I would hope so! I know they are in any of the churches I have been involved with. Too bad many Pentecostals don’t much partake of this important distinctive.
Yes, those are less common, but still happening. Several words of knowledge spoke accurately to lead to faith for healings. The prophetic words were mostly exhortation, encouragement, comfort from Holy Spirit. A Word of Wisdom often accompanies prophecy that forthtells. We have seen creative healing miracles in the past. My latest experience with the gift of Faith: Was praying for healing for severely sick baby in hospital, to no avail. The next day as I was again praying, a holy anger rose up within and a faith that was not my own as I laid hands on the child. She was instantly healed and, after being checked, released from the hospital two hours later. It wasn’t my usual faith for healing, but rather a supernatural gift of faith that God imparted at the time of need.
Ray E Horton I have not seen gift of wisdom operate in a congregation for years now. Most younger fellers like Peter Vandever dont even know what it is because they have never seen it in action. Have you? BTW word of wisdom neither foretells nor accompanies. It prevails!
Gift of faith was somewhat corrupted by the faith movement It operates constantly and consistently not on day on and day off bases
I will not comment on gift of miracles – dimes a dozen fakers
Best way my pastor put it about wisdom and knowledge is to know wisdom enough to keep your mouth shut about what you know or the wisdom to know when to speak about what you know. Make sense?
naah not really – sounds like another humanistic bapticostal explain
* word of knowledge is basically supernatural knowledge of information
*while word of wisdom is knowing how to use the knowledge given
right on these 2 most bapticostal and charismatics will stumble and say just about anything apart from explaining it with the Bible
I am far from bapticostal, humanistic, charismatic as you can get. For most folks this is the easiest explanation, layman’s terms. I know the difference very well. Let’s say you know something personal about a person or God reveals something to you for a person needing prayer. God shows you this, giving you knowledge. He also gives you wisdom on how to pray for the situation without blurting it out and causing embarrassment.
Personally, yes. Healing of a baby that had a rare blood disease. Praying for that baby, I normally approach a situation such as this knowing that God can heal, but not necessarily that he will. While praying, I had faith like no other time to the point where I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this baby was being healed in that very moment.
Troy Day I knew that you would interpret differently. As I understand it to be, this was the gift of faith. I believe that the gift of faith is disbursed at different times, not that someone has the gift all of the time.
No. Just reading the Word. You have a had a moment of faith that delivered a miracle. It was great testimony. Would you have the same moment(s) of faith if such needs occur again? You dont know for sure Most of us dont The gift of faith knows that sufficient faith will always be there. Very few of those operating today In the Bible, the gift of faith is often accompanied by great works of faith. In Acts 3:1-10 we see this gift in action when Peter sees a lame man at the Beautiful Gate and then many other after that – not a single occasion but a life of faith outpourings
there is not one single gift of healing; the Bible text says giftS of healing; some interpret as it to be various gifts for various sicknesses Peters gift of faith proceeded through the whole book of Acts and was not limited to healings alone We see it manifested right the way in Acts 3, 4 and 5
It takes faith to be healed or to pray for healing of another. A man at church died in the pew. Pastor went back, and with the prayers of the rest of the church, through Jesus Christ, raised him from the dead. I have seen deaf people receive their hearing.
I’ve seen people get words of knowledge many, many times. At least, that’s how I categorize them. I think I’ve experienced this, also. I’ll give an example. I knew one guy was gifted as an evangelist. My wife was prophesying over him when I got this, and prophesied the same thing. She got a word of knowledge that this man we knew at church had committed adultery. He confessed to it. I’ve probably witnessed hundres of examples of prophecies and words of knwoledge.
Faith.. as a gift, I’d have to think about that. Miracles? As distinct from healing, not sure I can think of one I’ve seen off the of my head, though I did pray for a car engine that wouldn’t start and it started after prayer.
You seem to be mixing prophesy with word of knowledge, but I was asking about the Word of Wisdom – wordS of knowledge are dime a dozen – Seen it faked many times too Miracles are very few too and also often faked
Troy Day i thought I read wird of knowledge yesterday. In my understanding, a word of knowledge is a message of knowledge from the Spirit to the individual. A prophecy is a message from God communicated throughout an individual to another individual or group.
If the Spirit gave me a detail about someone’s past life, or knowledge of a doctrinal issue, that could be a word of knowledge, whether or not I tell others about it.
Troy Day: I have seen all the Gifts of the Spirit manifested in the church in my lifetime.
I know I have witnessed at least four miracles in my life.
I have seen several healings in my life.
Going to the question are they active in the churches today.
In our local church I have seen some in operation.
Though I believe some will be working and we may never know it, Such as the Gift of Faith, Word of Knowledge, and Word of Wisdom
Though with the other Gifts they would be seen or heard if they are operating in the Church.
One thing i firmly believed that all these Gifts are Supernatural, they are not learned physically by man. They do not rely on formal education. They will not require removal of body parts. They will build up the person or restore the person without man’s intervention.
In 1957 as a child in the service where the child with 26 ailments was miraculously healed by the prayers of A.A Allen
Also during that service a close family friend whom the doctors had less than a month to live, who was brought in on a stretcher was miraculous healed. He ran around the auditorium 3 times, but also lived that I know of 15 years.. He had liver cancer.
In 1959 one Sunday afternoon my brothers lower left arm was broken in half by a bulldog dangling with bones protruding and bleeding profusely
My Daddy prayed and God instantly healed the arm. The bones came back to gether
The bleeding stopped with no scars or scabs form. The flesh came back together with no scars.
The gift of faith. I have seen my dad while on the Evangelistic give all the money he had to another evangelist and did not have enough Gas to go home on, but yet but we got home 50 miles
Also awoke to a full tank of Gas and groceries on the porch.
Word of knowledge you may also class as prophecy.
30 years ago I was told by 2 separate evangelists who did not know each other: “That people would call me crazy and a heretic because of the insight of the Word of God that the Holy Ghost would show me and to follow the Holy Ghost and lean not to natural wisdom or Theology. But trust in Gods Word
Word of Wisdom
I was going through a financial crisis that i did not know how to solve but a stranger stopped me in our church. Parking lot before a church service and gave some advice that he had been told to give me. His name was John and he was dressed poorly. I invited him to stay for church, but he said they didn’t want him there. Also told me that they also didnt want me there, they just wanted my money. I followed his advice and it worked
So there it is. Judge it.
In 1957 as a child in the service where the child with 26 ailments was miraculously healed by the prayers of A.A Allen
Also during that service a close family friend whom the doctors had less than a month to live, who was brought in on a stretcher was miraculous healed. He ran around the auditorium 3 times, but also lived that I know of 15 years.. He had liver cancer.[unquote]
I was gonna type earlier today for the lack of time that since AA Allen we may have not seen the gifts of healing and gift of miracles operating The man before him was Branham I have got absolutely No doubt whatsoever this about it Peter Vandever may disagree with me of course but Bentley and the FL bunch were/are all fakes
About 20 yrs ago I shared a conversation with RW Schambach about AA Allen specifics of life and ministry. RW had a lot to say having served with the man He spoke of specifics of his accusations with a great detail because he was there He spoke of the plan secular folk had to destroy AA – not trough drinking but trough public humiliation. He had been dealing with depression in his early life and it is what finished him
Then RW changed his tone and said – the plan to destroy AA was because in the town of Knoxville he announced that Holy Spirit revealed to him there will be a service where ALL 100% present sick will be healed just like in the Bible – this is not not just one gift of healing or multiple gifts of healing operating but gifts of faith and miracles in action via one man – A.A Allen
Schambach said that service occurred. I have heard of other who were there as well. It was the success of that service secular folk wanted to silence I wasnt there but AA was sopped by what appeared to be police, kidnapped, powered liquor upon and brought before judge that same night and the rest was history. I wouldnt argue of the details of the story I heard from RW Schambach in person before many other witnesses – his word is good enough for me. His ministry also have a book published about the vision AA received, full account of the service and WHY it was held in the Knoxville Appalachian area It was all specifically revealed to him by the Holy Ghost RW then teared up and said he has dedicated his life and ministry JUST to see the Glory of God again in one service where ALL 100% were healed. Oh I feel the Holy Ghost just by typing this Forgive me Scotty Searan but the Trump idol will not bring the Glory of God to America again. God is planning a NEW THING 100% for ALL-amen Melvin Harter Alan Smith Joe Absher http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/aa-allens-prophecy-on-miracle-valley/
Thank you Troy Day, I know we have debated teeth and toenails about issues. This was a kind write up.
I did vote for President Donald Trump. I do not think nor believe he is a saint or a Christian. Yet I do believe that for some reason God has allowed a man who was not supposed to win, Win. I believe during this stage of time as well as others that God is trying to wake his People up. I believe and I don’t know why that the Pentecostal churches could be a catalyst for a revival.
Many nominal churches still do not look at things surrounding Azusa street as a religious awakening. in America, but I do believe it was.
I believe the Jesus Movement of the 60’s and early 70’s was a religious awakening in America.
Though for the most part these are glossed over except for the Pentecostal, Holiness and charismatic movement.
But God is trying to awaken all believer in a short space of time.
Yes I feel President Donald Trump is a type of Cyrus. But I don’t believe President Trump is a born again believer. Yes I agree with some of his policies.
Now I will say this if we allow the Democrats to get a stronger foothold we are closing the door and rejecting God’s offer to awaken
Republicans are not perfect by no long shot, but they do not promote what Democrats promote.. That ia off topic and I will husth.
I believe most Prophecy preachers would agree with me.
I have another experience.
Our family was running a revival at Beach Grove Church of God out from Ponce De Leon, Fl. and it was in it’s 2nd week.
Just a little history. It was the summer of 1967
My dad just decided to go to Beach Grove Church of God by leading of the Holy Ghost one Sunday Morning.
We went and Brother Cole, whom we had never met, felt led to have my Dad preach both services. The Holy Ghost fell and revival services began that Sunday unannounced.
We were in the 2nd week and there was a big Oak Tree that children would climb and play on, even during the services.
It was during the altar call as the people were praying round the altar that a lady came running in holding a ten year old boy hollering that he was dead, please help him
They laid the child on the altar, and my Dad who was one to preach loud and hard, but when He prayed he would talk but use force.
The child was cyanotic. A deep Purple.
They annointed that boy and My Dad said: Jesus you said we could heal the sick and raise the dead. Now I am speaking life back into this child and honor your word that I have preached” He ask for the name and it was Sam. “SAM ARISE AND WALK.” That young man arose and walked and run outside and say Jesus gave me back my life.
It was believed that he had broken his neck in the fall out of the tree.
My father saw many miracles and healings in his ministry but he never went from one church to the next saying what had happened. HE NEVER TOUCHED THE GLORY.
I have been in Jimmy Swaggart services when he was and a message in tongues would start to come forth and he would curtail it. Three times i saw it.
His reply was that if the anointing is on him or any other to preach, then why would the Holy Ghost allow interruptions of those that are anointed?
Yes but that is too denotes Jimmys commentary
A Bible does not have to have red letters for me to know what Jesus said.
Jimmy explained that in his foreword, but he was not sitting himself up as Jesus Christ by using Red Letters
Some have went on to say that Jimmy Swaggart was adding to the Word.
If that is so then most study Bibles are adding to the word.
No where can you find that the Holy Scriptures say that Jesus Christ words must be in red.
Re-Defining Prophesying In the Bible, we see plenty of prophecies. Prophets would typically say something like, ‘Thus saith the Lord’ and give a first…
Varnel Watson
NO not ALL – as long as we have bapticostals running around claiming Pentecost, some gifts will be left behind Michael
Diana Kay Miller Sheek
Yes they and will be til we meet Jesus in the air.
Ray E Horton
I would hope so! I know they are in any of the churches I have been involved with. Too bad many Pentecostals don’t much partake of this important distinctive.
Varnel Watson
which of the gifts have you seen operating recently Ray?
Ray E Horton
Tongues and Interpretation, prophecy, words of knowledge, healings, all within the past week.
Varnel Watson
that’s whats what I was thinking
Word of wisdom.
are the 3 long forgotten ones
what was the difference between prophecy and words of knowledge in what you witnessed ?
Ray E Horton
Yes, those are less common, but still happening. Several words of knowledge spoke accurately to lead to faith for healings. The prophetic words were mostly exhortation, encouragement, comfort from Holy Spirit. A Word of Wisdom often accompanies prophecy that forthtells. We have seen creative healing miracles in the past. My latest experience with the gift of Faith: Was praying for healing for severely sick baby in hospital, to no avail. The next day as I was again praying, a holy anger rose up within and a faith that was not my own as I laid hands on the child. She was instantly healed and, after being checked, released from the hospital two hours later. It wasn’t my usual faith for healing, but rather a supernatural gift of faith that God imparted at the time of need.
Diana Kay Miller Sheek
Tongues and interpretations, healings, dead raised, devil’s cast out by in our church, the
Diana Kay Miller Sheek
The first two I mentioned is just recently.
A.J. Bible
If you want to see the most powerful demonstration of words of knowledge on the earth today you have to watch Pastor Alph Lukau.
Varnel Watson
preachers are dime a dozen – we need miracles !
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton I have not seen gift of wisdom operate in a congregation for years now. Most younger fellers like Peter Vandever dont even know what it is because they have never seen it in action. Have you? BTW word of wisdom neither foretells nor accompanies. It prevails!
Gift of faith was somewhat corrupted by the faith movement It operates constantly and consistently not on day on and day off bases
I will not comment on gift of miracles – dimes a dozen fakers
Ray E Horton
I’ll study out your comments on those gifts before responding, brother.
Diana Kay Miller Sheek
Best way my pastor put it about wisdom and knowledge is to know wisdom enough to keep your mouth shut about what you know or the wisdom to know when to speak about what you know. Make sense?
Varnel Watson
naah not really – sounds like another humanistic bapticostal explain
* word of knowledge is basically supernatural knowledge of information
*while word of wisdom is knowing how to use the knowledge given
right on these 2 most bapticostal and charismatics will stumble and say just about anything apart from explaining it with the Bible
Diana Kay Miller Sheek
I am far from bapticostal, humanistic, charismatic as you can get. For most folks this is the easiest explanation, layman’s terms. I know the difference very well. Let’s say you know something personal about a person or God reveals something to you for a person needing prayer. God shows you this, giving you knowledge. He also gives you wisdom on how to pray for the situation without blurting it out and causing embarrassment.
Diana Kay Miller Sheek
And you better have Bible knowledge before using Any gifts.
Michael Todd Combs
As far as what I’ve been a part of is the gift of tongues and interpretation, prophesy, faith and healing.
Varnel Watson
how have you seen the gift of faith manifested? – – –
Michael Todd Combs
Personally, yes. Healing of a baby that had a rare blood disease. Praying for that baby, I normally approach a situation such as this knowing that God can heal, but not necessarily that he will. While praying, I had faith like no other time to the point where I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this baby was being healed in that very moment.
Varnel Watson
that does not really sound like gift of faith
Michael Todd Combs
Troy Day I knew that you would interpret differently. As I understand it to be, this was the gift of faith. I believe that the gift of faith is disbursed at different times, not that someone has the gift all of the time.
Varnel Watson
No. Just reading the Word. You have a had a moment of faith that delivered a miracle. It was great testimony. Would you have the same moment(s) of faith if such needs occur again? You dont know for sure Most of us dont The gift of faith knows that sufficient faith will always be there. Very few of those operating today In the Bible, the gift of faith is often accompanied by great works of faith. In Acts 3:1-10 we see this gift in action when Peter sees a lame man at the Beautiful Gate and then many other after that – not a single occasion but a life of faith outpourings
Michael Todd Combs
Troy Day What would make this the gift of faith and not simply the gift of healing?
Varnel Watson
there is not one single gift of healing; the Bible text says giftS of healing; some interpret as it to be various gifts for various sicknesses Peters gift of faith proceeded through the whole book of Acts and was not limited to healings alone We see it manifested right the way in Acts 3, 4 and 5
Diana Kay Miller Sheek
It takes faith to be healed or to pray for healing of another. A man at church died in the pew. Pastor went back, and with the prayers of the rest of the church, through Jesus Christ, raised him from the dead. I have seen deaf people receive their hearing.
Varnel Watson
Sure Healing needs faith like all the other gifts need faith but the gift of faith is not that Completely different
Diana Kay Miller Sheek
Troy Day explain gift of faith, please. Would like your view on this.
Varnel Watson
if faith could be explained it would be faith now would it?
Varnel Watson
Link Hudson have you ever seen the gift and word of knowledge Faith and Miracles in operation? Give specific examples
Link Hudson
I’ve seen people get words of knowledge many, many times. At least, that’s how I categorize them. I think I’ve experienced this, also. I’ll give an example. I knew one guy was gifted as an evangelist. My wife was prophesying over him when I got this, and prophesied the same thing. She got a word of knowledge that this man we knew at church had committed adultery. He confessed to it. I’ve probably witnessed hundres of examples of prophecies and words of knwoledge.
Faith.. as a gift, I’d have to think about that. Miracles? As distinct from healing, not sure I can think of one I’ve seen off the of my head, though I did pray for a car engine that wouldn’t start and it started after prayer.
Varnel Watson
You seem to be mixing prophesy with word of knowledge, but I was asking about the Word of Wisdom – wordS of knowledge are dime a dozen – Seen it faked many times too Miracles are very few too and also often faked
Link Hudson
Troy Day i thought I read wird of knowledge yesterday. In my understanding, a word of knowledge is a message of knowledge from the Spirit to the individual. A prophecy is a message from God communicated throughout an individual to another individual or group.
If the Spirit gave me a detail about someone’s past life, or knowledge of a doctrinal issue, that could be a word of knowledge, whether or not I tell others about it.
Varnel Watson
I’ve been asking everyone about Word of wisdom What’s your take on it Have you ever seen it operating?
Scotty Searan
Troy Day: I have seen all the Gifts of the Spirit manifested in the church in my lifetime.
I know I have witnessed at least four miracles in my life.
I have seen several healings in my life.
Going to the question are they active in the churches today.
In our local church I have seen some in operation.
Though I believe some will be working and we may never know it, Such as the Gift of Faith, Word of Knowledge, and Word of Wisdom
Though with the other Gifts they would be seen or heard if they are operating in the Church.
One thing i firmly believed that all these Gifts are Supernatural, they are not learned physically by man. They do not rely on formal education. They will not require removal of body parts. They will build up the person or restore the person without man’s intervention.
Varnel Watson
Scotty Searan you said ALL but have you ever seen
the gift of wisdom
gift of Faith
and gift of Miracles in operation?
Give specific examples
Scotty Searan
In 1957 as a child in the service where the child with 26 ailments was miraculously healed by the prayers of A.A Allen
Also during that service a close family friend whom the doctors had less than a month to live, who was brought in on a stretcher was miraculous healed. He ran around the auditorium 3 times, but also lived that I know of 15 years.. He had liver cancer.
In 1959 one Sunday afternoon my brothers lower left arm was broken in half by a bulldog dangling with bones protruding and bleeding profusely
My Daddy prayed and God instantly healed the arm. The bones came back to gether
The bleeding stopped with no scars or scabs form. The flesh came back together with no scars.
The gift of faith. I have seen my dad while on the Evangelistic give all the money he had to another evangelist and did not have enough Gas to go home on, but yet but we got home 50 miles
Also awoke to a full tank of Gas and groceries on the porch.
Word of knowledge you may also class as prophecy.
30 years ago I was told by 2 separate evangelists who did not know each other: “That people would call me crazy and a heretic because of the insight of the Word of God that the Holy Ghost would show me and to follow the Holy Ghost and lean not to natural wisdom or Theology. But trust in Gods Word
Word of Wisdom
I was going through a financial crisis that i did not know how to solve but a stranger stopped me in our church. Parking lot before a church service and gave some advice that he had been told to give me. His name was John and he was dressed poorly. I invited him to stay for church, but he said they didn’t want him there. Also told me that they also didnt want me there, they just wanted my money. I followed his advice and it worked
So there it is. Judge it.
Varnel Watson
Scotty Searan just posted
In 1957 as a child in the service where the child with 26 ailments was miraculously healed by the prayers of A.A Allen
Also during that service a close family friend whom the doctors had less than a month to live, who was brought in on a stretcher was miraculous healed. He ran around the auditorium 3 times, but also lived that I know of 15 years.. He had liver cancer.[unquote]
I was gonna type earlier today for the lack of time that since AA Allen we may have not seen the gifts of healing and gift of miracles operating The man before him was Branham I have got absolutely No doubt whatsoever this about it Peter Vandever may disagree with me of course but Bentley and the FL bunch were/are all fakes
About 20 yrs ago I shared a conversation with RW Schambach about AA Allen specifics of life and ministry. RW had a lot to say having served with the man He spoke of specifics of his accusations with a great detail because he was there He spoke of the plan secular folk had to destroy AA – not trough drinking but trough public humiliation. He had been dealing with depression in his early life and it is what finished him
Then RW changed his tone and said – the plan to destroy AA was because in the town of Knoxville he announced that Holy Spirit revealed to him there will be a service where ALL 100% present sick will be healed just like in the Bible – this is not not just one gift of healing or multiple gifts of healing operating but gifts of faith and miracles in action via one man – A.A Allen
Schambach said that service occurred. I have heard of other who were there as well. It was the success of that service secular folk wanted to silence I wasnt there but AA was sopped by what appeared to be police, kidnapped, powered liquor upon and brought before judge that same night and the rest was history. I wouldnt argue of the details of the story I heard from RW Schambach in person before many other witnesses – his word is good enough for me. His ministry also have a book published about the vision AA received, full account of the service and WHY it was held in the Knoxville Appalachian area It was all specifically revealed to him by the Holy Ghost RW then teared up and said he has dedicated his life and ministry JUST to see the Glory of God again in one service where ALL 100% were healed. Oh I feel the Holy Ghost just by typing this Forgive me Scotty Searan but the Trump idol will not bring the Glory of God to America again. God is planning a NEW THING 100% for ALL-amen Melvin Harter Alan Smith Joe Absher http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/aa-allens-prophecy-on-miracle-valley/
Scotty Searan
Thank you Troy Day, I know we have debated teeth and toenails about issues. This was a kind write up.
I did vote for President Donald Trump. I do not think nor believe he is a saint or a Christian. Yet I do believe that for some reason God has allowed a man who was not supposed to win, Win. I believe during this stage of time as well as others that God is trying to wake his People up. I believe and I don’t know why that the Pentecostal churches could be a catalyst for a revival.
Many nominal churches still do not look at things surrounding Azusa street as a religious awakening. in America, but I do believe it was.
I believe the Jesus Movement of the 60’s and early 70’s was a religious awakening in America.
Though for the most part these are glossed over except for the Pentecostal, Holiness and charismatic movement.
But God is trying to awaken all believer in a short space of time.
Yes I feel President Donald Trump is a type of Cyrus. But I don’t believe President Trump is a born again believer. Yes I agree with some of his policies.
Now I will say this if we allow the Democrats to get a stronger foothold we are closing the door and rejecting God’s offer to awaken
Republicans are not perfect by no long shot, but they do not promote what Democrats promote.. That ia off topic and I will husth.
I believe most Prophecy preachers would agree with me.
Varnel Watson
Word of Wisdom: Don’t get your theology from worship songs.
A.J. Bible
Word of Wisdom: Don’t sing songs that aren’t scriptural.
Varnel Watson
Like? Zion is calling me?
Scotty Searan
I have another experience.
Our family was running a revival at Beach Grove Church of God out from Ponce De Leon, Fl. and it was in it’s 2nd week.
Just a little history. It was the summer of 1967
My dad just decided to go to Beach Grove Church of God by leading of the Holy Ghost one Sunday Morning.
We went and Brother Cole, whom we had never met, felt led to have my Dad preach both services. The Holy Ghost fell and revival services began that Sunday unannounced.
We were in the 2nd week and there was a big Oak Tree that children would climb and play on, even during the services.
It was during the altar call as the people were praying round the altar that a lady came running in holding a ten year old boy hollering that he was dead, please help him
They laid the child on the altar, and my Dad who was one to preach loud and hard, but when He prayed he would talk but use force.
The child was cyanotic. A deep Purple.
They annointed that boy and My Dad said: Jesus you said we could heal the sick and raise the dead. Now I am speaking life back into this child and honor your word that I have preached” He ask for the name and it was Sam. “SAM ARISE AND WALK.” That young man arose and walked and run outside and say Jesus gave me back my life.
It was believed that he had broken his neck in the fall out of the tree.
My father saw many miracles and healings in his ministry but he never went from one church to the next saying what had happened. HE NEVER TOUCHED THE GLORY.
Varnel Watson
Still waiting for good words of wisdom example but maybe next week
Joe Absher
Sometimes no is the best answer.
Varnel Watson
Other times is best not to answer
Joe Absher
I’ll take one no from God
over ten thousand yes men
Scotty Searan
Wisdom is the ability to discern and judge which aspects of that knowledge are true, right, lasting, and applicable in our lives..
Varnel Watson
The gift Word of Wisdom is NOT just Webster dictionary definition of secular wisdom
Ricky Grimsley
I never listened to jimmy swaggart ever.
Scotty Searan
I have been in Jimmy Swaggart services when he was and a message in tongues would start to come forth and he would curtail it. Three times i saw it.
His reply was that if the anointing is on him or any other to preach, then why would the Holy Ghost allow interruptions of those that are anointed?
Varnel Watson
in his Study Bible his words are in red letters
Scotty Searan
Yes but that is too denotes Jimmys commentary
A Bible does not have to have red letters for me to know what Jesus said.
Jimmy explained that in his foreword, but he was not sitting himself up as Jesus Christ by using Red Letters
Some have went on to say that Jimmy Swaggart was adding to the Word.
If that is so then most study Bibles are adding to the word.
No where can you find that the Holy Scriptures say that Jesus Christ words must be in red.
Varnel Watson
usually the red letters are reserved for God alone