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I’m no fan of Hillary Clinton’s politics. But I will celebrate this historic moment. We need more women to break the leadership barrier.
— Lee Grady (@LeeGrady) July 27, 2016
President Clinton is readily identifiable in Biblical prophecy in the End Times, once … who offered his assessment of Bill and Hillary Clinton in November, 1993.
* Nigerian Prophet Predicts Hillary Clinton’s Future Dream of U.S …
Aug 7, 2011 – Prophet Perez Oluyemi is the presiding Pastor of Achievers Rock Commission International. In this prophetic bombshell, the man of God whose …
* Hillary Clinton Presidential Prophecy
Hillary Clinton will win the 2016 Presidential election. Her victory parade will be short-lived. Such global chaos will ensue, that there will be little time for rejoicing …
* Hillary Clinton Prophecies, Antichrist –
It looks like Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee for the US presidency. Is Hillary Clinton inprophecy? Are there Bible prophecies that Hillary Clinton may …
* Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States Book
Is Hillary Clinton Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic, Catholic, Buddhist, and other … Hillary Rodham Clinton: Background, Morality, and Hebrew Prophecy; Hillary Clinton, …
* Bible Code Predicts Clinton Win – Breaking Israel News | Israel Latest …
May 8, 2016 – … the resulting letters combine to form the phrase: Hillary President. … (If this is a trueprophecy, it will come true, and gematria wil continue to …
* Hillary Clinton and Bible Prophecy – YouTube
Is Hillary Rodham Clinton prophetic? Are there biblical prophecies that do or may apply to her? Do her …
* Rise of a Woman in America – BelieveTheSign
William Branham claimed he saw a series of eight prophetic visions in June 1933, …. Hillary Clinton will be the fulfillment of this prophecy and run for President.
HIllary Clinton | End Times Prophecy Report…
Carl Murphy
Where is Bill Clinton’s name in the Bible, for that matter the United States? I could have told you the same thing in 2011 about Hillary. All one had to do was read the papers. I would rather have seen a prophecy in 2011 saying Trump would be the republican candidate, now that would have been prophetic
Carl Murphy
I would love to see all of prophecies in 2011 about 2016
Jon Ray
John Ruffle
“No one should step aside for anyone . It should be the best person for the job. If it’s a woman that’s great but if it’s not she shouldn’t be president and if it’s a man same thing” Yes!!! And THIS is why I said the OP was stupid!
Jon Ray
The O post or the O poster?
Varnel Watson
John Ruffle She wants UK in EU? What? Jimmy is blessing them all
Jon Ray
Thoughts after last night? Serious comments only pls John Ruffle Terry Wiles William DeArteaga
Terry Wiles
The true message was the transformation of America into a country where everything except biblical Christianity is exalted for personal political gain. May God help us train up our children in the way they should go.
John Ruffle
She did the goof-ball act again when Bill came in stage and hugged her. When she did it a few months ago, people thought she may have had a fit. Personally, I think it’s a demonically-engineered bonding/ initiation sign. I’m deadly serious in case anyone’s wondering.
John Ruffle
In case anyone missed it earlier:
William DeArteaga
As Christians we have only a horrible choise to make. I was hoping a centrist person would make an independent run and cause the electoral college to have a minority result and move the selection of the President to the congress, as provided for n the constitution. But this is not likely to happen. I will vote for Hillary because I believe Trump to be morally and emotionally infantile. I was a Hispanic pastor for years, and found his categorization of Mexicans repulsive.
William DeArteaga
Note this article in CT
Jon Ray
This is about the only reasonable point I’ve read in the list of long political discussions in this group in 2016. Split the church and you are good to go… Alan N Carla Smith
John Ruffle
It was reported over here in UK as a gala night .. for massacring unborn human beings. And not a hint of disapproval from anyone. Help me someone!
Jon Ray
John Ruffle
Can’t recall – prob. BBC may also have been Sky
Geovanni J Ramirez Paulino
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