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. The History of Salvation can be traced East and West, Monasticism, Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, Pietism, Puritanism, Wesley, Finney, Phoebe Palmer, Salvation Army, Durham, Seymour, Church of God, etc.
C. Wesley
The way of salvation (see chart of Collins – handout)
The gospel addresses the acts and being in sin and he lifts up grace. In small groups discipleship is taking place. Somebody has to be the father and mother of new born people.
Caring for the flock.
See chart “Shaping a Pentecostal heart for God”
Salvation is a way, seen individual and cooperate. Our faith overcomes the world, because we are faithful.
The way of salvation Gause:
Salvation is a way. Analogy of the mountain. Salvation is climbing the mountain, but don’t trade the base of the mountain with the pick of the mountain.
Rom.5.1-5. Stop committing sin and receive a new motif of life. The new motif is love, as God is love. Rom.1:17 needs to be seen in the light of Hab.2:4, that is the manner in which the just lives is by believing. That becomes the way of salvation.
Churches that collapse holy Spirit into initial salvation loose the sanctification. There is no positional sanctification and Spirit Baptism.
Holiness is not only a separation from, but a separation unto.
That leads us to the sacraments, which are all in the context of community.
The Lord’s we nurture the processes of life.
Footwashing. The washing is continues. The blood of Jesus Christ glances us from all righteous.
All of the sacraments are commination and eschatological. The end of the journey determines the course of the journey.
For our citizenship is in heaven, therefore it is important that we participate and cultivate in the kingdom of heaven.
February 25, 2000
- The Way of Salvation: Israel through the desert is a picture of salvation on the way
- Righteousness: being righted by God, and it is a declaration of God, is a relational term.
- Perfection: making fit for use, obedience, David, Job had a perfect hard, integrity, wholeness, walking upright, sincere. In NT perfect love cast out fear, which is the fear of judgement. Fulfillment of OT prophecy, perfect wholeness in the fear of God. Definition: state and process: wholeness of integrity along the journey, maturity and maturation (ripened not rottenned). It is a condition or a process? It is both. It’s like breathing. Perfection is like respiration, it is a condition and a process. Holy God through the Holy Spirit perfects us in Holy living
Varnel Watson
sure has repentance in it RichardAnna Boyce Joe Absher
RichardAnna Boyce
salvation started in Gospel of John. Saved by grace only, through faith only, in Christ only; with no works of committment to repent of behavioural sin. Salvation of soul continues through the epistles (with repentance being compulsory to earn rewards in the Millennium); and in Revelation salvation is completed in glory with a new body.
Varnel Watson
no salvation comes without repentance Joe Absher RichardAnna Boyce even for the Catholic Allan Boyd
Joe Absher
Any man or woman with a conscience would be sorry for their wrong doing . in the gospel Christ we confess our sin to God and recieve mercy and deliverance .
Joe Absher
“Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.”
– John 4:22
Some nations and cultures have no idea what it means to be saved. It is my understanding some had no word for mercy or understanding of faith. That the people’s we love have such little knowledge of God and our Saviour is bad mark against us.
Isara Mo
No mention of Africa..or Africans.