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INTRO: Our study on the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST and beyond has been encouraging to me and I
trust to you as well. But the broader concept of studying BIBLE PROPHECY is extremely practical for
several reasons:
● It encourages us to Examine our salvation
● It motivates us to Examine our Christian living
● It challenges us to Evangelize the lost
● It encourages us to Edify the Church
So far in our study we have discussed the Two Stages of the Second Coming, The BEMA Seat Judgment
of Christ and the Marriage of the Lamb. TODAY we will take a look at the MILLENNIAL REIGN OF
1) The word “MILLENNIUM” means ONE THOUSAND YEARS and is not mentioned in scripture but in
Revelation 20 where elements of the MILLENNIUM are described “One Thousand Years” is mentioned
SIX times.
2) The Biblical teaching of the MILLENNIUM is mentioned MORE than any other prophetic subject in the
Old and the New Testaments.
3) The MILLENNIM is believed by both Jews and Gentiles to be the COMING MESSIANIC KINGDOM
will come into fruition.
-The Abrahamic Covenant = Genesis 12:1-3
-The Promise of a Land and Seed given to Abraham
-The Palestinian Covenant = Deuteronomy 30:1-5
-The Promise of the Possession of the Land for Israel
-The Davidic Covenant = 2 Samuel 7:12-16
-The Promise of an Eternal Kingdom
-The New Covenant = Jeremiah 31:31-34
-The Promise of a New Heart and Forgiveness of Sin for Israel
4) The Millennium is the LITERAL 1000 YEAR REIGN OF CHRIST on the Earth between the Great
Tribulation Period and the Great White Throne Judgment.
5) The Millennium is important because without it the PROMISES OF THE RESTORATION OF ISRAEL
(Ezekiel 11:14-20) and RULE OF CHRIST ON THE EARTH (Psalm 2) would not come into fruition.
1) The Great Tribulation Period is Over
2) The Lord has returned to the Earth on the Mount of Olives
3) The False Religious and One World Government system is Destroyed.
4) The Battle of Armageddon is Won and the secular nations, the Anti-Christ and the False prophet are
A. Presently Satan is Alive and seeking to Destroy – 1 Peter 5:8
B. Prospectively Satan will be Punished in the Bottomless Pit – Vss. 1-3
NOTE: The “BOTTOMLESS PIT” is the place where some fallen angels and demons are in prison awaiting
the eternal lake of fire
1. To Punish him for his acts of murder (Jn. 8:44); thievery (Jn. 10:10); extortion (Rev. 12:9); false
accusations (Rev. 12:10) and treason (Rev. 20:2)
2. To Prevent him from deceiving the Nations – Vs. 3
NOTE: The Bottomless Pit is not the final destination of Satan. He will be there 1000 years, will be released
for a short season and then placed into THE ETERNAL LAKE OF FIRE.
NOTE: Christ will literally reign on earth for 1000 years but others will rule too.
A. The Rule of Christ will be Delegated
1. Christ as King will Rule with Perfect Justice – Isaiah 11:1-4
2. King David will be Resurrected and will rule Israel – Jeremiah 30:9
3. The 12 Disciples will Rule over the 12 Tribes – Matthew 19:28
4. The Church will Govern as Christ directs on Earth – Revelation 5:10
B. The Reign of Christ will Bring Change
1. To the Human Kingdom – Isaiah 2:2-4
2. To the Animal Kingdom – Isaiah 11:6-9
3. To the Plant Kingdom – Isaiah 35:1
A. Satan will be Released from Prison to Deceive the Nations – Vss. 7,8a
NOTE: 1000 years of punishment will NOT change Satan’s wicked desires.
B. Some people will follow Satan’s Deception to War – Vss. 8b,9a
1. To show the Wickedness of the Human Heart
2. To attempt to Destroy true Believers, Jerusalem, and Christ
A. Satan will meet his Final Doom – Vs. 9b (Fire from God)
B. Satan will be tormented Forever – Vs. 10 (Lake of Fire and Brimstone)
1) EXPECTION – That all prophecy will be totally fulfilled
2) ENCOURAGEMENT – That Satan and Sin will be forever destroyed
3) EVANGELISM – That we will become Soul winners
4) EXAMINATION – That you are Saved and Serving the Lord
Revelation 20:1-5
Ronny F. Wade, Speaker
The essential elements of the premillennial doctrine centers around the following facts:
1. Christ originally came to the earth to establish His kingdom, but
2. The world was too wicked to accept Him as king, and He was crucified instead,
3. Hence, the kingdom was not inaugurated, but the church was established, to take the place
of the kingdom until He returns.
4. A rapture will occur at His second coming when all the saints will be caught up to be with
the Lord.
5. Seven years of tribulation will follow on the earth caused by the Anti-Christ, who will be
defeated at the battle of Armageddon when Christ will return and put down all evil.
6. At this point, Christ will establish His kingdom and reign in Jerusalem for 1000 years.
7. After the 1000 years, there will come the general judgment, and finally Heaven and Hell.
I. Undesirable Consequences of the Premillennial Theory:
A. The Kingdom Prophecies Are Made Void
If even one prophecy concerning the establishment of the kingdom has not been fulfilled, in the
time and manner God decreed, that would prove God made a mistake. Isaiah 2:2-4 declared that
the “mountain of the Lord’s house” would be established in “the last days.” Acts 2:16-17 identifies
that occasion as “the last days.” “But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: “And it shall
come to pass in the last days, says God…” So, the kingdom had to be established at that time. If it
was not, then the prophecy failed.
(Daniel 2:44) “And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall
never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and
consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.” The giant image with a (head of gold,
chest and arms of silver, belly and thighs of bronze, feet of iron and clay) represented the
(Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Grecian, Roman) empires.
In the days of the Roman kings, God was to set up His kingdom, i.e. the days of the Roman Empire.
If the scriptures are dependable, then the kingdom is established and the prophecies have been
B. God’s Power Is Limited.
The claim that the world was not ready for the kingdom presents great problems. What if the
world is not ready for the second coming of Christ? In Mark 1:14-15, Jesus declared “the time is
fulfilled.” And in Mark 9:1, Jesus said “Some of you standing here will not taste of death until you
see the kingdom come with power.”
The Apostles were promised “power” in Acts 1:8. When the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost, the
power came, and with it, the establishment of the kingdom. (Acts 2:4) “And they were all filled
with the Holy Spirit and began to speak…”
C. A Material Kingdom Is Anticipated.
The premillennial doctrine makes the same mistake the Jews made in expecting an earthly
kingdom. Jesus declared: The kingdom would not come with observation, i.e. with a visible,
earthly monarch. (Luke 17:20-21) “My kingdom is not of this world” Jesus said… (John 18:36-38)
People become citizens of the kingdom by the new birth, (John 3:5) which is a spiritual birth.
Hence, the kingdom of Christ is spiritual, not material. Jesus declared, “I have finished the work
which thou gavest me to do” (John 17:4) For what work will He return?
D. The Church Is Made a Substitute.
The premillennial theory makes the church a substitute, or afterthought, for the kingdom. But God
declares that the church is a part of the “eternal purpose” of God. (Ephesians 3:10-11) The church
is to make known the “manifold wisdom of God.” Jesus spoke of the church and kingdom as
though they are one and the same in Matthew 16:18-19.
E. The Doctrine Makes the Writers of the New Testament Sound Confused.
(Colossians 1:13) “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into
the kingdom of his dear Son:”
(Revelation 1:9) John declared that he was “in the kingdom.”
(Revelation 1:5-6; 5:9-10) John describes those purchased by the blood of Christ as “a kingdom and
priesthood.” Did not these inspired men know what they were talking about when they spoke of
the Kingdom being in existence? Surely they did.
II. Will There Be a Rapture?
Everyone would like to know the future. This is why fortune tellers and psychics do a booming
business. The idea of a Rapture captivates the imagination of man. It has been sensationalized by
the advocates of the premillennial doctrine in such phrases as “in case of the rapture this car will be
unmanned.” From the amount of rhetoric, you would think that the bible says a lot about “the
rapture.” However, the English bible doesn’t even mention the word. To the pre-millennialist, the
rapture refers to the secret catching away of the church, when both resurrected and living saints,
will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. The suggestion is that 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
teaches the doctrine: “For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice
of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which
are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air:
and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” Do these verses teach the modern theory of the rapture? A
close examination reveals – no, they do not.
Theory: the rapture will be silent.
But the Lord will come with a SHOUT with the VOICE of the archangel and the TRUMP of God.
(1 Corinthians 15:52) “at the last trump: for the trumpet will sound.” (2 Peter 3:10) “The Lord will
come with a GREAT NOISE.”
Theory: the rapture will be secret.
(Revelation 1:7) “he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see Him.”
Theory: the rapture will be for only seven years.
Jesus said the resurrection will occur at the “last day.” (John 6:39, 40, 44)
(1 Thessalonians 4:14) When the saints arise from the grave to meet the Lord in the air, “so shall
we ever be with the Lord.” Notice that: ever be with the Lord, not just seven years.
What Is the Thousand Year Reign of Christ?
Revelation 20:1-10
These passages have been the favorite text of religious speculators, perhaps more than any other in
the entire bible. Out of it have come fantastic theories. These are the only verses in the bible that
mention a 1000 year reign. Whatever that means, and whatever these verses teach, must all be in
harmony with what the rest of the bible teaches. The central doctrine of premillennialism teaches a
literal reign of 1000 years by Christ upon this earth.
It is noteworthy that this text does not mention:
1. the second coming of Christ
2. a bodily resurrection
3. a reign “on the earth”
4. the literal throne of David
5. Jerusalem or Palestine
6. “us” instead of “they” who lived and reigned; and
7. Christ on earth
The defeat of Satan is the theme of Revelation 20:1-10. This passage, as well as the entire book, is
primarily written in symbolic language.
Verse 1 – The angel is not identified – but probably represents a servant of Christ ministering to the
divine will.
The “key” signifies authority over the abyss, i.e. the power to bind.
“great chain” represents his ability to limit the power of Satan by confining him to the bottomless
Verse 2 – Satan being bound does not indicate that he can no longer do certain things, as he has
always done.
He goes about a lion seeking to devour. (1 Peter 5:8) However, he is limited. A lion, for example,
that is confined within a fenced area can still maul and destroy one who enters his realm, but has
no power to hurt one outside the boundary. A dog on a chain can still attack if you get within his
reach. The indication is that his power is greatly curtailed. He can no longer control the nations as
he once did, nor can he control a man against his will. The 1000 years is symbolic, as are other
numbers in the book, and stand for an undetermined, but full period of time.
Verse 3 – Casting Satan into the pit was not punitive, for his punishment comes later (see verse 10),
but was preventive. He is restrained from deceiving the nations in the matter of emperor worship,
and controlling them as he previously had done. The thousand years is figurative, just as the
“key”, “pit”, etc. are, and should be understood as apocalyptic imagery, symbolizing a full
uninterrupted period of time, at the end of which Satan will be loosed from his prison for a brief
period of time.
Verse 4 – In this verse, John sees the triumph of the martyrs who had died as a result of the work of
the devil, the first and second beast. Just as the devil was bound, the martyrs were victorious.
These martyrs are not under the altar (as they were in 6:9-11), but are on thrones reigning with
Christ. John saw “souls,” not “bodies.” And it was “they” and not “us” that were reigning. These
had been beheaded for the witness of Jesus; they had not worshipped the beast nor his image;
neither had they received the mark of the beast. The inconsistency of the premillennialist is
apparent when they insist upon a literal interpretation of the 1000 years, yet fail to accept the fact
that “all who reign” had been beheaded. These saints were in a spiritual realm, not on the earth.
Verse 5 – The rest of the dead refer to the wicked servants of the beast that were killed with the
sword of Christ. (19:21) Their cause which had been advanced through the beast and false prophet
does not prevail until the thousand years are finished, at which time they will experience a
(figurative) resurrection in Satan’s revived effort, described in v. 7-9. The first resurrection is
figurative, not literal, and refers to the victory of the martyred souls, pictured in the vision. It is the
resurrection of a cause. They reign with Christ in the millennium.
Verse 6 – The second death is the “lake of fire” of 20:14. All die once. (Hebrews 9:27) Only those
who reject God and His will suffer the second death. The cause for which these early saints died
has not been in vain. They reign victoriously for a full, uninterrupted period of time on spiritual
thrones. Their cause has been vindicated. The kingdoms of men may come and go, but the
kingdom of the Lord has withstood all the powers of the evil one.
Verse 7 – The Loosing of Satan
Satan is freed at the end of the 1000 years, however, his attitude has not changed. He remains the
avowed and relentless enemy of God and His people. We are not given much information as to the
nature of this period. It may be that it signifies a period of great wickedness just before the second
coming of Christ, somewhat like the days of Noah before the flood. The length of his effort will last
for “a little season.” (v.3)
Verse 8 – Gog and Magog, in this verse, are based on Ezekiel’s figurative use of them in Chapter 38-
39 to describe the pagan forces that fought against the kingdom of God.
Here these symbols are employed to again represent all of the world’s spiritual pagan forces that
Satan can command in an attempt to overthrow God’s spiritual kingdom. This is not a carnal
conflict, but rather a spiritual and moral one — the forces of truth against the forces of evil. Satan’s
allies are abundant: secular humanism, immorality, materialism, atheism, astrology, false religion,
drug cults, and all manner of evil.
Verse 9 – One last attempt to abolish the church will be made. The how is uncertain. It may be that
Satan will gather the world together to oppose God and substitute paganism in the place of the true
worship of the Lord. One thing is sure — so long as earthly history continues, Satan will never give
up in his attempts to destroy the kingdom of God. He is the adversary.
Verse 10 – It will not work. Satan will lose this battle also. This time he will be cast into the lake of
fire where all his allies are. All who reject the Lord will be there also. Once Satan is cast there,
there will not be one single enemy left to oppress the church. The visions of this book have already
shown what has happened to (1) those who have the mark of the beast (Chapter 14-16); (2) to the
harlot Babylon (Chapter 17-18); (3) to the beast and false prophet (Chapter 19); (4) and finally to the
dragon (Chapter 20). The Church will survive, the kingdom will not be destroyed.
@everyone holding the post-TRIB post-mil view is basically 7day Adventist AND NOT Pentecostal
As soon as Christ comes (Rev. 19:11-21), an angel imprisons Satan in the abyss. Who isthis so powerful able to “bind,” “throw” and limit the Devil himself?
Scripture didn’t say, but it is
an angel with power and authority of God. In chapter 12 it is Michael (another name of Christ)who faces and casts out Satan. A similar clash occurs in Daniel 10 and Jude 9. Following thissequence it is possible to identify the angel of Revelation 20:1 with Christ.The Bible says the angel cast Satan into the abyss
a dark prison where the demonic forcesare confined to exercise their dominio
n (Luke 8:31; 2Pet. 2:4). “In the context of Revelation 20,the abyss denotes the earth in a chaotic condition, utterly desolated and uninhabited.”
There is no better word to describe the results of the work of the devil on our planet, than he being sent to anabyss. However, for the powers of evil, the abyss is no longer a place to exercise his evil influencein the lives of men (Luke 8:31). In Revelation 20 the abyss is the earth in chaotic condition, as itwas in the beginning of creation: disorderly, void, without human beings (Gen 1:1).
The events presented in Revelation 20 had already been announced by other Old Testament prophets. Isaiah mentions the moment when:”it will happen in that day. That the Lord will punish on high thehost of exalted ones, and on the earth the kings of the earth. Theywill be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, andwill be shut up in the prison; after many days they will be punished”(Isa. 24:21, 22).The phrase “exalted ones” refers to angelic powers, in this case evil angels. Paul says thatthese forces exert their power in “heavenly places”(Eph. 6:12). In Isaiah 24 we have a preview of
Ranko Stefanović,
Revelation of Jesus Christ: Commentary on the Book of Revelation
, 2nd ed (BerrienSprings, Mich: Andrews University Press, 2009). 576.
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events that will take place in the not too distant future. Jeremiah also describes the condition of the planet during the millennium:”I beheld the earth, and indeed it
without form, and void;and the heavens, they
no light. … I beheld, and indeed
there was
no man, and all the birds of the heavens had fled. I beheld, andindeed the fruitful land
a wilderness, and all its cities were broken down at the presence of the Lord, By His fierce anger” (Jer.4:23-27).Jesus had said that no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up (Mark3:27). Revelation 20 is showing compliance with what was spoken by Christ. Satan consideredhimself the absolute master of the world (Matt. 4:8, 9, John 12:31, 14, 30), but now Christ hasdestroyed his kingdom and will bound him for a thousand years. The three verbs used in Revelation20:1-3, throwing, locking, and sealing indicate that Satan’s power has been taken away from him.During the thousand years the devil cannot deceive anyone; he will be confined to a desolate anduninhabited earth
, which figuratively speaking, will be an “exclusive place for Satan’simprisonment during the millennium until he receives his final punishment in the lake of fire”
(Rev. 20:10).
The Work of the Redeemed in Heaven during the Millennium
From the gloomy and dreary place where the devil will be bound, John pauses to describea scene in which he sees glorious thrones; and those who were seated on them were those who:”had been given authority to judge, those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of theword of God, those who had not worshiped the beast or its imageand had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands; andthey reign with Christ for a thousand years” (Rev. 20:4).
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What a contrast! While Satan is chained, the saints reign with Christ!During the millennium the people of God will be responsible for verifying and validatinghow just God was in the above judicial processes, and thus confirm that the righteousness of Godhas triumphed over evil. The fact that they have risen “in the first resurrection” (Rev. 20:5, 6)implies that there was a previous judicial process that determined that they deserve to be in thatgroup. But what will happen to those who are not there and who will suffer the second death? TheLord will allow the saints to open the books (Rev. 20:12) in order to understand the reasons whysome were lost and others were saved. The victorious will now sit on thrones to judge (Rev. 3:21).Jesus referred to this judgement when he promised his disciples that in “the regeneration” they willsit “on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel” (Matt. 19:28). Paul further expands onthe judicial function of the saints by saying that they will not only judge Israel, but also the worldand angels (1 Cor. 6:2, 3). But rather than condemn, the role of saints is to confirm that what Godhas decided is based on justice. In other words, during the judgement that will take place duringthe millennium, God’s justice will be vindicated to all of us and to the unfallen worlds.
Paul spoke of the need for divine vindication in Romans 3. Quoting Psalm 51:4, the apostlewrote: “Let God be true and every man liar, as it is written: “That You may be justified in Yourwords, and may overcome when You are judge” (Rom. 3:4). Before Satan and his followers arecompletely annihilated the world is to receive answers to the questions that they have filed againstthe divine actions during the battle between good and evil. For this reason it is necessary to holdone more trial, not only to confirm the death sentence against the enemies of truth, but to dispe
Troy Day Archangels Michael = Christ? You done gone Jehovah Witness on us!
Philip Williams basically you are a 7day Adventist morMon
Troy Day He’s an SDA? You are the one saying Jesus is Michael. That’s an SDA/JW teaching. And ___you__ are pre-trib!
You’d better be careful with making such huge leaps. If your wrong, you may be blaspheming Christ by calling him Michael, who is lower. Michael is greater than Satan. That doesn’t prove that Michael is Christ. Michael is mentioned in the New testament. If Michael were Christ that would be a huge glaring omission.
Link Hudson are you referring to the quote from Revelation of Jesus Christ: Commentary on the Book of Revelation
, 2nd ed (BerrienSprings, Mich: Andrews University Press, 2009). 576. proving what SDA believes? Why would you or Philip Williams think what Revelation of Jesus Christ: Commentary on the Book of Revelation
, 2nd ed (BerrienSprings, Mich: Andrews University Press, 2009). 576 states is what I said? Did you not read the article to see the quote? Is it not clearly cited with reference and all or you are just misleading the blind? I’ve seen a lot of things on the internet with your name through the years NOT all baring the truth of course – should we assume you said them? So NO I am not the one saying Jesus is Michael – this is a ridiculous claim made by SDA and partially Heiser and it is true as much as when you would say would be a homosexual pro-gay or something to that extend… You should really read more in full and research before making false and slanderous accusations before they turn against you ?
Troy Day slander? I got the archaeological department at Andrews University, Berien Springs, MI working on my ‘old mine shaft’ Did you know that archaeologists are mine shaft experts?
Philip Williams Yes hence the post of your SDA approval BUT they denied your find of course – I just recently spoke with the new director of their E White research resource center in MD who recently visited the ark in KY – they denied the dyno eggs there Dynos are amalgamation from the original creation according to SDA We laughed about the old Turkish mine shaft you found – The Millennial Reign of Christ and His Saints ON EARTH is described and expound in REV 20:46 though SDA and Dan Anthony deny it
The theory of post-Millennialism is dangerous because it would have us substitute man and his work for the work of God. The theory is that man ushers in the Millennium through his own efforts, and secures his own happiness without the grace of God. This school of interpreters believe that the organized church is to prosper and extend its scope until the whole world is converted, thus bringing in the Millennium when in reality, the church is less near the accomplishment o this than in the time of the apostles. It further teaches that Christ could not, or would not come back to earth while the world is sinful and that, when it is converted, men will invite Christ back to the world to reign. This certainly is not the teaching of Scripture. The purpose of this dispensation is not the con version of the world, for all will not believe. It is the calling out of a people to serve as kings and priests with Christ during the Millennium and forever, Rev. 1:5,6; 5:9, 10; 20:4; 22:5. The above passages under point 1 certainly do not harmonize with the idea of a converted world or picture such at Christ’s coming.
Troy Day the head of the department studied archaeology under Bill Dever, the most influential biblical archaeologist since his own teacher William F. Albright. Even skeptical Eric Cline endorses his methodology. Randy Younker assures me that he will be strictly scientific. Of course, I have to teach all these Iron Age archeologists how to understand Bronze Age sites.
But make up your mind. Am I SDA or of their Great Whore, Roman Catholic?
Troy Day Norm Geisler and I tried to explain to Ken Ham that dinosaurs weren’t on the Ark. Ken sent us to the bottom deck!
Troy Day I am not postmil but I would like to challenge you to give a post mil source to support the idea that they think man will usher in his own happiness without the grace of God.
Link Hudson feel free to tell us ALL about it – I am not post-mil and the sources you seem to identify with are clearly cited
Troy Day your views win this thread are far more SDA than being post-trib. The idea that Michael refers to Christ is an old Millerite view in the Adventist movement retained by SDAs which the JWs also held to. Do you know anyone who held to this SDA view before Miller and the Adventist movement?
The idea of the coming of the Son of Man happening after the tribulation goes all the way back to Matthew 24. In II Thessalonians 1 we see that Jesus will come and give the church rest from those causing it tribulation. Historic premil is called historic for a reason. SDAs have a historicist spin on a very old eschatological position.
Link Hudson this sounds more like a copout if you ask me – you also missed to place the resurrection in MT 24 because you simply cannot …
Troy Day post trib is biblical see 1 Thess. Pretrib is made up theology from Darby only, not found in the Church Fathers.
The Millennial Kingdom on earth is at least seven years away.
Duane L Burgess The theory of post-Millennialism is dangerous because it would have us substitute man and his work for the work of God. The theory is that man ushers in the Millennium through his own efforts, and secures his own happiness without the grace of God. This school of interpreters believe that the organized church is to prosper and extend its scope until the whole world is converted, thus bringing in the Millennium when in reality, the church is less near the accomplishment o this than in the time of the apostles. It further teaches that Christ could not, or would not come back to earth while the world is sinful and that, when it is converted, men will invite Christ back to the world to reign. This certainly is not the teaching of Scripture. The purpose of this dispensation is not the con version of the world, for all will not believe. It is the calling out of a people to serve as kings and priests with Christ during the Millennium and forever, Rev. 1:5,6; 5:9, 10; 20:4; 22:5. The above passages under point 1 certainly do not harmonize with the idea of a converted world or picture such at Christ’s coming. Dan Anthony is NOT upholding a Pentecostal teaching here but the institutes of Calvin – vol. 4 as quoted by Kyle Williams
Millennial reign of CHRIST???? Where does THAT come from!?! Jesus reigns FOREVER.
I see where there’s a mention of a symbolic group that reigns WITH Him for a symbolic 1,000 years, but HIS reign is everlasting.
Daniel 2:44
(44) And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever,
Isaiah 9:6-7
there will be no end
, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness
from this time forth and forevermore.
The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this.
(6) For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
(7) Of the increase of his government and of peace
Revelation 1:5-6
dominion forever and ever.
(5) and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood,
(6) and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and
Dan Anthony yes it is clear you are an postmil seeing a-mil as a ground BUT you will have HARD times proving that Jesus is present on earth physically right now to reign on earth that is Even Philip Williams Link Hudson do not believe this worldly mess while John Mushenhouse Duane L Burgess Ron Culbreth Robert Cox Robert Dickinson Roscoe Barnes III Αγγελος Ρουίζ have all proven this is pretty much NAR and Neil Steven Lawrence Nelson Banuchi Michael Chauncey would agree too 4) The Millennium is the LITERAL 1000 YEAR REIGN OF CHRIST on the Earth between the Great Tribulation Period and the Great White Throne Judgment.
RPOOF The MILLENNIM is believed by both Jews and Gentiles to be the COMING MESSIANIC KINGDOM
will come into fruition.
-The Abrahamic Covenant = Genesis 12:1-3
-The Promise of a Land and Seed given to Abraham
-The Palestinian Covenant = Deuteronomy 30:1-5
-The Promise of the Possession of the Land for Israel
-The Davidic Covenant = 2 Samuel 7:12-16
-The Promise of an Eternal Kingdom
-The New Covenant = Jeremiah 31:31-34
-The Promise of a New Heart and Forgiveness of Sin for Rich Israel The Millennial Reign of Christ and His Saints ON EARTH is described and expound in REV 20:46 though SDA and Dan Anthony deny it …
Dan Anthony The theory of post-Millennialism is dangerous because it would have us substitute man and his work for the work of God. The theory is that man ushers in the Millennium through his own efforts, and secures his own happiness without the grace of God. This school of interpreters believe that the organized church is to prosper and extend its scope until the whole world is converted, thus bringing in the Millennium when in reality, the church is less near the accomplishment o this than in the time of the apostles. It further teaches that Christ could not, or would not come back to earth while the world is sinful and that, when it is converted, men will invite Christ back to the world to reign. This certainly is not the teaching of Scripture. The purpose of this dispensation is not the con version of the world, for all will not believe. It is the calling out of a people to serve as kings and priests with Christ during the Millennium and forever, Rev. 1:5,6; 5:9, 10; 20:4; 22:5. The above passages under point 1 certainly do not harmonize with the idea of a converted world or picture such at Christ’s coming.
Troy Day ///BUT you will have HARD times proving that Jesus is present on earth physically right now to reign on earth///
I never said anything about Jesus reigning PHYSICALLY. He ISN’T physical. He is a SPIRIT. He IS a life-giving Spirit.
1 Corinthians 15:45 ESV
became a life-giving spirit.
(45) Thus it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam
The ONLY body that He has IS the church!
And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to
the church, which is his body,
the fullness of him who fills all in all.
(Ephesians 1:22-23 ESV)
There’s ONLY one body of Christ…the church.
Ephesians 4:4 ESV
There is one body
and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call—
///The Millennium is the LITERAL 1000 YEAR REIGN OF CHRIST///
Again, this simply ISN’T Bible! There’s NOTHING that even hints that Jesus ONLY reigns for 1,000 years. “1,000” and “reign” refer to a symbolic group of saints…NOT to Jesus.
///The Millennial Reign of Christ///
No such thing. You are stuck in a rut of repeating a phrase that isn’t found in the Bible. Please stick with scripture and not Tim LaHaye’s wild conjecture.
The Millennial Reign of Christ and His Saints.
“And I saw thrones and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years,” Rev. 20:4-6.
This passage shows that the tribulation martyrs will also have a part in the reign of Christ in the Millennium and forever. If there were no other passage in the Bible to teach the doctrine of the Millennium this one would be sufficient, for the word simply means “one thousand years,” which term is repeated six times in the first seven verses of this chapter. Before we take up this subject in the Scriptures, let us note what Rev. 20 says about the Millennium.
1. Satan must be bound before the Millennium can begin, Rev. 20:1-10. This certainly implies the fulfillment of all the events of Rev. 4-19. Therefore, the thousand years cannot come until these things are fulfilled.
2. Satan will be bound during the Millennium, Rev. 20:3.
3. After the binding of Satan, John saw “thrones” and their occupants, Rev. 20:4. The occupants of the thrones will be the tribulation martyrs. They will reign as kings and priests with Christ as well as all other redeemed heavenly peoples. (See point 2, theory 1, chapter seventeen.)
4. In Rev. 20:5 John shows that the tribulation martyrs have a part in the first resurrection, which is before the thousand years and includes all the different companies of redeemed and every individual saved from Adam to the binding of Satan. This verse also implies that the tribulation saints will be the last redeemed company resurrected and translated. The first resurrection ends with the rapture of this company and the two witnesses. All other passages on the resurrections in Scripture, except a few on the rapture of the Church, speak of the first and second resurrections as being one, and occurring at the same time, but this passage and 1 Cor. 15:20-23, 51-58; Phil. 3:1014; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 2 Thess. 2:1,6-8; 2 Cor. 5:1-6; Eph. 5:26,27; Heb. 11:35; 1 John 3:1-3 speak of a resurrection from out of the dead, or the resurrection and translation of all dead and living saints before the thousand years. In Rev. 20:11-15 “the rest of the dead” of Rev. 20:4-6 or the wicked dead who have no part in the first resurrection and who will be resurrected after the thousand years, are pictured as standing before the white throne to be judged. This will be the second resurrection. It includes all the wicked dead from Adam to the end of the Millennium.
5. Next, a blessing is pronounced upon all that have part in the first resurrection, for “on such the second death (the lake of fire, Rev. 2:11; 19:20; 20:10-15; 21:8) hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign one thousand years.”
6. “When the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison. And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them” against God. Then fire will come down out of heaven to devour his armies, and he himself will be cast into the lake of fire, where the beast and false prophet are and have been for the one thousand years, Rev. 19:20; 20:7-10.
7. Then, the wicked dead will be resurrected and there will be the final judgment, after which the renovation of the earth and heavens will take place. The result will be a New Heaven, and a New Earth, as pictured in Rev. 21, 22.
Now with these facts as a basis, we can understand the many other Scriptures which speak of the reign of the Messiah without distinguishing between His reign during the first thousand years and His reign forever.
The theory of post-Millennialism is dangerous because it would have us substitute man and his work for the work of God. The theory is that man ushers in the Millennium through his own efforts, and secures his own happiness without the grace of God. This school of interpreters believe that the organized church is to prosper and extend its scope until the whole world is converted, thus bringing in the Millennium when in reality, the church is less near the accomplishment o this than in the time of the apostles. It further teaches that Christ could not, or would not come back to earth while the world is sinful and that, when it is converted, men will invite Christ back to the world to reign. This certainly is not the teaching of Scripture. The purpose of this dispensation is not the con version of the world, for all will not believe. It is the calling out of a people to serve as kings and priests with Christ during the Millennium and forever, Rev. 1:5,6; 5:9, 10; 20:4; 22:5. The above passages under point 1 certainly do not harmonize with the idea of a converted world or picture such at Christ’s coming.