly what was said through a ongoing surveillance of the Russian Ambassador that was already ongoing. So why did they have to question Flynn if they already had it on tape. There is more to this that will be coming out in days to come.
Ira Huth
This is interesting Troy Day listen to the entire interview, possibly implicating someone in the Obama’s Administration. This is what I mean, we don’t have all the facts yet, it’s still ongoing.
Varnel Watson
Well it was expected that they would attack his character
Varnel Watson
A tweet posted Saturday afternoon by the president suggested that Flynn’s misstatements to the FBI were part of the rationale for Trump’s firing him 25 days into the new administration — something the White House had never asserted before and that some observers speculated could be legally problematic for Trump. The tweet was authored by Trump’s personal lawyer, John Dowd, according to two people familiar with the situation. The fact that Dowd authored the tweet could limit its salience to the investigation, but the White House still hasn’t publicly corrected anything. Bro Ira CBN and the 700 club are clearly NAR/Kingdom now theology. As Dan Irving has asserted on many occasions such theology has no choice but to back the current administration regardless of its moral stance. Otherwise, CBN/700 club /NAR/Kingdom now will have to deny their own eschatology of physical Kingdom on earth without physically present Christ.
Varnel Watson
The HELSINKI fail #major Ricky Grimsley President Trump is willing, under duress, to briefly and begrudgingly admit that Russian “meddling” took place in 2016 before reverting to calling it a “big hoax.” But he always maintains that the plot against America had no impact; he describes it as a “Democrat excuse for losing the ’16 Election.”
Varnel Watson
As Christians we love the man, but sorry, we cant love the sin and the lies
Sandra Hines
You have lost me here, because I get love the sinner not the sin, but have you been that critical of everyone in politics or just the current one? I would appreciate your posts pertaining to the last presidents and all their ‘sins’.
Varnel Watson
Sorry for the delay I am not in the habit of responding to postings during church time It’s just my thing Now if you have really followed as long you probably already know the answer to the question you posed. Here are our discussions on
Varnel Watson
Varnel Watson
U.S. House votes to block Trump’s emergency order over border wall
Varnel Watson
Gutfeld on Bernie Sanders’ socialist dreams
Varnel Watson
Henry Volk he is on the move again
Varnel Watson
5 min ago
Cohen: I hope my testimony ‘helps in order to heal America’
16 min ago
Cohen’s closing remarks: ‘My loyalty to Mr. Trump has cost me everything’
16 min ago
This exchange at the hearing says so much about America right now
17 min ago
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just assured this hearing is only the beginning
“Given my experience working for Mr. Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020 that there will never be a peaceful transition of power,” Cohen said. And this is why I agreed to appear before you today.”
Sandra Hines
There’s not yet a peaceful transition in President Trumps term.
Varnel Watson
Thanks for the comment but I dont make it a habit po post during church time #sorry Nelson Banuchi What’s wrong with a convicted criminal seeking a reduction in sentence???
Nelson Banuchi
Troy Day Nothing…
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi Bob Wizenhut Michael Cohen Accuses Trump of Expansive Pattern of Lies and Criminality Cohen laid out for Congress for the first time a series of deceptions by the president. He charged that Mr. Trump lied to the public about business interests in Russia, lied to reporters about stolen Democratic emails and told Mr. Cohen to lie about hush payments to cover up
Bob Wizenhut
Cohen has lost all credibility.
Bob Wizenhut
Varnel Watson
racism ? really?
Nelson Banuchi
IMO, no such thing as “Christian Socialism.”
Varnel Watson
Mr. Cohen said. “He never expected to win the general election. The campaign, for him, was always a marketing opportunity.” But now, he said, he fears that if Mr. Trump loses re-election next year, “there will never be a peaceful transition of power.”
Nelson Banuchi
First, there were reports during the election that Trump did not expect to win and was not bothered by it. Second, I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump tries to make a grab for a 2nd term if he loses in 2020… especially, it his opponent is a woman who brought his ego down a few notches.
Varnel Watson
this ONE thing seems to be true – MOST we said in 2016 and 2017 on the topic is coming to be true I know Bob Wizenhut tried to explain it away BUT as as soon as Cohen blew the whistle it was clear many if not ALL accusations were true I would like to know NOW that we were right once again HOW much influence did Russia have on our elections since Trump didnt even expect to WIN 2016 Ilya Okhotnikov may have the answer or Henry Volk
Bob Wizenhut
Well there wasn’t a peaceful transition of power when President Trump unexpectedly won the election. As we all now know, leaders in the FBI & State Department conspired to reverse the results of the election by creating a false narrative of collusion with Russia. So now Mr. Cohen is suggesting that President Trump would engineer the same dirty tricks if he isn’t reelected? Sounds to me like someone has something serious on him and is forcing him to blame President Trump for doing the same things that they are doing. That’s the playbook. Blame others for the same crimes you are doing.
Henry Volk
Henry Volk
Troy Day
Varnel Watson
Bob Wizenhut dont care about all that Were we right in our assessment in this group in 2017-2018 Yes we were Does this mean we are right about 2020?
Bob Wizenhut
Troy Day – not sure I understood your sentence but what, exactly, was your assessment in 2017/18? That the Democrat Party would get so desperate that they would put the Rat on the stand to distract from the President’s soaring approval rating? And what, exactly is your prediction for 2020? I say that President Trump wins with more electoral votes than he did in 2016. What say you?
Varnel Watson
Bob like I said As long as we agree Cohen is right with his information on the Russian involvement we are OK
Bob Wizenhut
Troy Day – want involvement is Cohen claiming? I thought he was denying every being there and had confirmed that there was no collaboration with Russia. From the reports I’ve read the only claim Cohen is making, which is an old claim, is that Trump paid hush money, which isn’t a crime. But let’s agree that Cohen has no credibility.
Bob Wizenhut
Bob Wizenhut
So why did Cohen change his tune? Did someone threaten to squeeze his balls hard if he didn’t or does he see a business opportunity, if he can escape life in prison after new lies to Congress?
Bob Wizenhut
Varnel Watson
Bob Wizenhut all this does not really matter in our convo – I am concern with us being truthful her while lots of ppl get mad and bashing this or that As long as we made the RIGHT conclusions before their time I am pleased – Crooks be crooks but we are still led by GOD
Bob Wizenhut
OK, so I have no idea what the conversation was about. I’m just responding to your inserting Cohen’s testimony into the conversation, whatever that was. And now I’m wondering what the angle is for this guy. Somebody must have some dirt on this man for him to risk even more prison time by coming out and intentionally lying to Congress.
Varnel Watson
All you’ve got to do is click the picture/link and read the questions BTW some of your comments are there too as it seems you knew the OP – – – but to simplify Russia helped Trump win the elections which he didnot think he can win alone and used them only as a marketing campaign to promote Moscow tower and make hundreds of millions from it Nelson Banuchi
Varnel Watson
Bob Wizenhut why should Congress waste time with love letters?
Bob Wizenhut
Congress should certainly focus on a positive agenda of moving the country forward. It should be clear, in hindsight, that calling Cohen to testify doesn’t do anything to move the country forward, to bring people together across partisan lines, or even help Democrats get an alternative message out to compete with the President’s message of make America great and urban renewal for black America.
Varnel Watson
I think we are pretty clear on what really happened Russian intrusions should be persecuted Any more digging may soon result in presidential limbo or removal
Varnel Watson
Robert Borders Bob Wizenhut I don’t know the details of the Green New Deal, but I can tell you that socialism would take away more than America’s burgers! If they had their way, they’d control every aspect of our lives—all at the expense & disrespect of our freedoms & Judeo-Christian foundatio
Varnel Watson
Bob Wizenhut did you catch the speech last night You see where he is going right
It has been realized his policies in response to communistic countries are turning into communistic policies NOW he has to control the story and say no no I am not a commi Should have held the Reagan doctrine to start with calling them Empire of Evil and dont give into Russia, Korea and Maduro – but he cant Because they helped him with the elections – now walk the thin ice
Varnel Watson
Bob Wizenhut Trump has evinced little respect for the rule of law, attempting to have the Department of Justice launch criminal probes into his critics and political adversaries. He has repeatedly attacked both Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Special Counsel Robert Mueller. His efforts to mislead, impede, and shut down Mueller’s investigation have now led the special counsel to consider whether the president obstructed justice.
As for the liberties guaranteed by the Constitution, Trump has repeatedly trampled upon them. He pledged to ban entry to the United States on the basis of religion, and did his best to follow through. He has attacked the press as the “enemy of the people” and barred critical outlets and reporters from attending his events. He has assailed black protesters. He has called for his critics in private industry to be fired from their jobs. He has falsely alleged that America’s electoral system is subject to massive fraud, impugning election results with which he disagrees as irredeemably tainted. Elected officials of both parties have repeatedly condemned such statements, which has only spurred the president to repeat them.
Varnel Watson
Bob Wizenhut whats your take on thi NEW impeach move? Philip Williams have you heard Dr Brown addressing it?
Bob Wizenhut
I don’t disagree that the press is the enemy of the people. I believe that President Trump genuinely wants to restore the rule of law. But to do that, those that have used the FBI & Dept of Justice to change the results of an election will need to be held accountable. It is my belief that people need to go to prison before Americans will believe in the rule of law.
Varnel Watson
67 senators was required to remove Clinton from office. Fifty senators voted to remove Clinton on the obstruction of justice charge and 45 voted to remove him on the perjury charge; Clinton, like Johnson a century earlier, was acquitted on all charges.
Varnel Watson
HOW do you feel impeachment will help today? NOW you are arguing against your own arguments BTW just for legal terms you cant say NO evidence when you have collaborating witnesses openly testifying in court in favor of the accusation
Bob Wizenhut
Someone needs to go to prison. If there is any evidence of collusion with Russia, everyone in the administration that was involved should go to prison. But if Mueller releases a report and as expected there is no basis for collusion then McCabe, Comey and everyone that engineered the special council, knowing the charges were fabricated, needs to go to prison.
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi Hugh Lowrie Paul Manafort’s final date with his legal destiny on Wednesday — barring a presidential pardon — is sure to show why impeachment talk will not be quelled by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s fresh attempts to tamp it down.
The former Trump campaign chairman is set to appear in court in Washington in a sentencing hearing that will mark a rare moment of closure for Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation, which still has multiple open loops.
The appearance is certain to spark a new round of intrigue and speculation about the ultimate destination and implications of the Russia inquiry, which has embroiled President Donald Trump since his first days in office and poses a serious threat to his presidency.
The fallout from the hearing may show just how difficult it will be for Pelosi to keep liberal demands for impeachment in check. That’s because the President will likely find it almost impossible not to weigh in on what happens in the courtroom. His comments and criticism will revive the question of whether he is planning a pardon for Manafort and potentially other indicted associates, the prospect of which plays into allegations of obstruction of justice and abuse of power.
Hugh Lowrie
The President won’t pardon Manafort because there is nothing from the President to gain from doing so. Manafort is going to jail for crimes that have nothing to do with Trump; crimes that happened long before the Trump campaign. There were once high hopes that investigations would yield some evidence that candidate Trump colluded with Russia. Now the smart money, on both sides of the aisle, is betting that Mueller is going to wrap up his investigations after being unable to establish such a claim. Pelosi remembers how President Clinton was rescued by impeachment. He was impeached and it saved his Presidency. And that was with hard evidence that he had committed serious crimes. Impeaching President Trump, in the absence of hard evidence, would make him a hero greater than President Reagan and propel him to a landslide reelection victory – taking back the House in the process.
Varnel Watson
NO pardon proves Russian meddling it seems
Hugh Lowrie
You’ve hit the nail on the head. Mueller’s investigation is all about creating intrigue and speculation. His investigation will wrap up this week with zero Americans charged with colluding.
Hugh Lowrie
But I the absence of any evidence that a crime has been committed, with no evidence of a crime, much less Trump involved, they will work to keep the speculation alive.
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi IS IT by chance FB decided to do major update TODAY and WordPress released new unstable release that cause half of the internet websites in America to stumble BOTH on the day when Manafort’s total sentence is seven and a half years in two cases stemming from special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.
Hugh Lowrie
If President Trump actually colluded with Russia, one of America’s greatest enemies, then he should be impeached with every Republican voting for conviction. But if after 2 years of investigations there is no evidence of any collusion then those that cooked up the investigation are guilty of treason and Comey, McCabe, Brennan and all the others should face significant jail time. There is no middle ground. We must return our country to the rule of law.
The fact that Pelosi is unwilling to submit articles of impeachment suggests that she knows there is no evidence. The game now is all about creating intrigue and speculation.
Varnel Watson
what does this current court sentence mean ???
Hugh Lowrie
Troy Day – the current court sentence demonstrates that after 2 years there are no Americans charged with collusion. And I’m betting that there never will be. So what, Troy, does that tell you? It tells me that Mueller doesn’t think there was collusion or it would have been at least mentioned in the charges..
Varnel Watson
can you see this?
Hugh Lowrie
Troy Day – what was achieved by this opposition? The wall will still be built, this vote will drive the President’s approval ratings even higher, and it has given him a powerful message to campaign on. And yes, some Republican Senators will now be vulnerable in 2 years.
Varnel Watson
North Korea reconsiders nuclear talks, missile ban: reports
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie Nelson Banuchi things are becoming much more clear on HOW Russia has contributed with the Ukrainian report crises this week and POTUS resorting to releasing classified items in the national media There is NO doubt what are the exact meanings of neutral wording and phrases when you read the declassified report on Russian interference in the elections
That Russia is still meddling via the Ukraine is a fact this week The major fail in the message is that there are still thinking people out there WHO do not believe every lie when repeated 100 times from TV sugar coated with it was nice conversation, nothing wrong, noone pressed, it was a beautiful thing etc The high school locker lingo may have worked ONCE in 2016 but full me twice… even Jim Price and ozzie RichardAnna Boyce are catching up with it now
Hugh Lowrie
The latest outrage is intended to take out Bidden, and it will certainly do that. And it is also a desperate attempt to accuse the President of something that will stick, because there is a realization that the President is unstoppable in 2020. This will be unsuccessful. The more we learn the more we realize that there was collusion to fix the 2016 election, there was collaboration with foreign governments and there was spying of a political rival’s campaign. But for all the investigation into President Trump, the establishment will continue to come up empty. But yet Revelation tells us that the Beast will eventually rise up from the pit and take down the two witnesses.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie pls explain HOW – Bidden will NOT be taken out so easily as you predict
Hugh Lowrie
Troy Day – House Democrats are betting the farm on a pair of deuces. This guy sums it up well. I see no path forward for Bidden.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie I’ve heard the deuces argument again and again for a long time now BUT this week we see POTUS doing to Bidden exactly what you say they did to him –
so whats is the difference?
who is better?
how is one different than the other if they ALL play politics? Didnt we vote for a DC outsider who was not going to play their game but clean the swamp?
What happened there in 4 yrs
Answer: NOTHING – still the same
Hugh Lowrie
Troy Day – It’s already started. The national news media is starting to take out Bidden with a campaign of a thousand little cuts. Someone asked Senator Warren that if she gets elected if she’ll allow her the child of her VP to sit on a foreign board. And she is participating in the campaign but not saying the accusations against Bidden are bogus but instead saying she would not. Don’t doubt me Troy as my predictions have all come true. The media is going to take Bidden out.
Hugh Lowrie
Troy Day Difference between Biden & Trump related to Ukraine?
Biden received $1.5 billion from foreign interests; no monies funneled to Trump interests
Military aid withheld in exchange for prosecutor being reassigned; no evidence Trump has done anything similar
Not improper for a President to encourage a foreign leader to investigate corruption even if those involved are part of the establishment and of a “protected” status
But impeachment is political not criminal so here is the real difference
Different standards – Biden voters will abandon him merely based on the belief that Biden’s corruption make him a less effective candidate. Trump’s voters won’t abandon him until they believe he is less honest than his critics and the media, and I just don’t see that happening
Biden voters are just now learning about his corrupt connections in the Ukraine. Trump voters may not know every detail of Ukraine/Russia but they have lived through 3 years of investigations into President Trump that didn’t yield a single crime so they are skeptical that this is nothing more than 3 previous years of manufactured evidence for a crime that never happened.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie IF BIdden voters dont know him from teh Obama era they deserve every bit of him. And let us clarify again that it is his son not himself – YES the big difference is that now ppl will start looking into Trumps sons and what pre-election talks they had with Russia But this is not the issue I believe you have a misguided understanding on the Russian connnection
First off Ukraine is getting something from all this Its a deal – plain and simple And there is NO denial – not from you not from Trump This move already put them at the table – their president was rushed so fast he still had the same clothes on here he had in the UN
Second this 2nd move by Trump proves a pattern When in trouble run to Russia
Finally you are misguided in the misunderstanding that Russia is forcing itself here or during the elections In BOTH cases Russia / Ukraine were used were involved to be used as leverage Same deal Same pattern End of story
Hugh Lowrie
Troy Day – yes, Russia worked to interfere with the 2016 election and there was collusion with Ukraine. But remember two key things: 1) Obama/Bidden were in charge when the collusion happened and 2) three years of anal exams determined that President Trump committed no crimes. We will soon see the bright lights shinning on the real criminals and there is no reason to believe that President Trump has any involvement.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie I agree with most of what you said My sub-total is at the bottom of the comments No win win
RichardAnna Boyce
Does the end justify the means when Trump is politically, if not spiritually, on the side of unborn babies?
Isaiah Rodgers
RichardAnna Boyce A good question.
Hugh Lowrie
You should not protect President Trump merely because he fights against infanticide. You should fight for President Trump because the charges are untrue.
Darrin Howard
You DONT UNDERSTAND. Trump keeps getting set up by people who HATE Him.
Darrin Howard
Trump is Innocent of election meddling. its all Fake to make him look Guilty.
Darrin Howard
Trump has put conservatives Judges in the courts that side with christians.
Varnel Watson
reference for that pls Hugh Lowrie Nelson Banuchi
Darrin Howard
If You Vote Democrat you VOTE For Science Leaning Atheism.Late Term Abortion which is Killing almost a Live Baby.
Darrin Howard
If you vote Democrat then your childrens Religous Freedom will be in Jepordy.
Varnel Watson
this is true – pls post 1 comment at the time and allow discussions instead of multiple mini comments that are hard to follow I find your thinking interesting and would like to see much more interaction with RichardAnna Boyce and Hugh Lowrie
Darrin Howard
ok so you dont want me to further comment unless others start joining the conversation here.
Darrin Howard
Liberal Democrats want to push The Church and religious people to accept Scientific Norms and Strange Intellectualism and Weird Fetish lifestyles.
Varnel Watson
I think this comment is too late This has been already happening since the mid 80s
Darrin Howard
yes but its never been this bad. as the older conservative grandmas and grandpas have died. Atheism and thoughts of weird scientific experiments and selling baby parts. no respect for human life,no understanding of the value of the human soul.Gods creation. teching people that other people are nothing but animals. THESE Strange ideas must be STOPPED. Its up to the church to STAND UP AND GET IT STOPPED.
RichardAnna Boyce
Trump boasts he is the perfect businessman and deal maker. Why, on his own admission, did he use union controlled concrete mixers on his buildings? In Australia, unions would strike in the middle of a concrete pour for better working conditions etc. Who controls the concrete unions, and who controls the concrete suppliers? Who bought his first apartments to launder money? R R R.
Darrin Howard
No one is perfect.
Darrin Howard
Companies will try to do anything to save money and make a profit.
RichardAnna Boyce
Darrin Howard Russia, Russia, Russia
Darrin Howard
Russian collusion was proven to be a Mistake and didnt happen.
Darrin Howard
Robert Mueller allready testified.
RichardAnna Boyce
Darrin Howard this goes back years, before any election
RichardAnna Boyce
Ukraine – Russia
Varnel Watson
RichardAnna Boyce same difference IF you ask me – to 7s in a very high Ace game. Tit for tat wins for presidential elections every single time in game theory BUT hardly promotes Godly morals or entire sanctification of the nation
Darrin Howard
Barack Obama Follows Anti Semitic Black Islam. Barack Obama lit The White House in Rainbow colors and tried to force people of Faith to Accept Strange Weird Fetish Lifestyles as the Norm. Things like Same Sex Relations, Multiple Partners,Polygmy,Transexuals,Swingers all these lifestyles lead to disaster and false imaginations of reality.
Jim Price
Darren these are false charges. !. He was not anti Semitic. 2. His white house staff reflected the make up of the American public. 3. He and Mrs.Obama set a good example as parents and I see almost everyday young black people who are trying hard to enter into the main stream of America. These kind of statements are unkind as well as untrue and on a christian site to boot.
Varnel Watson
Jim Price this week alone POTUS demonstrated a potty mouth in every news coverage conference possible
Darrin Howard
Trump defends religous freedom,
Darrin Howard
Trump defends American democracy and free markets.
Darrin Howard
Trump used to have Bible studies in Trump tower.
Darrin Howard
Trumps Favorite preacher was Jimmie Swaggart.
Jim Price
Darrin Howard Trump liked Swaggart, Wrestling, Beauty contests and read Tabloid gossip. What a legacy!
Darrin Howard
Jim Price who do you think is a Good president for 2020.
Varnel Watson
Trumps Favorite preacher was Jimmie Swaggart? Quote for this information please Never heard it
Darrin Howard
The last Democrat we put in office lit the White House in Rainbow colors and tried to force Transexuals and other weird fetish lifestyles on people of faith.
Varnel Watson
True that! You raise good questions – unfortunately I dont see good Biblical answers to ANY of them And I am beginning to feel you dont care about answers as most confused believers today settling for whatever after all
Darrin Howard
I Hope all these Christians that are complaining about Trumps Rhetoric,Cussing and Immorality are Happy when we Get a Gay Atheist President.
Varnel Watson
that speaks to personal morals and of course Christian upbringing – I have known Christians who dont mind sipping on their whiskey and cursing a storm There is no justification for Christians like that Now as for a president who DONT claim Christian support – they can do whatever BUT again it goes to moral, upbringing and personal values
Hugh Lowrie
Biden will be gone shortly.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie I wouldnt bet on it Just like Darrin Howard you seem to raise more questions than answers Darrin has lots of good questions but no answers or ways to answer them You however have lots of answers to questions no one is asking I have neither answers nor questions anymore Like Nelson Banuchi I have only comments on the whole church involvement in American politics today
Hugh Lowrie
Not sure why you are even posting something related to Ukraine in a theological group. But if your interest is more politics than theology, I can understand that urge.
With every hour that passes we are learning new troubling things about Bidden & the Ukraine. And with every hour that passes we are learning that the accusations against the President aren’t substantiated and not based on demonstrated fact.
My prediction is that Biden will be gone from the race within 3 months, House Democrats will be forced to impeach President Trump because of his rising approval ratings, and that it will all result in President controlling the House & the Senate coming out of the 2020 election.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie oh for the same reason you are posting I guess you were not aware the first free president of the Ukraine was a pastor and the government has held such pro-protestant and non-Orthodox line of politics This is strictly theological observation On the count of political theology Bidden is of NO interest The 2020 elections with the Evangelical vote however is; so is the Russian / Ukraine connection but I see you dont have a view on that so this is it for now
Hugh Lowrie
Troy Day – there certainly is the appearance that so much of the Russia collusion narrative was manufactured. And if there is any substance you would expect the it would have been found. So the assumption at this point is that President Trump may be the only one in Washington who is squeaky clean. But frankly, I don’t have much interest in the story. I will say that I anticipate a larger percentage of Evangelicals voting for President Trump in 2020 than did so in 2016. There is a greater confidence that he will deliver on campaign promises and that he will daily push back on evil and “The Swamp”.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie we will see soon The same tactics are now used by Trump. If BIdden is OFF will soon be soon BUT it shall reveal if you know what you are talking about here
Hugh Lowrie
Troy Day – you asked for the difference between Biden & Trump. One key difference is that the tactics are not the same. President Trump has never once used the FBI, IRS, or intelligence community to intimidate, rough up or discredit his political opponents. He’ll publicly do it himself but he haven’t seen the corruption from President Trump that we saw under the previous administration.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie there is NO difference – I did not ASK but stated they are the same We were promised a NON-insider president who now seems to be playing insider games Same ol same ol – he is deep in the swamp and not cleaning it — Just on Friday, they demanded records from Trump’s budget office as to why it delayed congressionally authorized military aid payments to Ukraine and subpoenaed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for answers about what Foggy Bottom knew about Rudy’s travails. There are plans to talk in closed session to the inspector general of the Intelligence Community and to bring Kurt Volker, the recently resigned U.S. special representative for Ukraine, in as well. Eventually, they will come asking for the documents we now know Trump tried to hide. And if he doesn’t disclose them, it will be portrayed—perhaps accurately—as a cover-up.
Mike Partyka
I’ll take a potty mouth and poor morals over a pro abortion party.
Varnel Watson
werent Trump pro abortion once? Is this potty mouth and poor morals reflect the state of heart? Could they be misguiding you on purpose like Hugh Lowrie just for political reasons using and abusing the church while new policies are infact restricting Christianity more and more?
Hugh Lowrie
Yes, President Trump is unlike Gov. Romney or Presidents Bush in that he has the same potty mouth of his opponents and has openly lived the same moral lifestyle of his opponents. (Refer back to King Jehu & Queen Jezebel to understand why religious conservatives embrace one who was originally identified with the evil ruler but now acts to accomplish God’s will).
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie you are repeating your old arguments from 4-5 yrs ago Almost like you are copy pasting from archives This simply shows you are misguided and lack new take on the issue The Ukraine involvement is NOT a small move – it is EXACTLY what Obama did during their war crises Trump will use them and abandon them just like Obama He will side with Putin Just watch and see but do change your thinking some because it sounds very very misguided absolute and inapplicable which makes it the least to say invalid in this political case
Kurt D. Volker, the State Department’s special envoy for Ukraine who got caught in the middle of the pressure campaign by President Trump and his lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, to find damaging information about Democrats, abruptly resigned his post on Friday.
Mr. Volk, who told Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday that he was stepping down, offered no public explanation, but a person informed about his decision said he concluded that it was impossible to be effective in his assignment given the developments of recent days.
Varnel Watson
Mike Partyka Hugh Lowrie Trump’s private attorney, Rudy Giuliani, ran one of the more harebrained CYA moves in recent memory by sharing text messages implicating the State Department in the president’s scheme to pressure the Ukrainians. And by the next day, the official whom he was texting—Trump’s envoy to Ukraine—quit.
Before then, came other revelations: that Trump had records of his call with Vladimir Putin and Mohammed Bin Salman hidden and that he’d casually mentioned to his “China whisperer” that he’d like to see if he too could get Biden dirt. And later that evening came, perhaps, the most alarming news break of all. The Washington Post published another story on another private meeting with another set of world leaders—this time involving Trump telling senior Russian officials that he was unconcerned about Moscow’s meddling in 2016 elections.
Mike Partyka
Troy Day we both know who is truly is control so politics are a messy subject. Did you vote Democrat ?
Varnel Watson
Mike Partyka do you mean for Hillary or in general – NO! IT may be messy BUT the church dont have to be a part of this mess as you declared above. The loss of testimony is irreversible JUST think of the German evangelicals who supported Hitler and their loss of testimony I really expected MUCH MUCH more detail thinking and in depth comments from you Just saying
Varnel Watson
hey Hugh Lowrie why did you drop the ball?
Hugh Lowrie
I’ve not dropped the ball. I submit work related to theology but you delete it because it thoughts on God’s mission make you feel threatened.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie what work related to theology has been submitted by you ? I’ve been away this week and have not seen it What was it? Did you see the Ukrainian chief prosecutor denying any truth in the Bidden allegations
A Ukrainian ex-prosecutor general has told the BBC there is no reason for his country to investigate President Donald Trump’s political rival Joe Biden.
Yuriy Lutsenko said any investigation into Mr Biden and his son would have to start in the US.
“I don’t know any reason to investigate Joe Biden or Hunter Biden according to Ukrainian law,” he said.
Mr Trump’s efforts to have Ukraine investigate the pair prompted an impeachment inquiry by the Democrats.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie I searched to find your so called missional post but to no avail Given FB deletes many posts that are reported for fake politics BUT if you have anything on the mission of GOd via Trump do share Michael Ellis Carter Jr. has already asked about NAR and its influence on the evangelical vote in 2020
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie and if you ask anyone who is observing they will tell you that you got quite when you were exposed for how misguided your posts are on the subject, but oh well – it was then when you started attacking me personally instead of just discussing the topic Horrible mistake and deeply misguided thinking for Christians everywhere today
Mr. Trump said to President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine during a July 25 phone call. Mr. Trump asked Mr. Zelensky to “do us a favor” and investigate Democrats — a request Democrats say is an abuse of power for personal gain. They have started an impeachment inquiry.
Hugh Lowrie
I stated that you seem to be more concerned about politics and the Ukraine than Theology and God’s mission. If you are so sensitive that you take that as an attack on you personally, when then it is what it is. If someone has exposed me related to my posts on God and His mission then maybe those comments were quickly deleted before I had a chance to see them. Either way, I am certain that you will try to divert any discussion on theology back to politics and Russia/Ukraine.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie I am not sure that what you just posted counts for e theological discussion BUT I already explained HOW evangelical voters are falling for a deeply misguided end-time theology similar to the one you have demonstrated in this group. At the same time, I cannot but draw similarities between what we are observing now and back with Obama You then failed to address any of those theological similarities I have pointed out as well as neglected to comment on the developments in the currently forced Ukraine scandal – well it was forced in July as we now know from the declassified phone calls as a favor that could not be refused NONE of this projects any theology proper in your misguided opinion and you are simply drawing very old conclusions almost as you are copy pasting. I do not find nothing in the mission of God in what you are writing except if you are somehow secretly believing Trump is God’s chosen one or some other baptist prophetic mambo jumbo
As for the evangelicals I have repeatedly pointed out that such morality is NOT Christian It should NOT be accepted lightly and should not be treated as this is our ONLY choice because it is NOT I again draw the similar points with the Russian collusion in case you have forgotten or disregarded them ::
Kushner had contacts about WikiLeaks, Russian overtures he did not disclose
Jeff Sessions just threw a wet blanket on President Trump’s Russia dossier conspiracy theory
White House divided over scope, risks of Russia probe
Trump says Putin sincere in denial of Russian meddling
Election officials move closer to placing new rules on Facebook and Google
“God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains,” Sean Parker said in the interview published Thursday.
Collapse of German coalition talks deals Merkel blow, raises suspects of new elections
Facebook’s first president, on Facebook: ‘God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains’
rump blasts critics on Russia as ‘haters and fools’; calls North Korean leader ‘short and fat’
FCC just repealed a 42-year-old rule blocking broadcast media
‘Any Russians?’: Sessions pokes fun at fervor over Kremlin
Rising alarm in Britain over Russian meddling in Brexit vote
Russia is using a video game to ‘prove’ the U.S. is letting ISIS flee Syria
After Russian meddling, Google and Facebook shift their stance on a crucial issue for voters
AT&T and the Justice Department are at odds
TV stations are about to track you and sell targeted ads, just like Google and Facebook
Varnel Watson
hey Hugh Lowrie Nelson Banuchi RIGHT when we think it was all over after the M report that found NOTHING to disprove it TRUMP admits it straight forward I know and I will agree with both of you that his I believe statement can mean either way BUT when you hear it from the horse’s mouth it is what it is
Ron Tolfree
“This has a LOT to do with Pentecostal Theology” … said no one EVER.
Hugh Lowrie
Troy, not sure why you continue to talk about collusion with Russia. After 3 years of investigation coming up empty, everyone has moved on. If the House ever impeaches Trump we’ll have a trial in the Senate and if they call witnesses we may finally learn if the Ukraine meddled in the election. But there is no credibility to the collusion with Russia narrative. And I’ve not seen anyone make a case where any of this has a connection to theology.
Varnel Watson
I am not but POTUS still is /as per 12/20/19 / – and not collusion nor with Russia
Ukraine interfered in 2016 election because
Trump said it
‘Putin told him
take with the big fellers will ya ?
I just call them as I see them
Sorry I cant play dumb like you
My sole interest is the mission of GOD in all this and HOW the evangelical church should be involved
Trump became more insistent about the conspiracy after his private meeting with Putin in July 2017 at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany. This is right after the Helsinki major fail #there
Hugh Lowrie
you posted the discussion on collusion with Russia but now are saying that you aren’t talking about it but President Trump is? I’ve not heard President Trump talk about collusion with Russia other than to deny it and claim it is all a witch hunt. But he does reference the Ukraine. Mueller confirmed there was no collusion but we really don’t know about Ukraine colluding yet.
Varnel Watson
Jim Price Nelson Banuchi
Trump said
Putin told him
Ukraine interfered in 2016
Varnel Watson
Plenty of publications, including the editorial boards of many of the nation’s leading daily newspapers, have run pieces in recent weeks calling for the president’s impeachment and ouster, but all have gone ignored by the Republican.
This one, however, prompted an angry Twitter response.
“A far left magazine, or very ‘progressive,’ as some would call it, which has been doing poorly and hasn’t been involved with the Billy Graham family for many years, Christianity Today, knows nothing about reading a perfect transcript of a routine phone call and would rather have a Radical Left nonbeliever, who wants to take your religion & your guns, than Donald Trump as your President,” he wrote. “No President has done more for the Evangelical community, and it’s not even close. You’ll not get anything from those Dems on stage. I won’t be reading ET again!”
“In an unwittingly self-revealing moment, Trump responded to the magazine’s indictment of his profound moral failings with an argument that is thoroughly transactional and megalomaniacal: How dare you criticize me, after all the power I’ve granted to your movement? You’re breaking our deal, and now you’re dead to me.”
Exactly. The president seems to believe he’s bought the fealty of certain constituencies, and when he learns otherwise, he lashes out angrily.
Varnel Watson
this NEW CT article William DeArteaga is a GREAT example WHY evangelical leaders should NOT mingle with politics I respect Franklin greatly – all Franklin preachers in politics ; I do not fully agree with the CT article by the so called lone writer He is NOT a lone writer – the editor of CT wrote in FULL agreement with CT staff but this is another story of morals and political struggle
The problem there is franklin Jr has no control over CT which he considers to be his fathers creation So long to fraternal orders IMO So because CT cannot be used for his political campaigning he threw them under the bus time and time again Well not ALL evangelicals agree with CT or with Franklin Jr We are still a free country right? Freedom of speech and religion RIGHT? not just what we are ordered by fraternal orders and our supreme church leaders – right?
NOW then yet another Franklin comes along to reject CT and make them non – evangelical But they are And they are very very southern baptist and not so much with Trump – now then when I come to Jentzens statement
Socialism was on the rise and our religious liberties as citizens, business owners, and even clergy were being threatened at greater levels than any other time in modern history.
this alone tells me he should NOT be in politics especially in the seat of advisory He could be spiritual whatever but should be silent about politics cause he aint got a clue I bet his church conglomerate is run more like socialism than America would ever be BUT I Will leave my comments for later …
for now just like M Brown, jentzen wants the good of America via Trump but is confused and in deep moral crises when POTUS behaves as a heeden Well not just todays issue Was the issue of the 3-4th century church which sided with the Empire and the every church ever since that has sided with any empire
Welcome to Evangelical catholicism – more socialist that America will ever be! Long live the Republic …
Varnel Watson
YES William DeArteaga the time of your article is at hand
Varnel Watson
so sorry Ray E Horton Nelson Banuchi but seems
William DeArteaga was spot on dead center
Nelson Banuchi
Yeah, I’m just learning about this on CNN…
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi just CNN or all channels?
Nelson Banuchi
Just CNN. with things needing to be done today, I haven’t really had a chance to listen 2 what’s going on. So I’m really not too sure what it’s all about.
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi are you sure 16hrs ago?
Varnel Watson
Varnel Watson
just a NOTE William DeArteaga Ray E Horton for a move well done to an independent platform IF social media and blog sites block Graham imagine the scrutiny against small figures on social media like us I only ask that you extend our platforms invitation IF you like it to other Pentecostal writers so we can safely archive and discuss valued articles rather than constantly watch for political correctness and censure
Ray E Horton
Troy Day Good point, and I’ll spread the word as occasion arises.
Varnel Watson
James P Bowers
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi IF ANYone EVER doubted it
Nelson Banuchi
//”Trump’s best excuse may be that his people were too incompetent”//
Actually, that was one of Lindsay Graham’s response to a reporter’s question. He basically said Trump and his administration they were to dumb to and discombobulated (not his words, mine; can’t remember the exact quote) to work out such a complex conspiracy.
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi surprised you follow Lindsay NOW someone pls tell me another one
In book, Bolton says Trump tied Ukraine aid to inquiries, implicates senior cabinet officials