Jesus established the pattern of team work for His
disciples. When He sent the twelve out in ministry He
sent them two by two. When He commissioned the
seventy He also sent them out two by two. Other
ministry teams are found in the book of Acts. On the
first missionary journey there were Paul, Barnabas and
John Mark. Later there were Paul and Silas. Barnabas
chose John Mark. Aquilla and Priscilla were a husband
and wife team. Team ministry is a principle of
scripture. It is especially suitable and effective in
deliverance ministry.
Size And Composition
How many should ideally compose a deliverance team?
This cannot be answered arbitrarily. The situations for
deliverance vary. For ministry to an individual a team
consisting of from two to six persons is usually
appropriate. The team should be composed of both men
and women.
Because of the unusual facets to this ministry, a man
should not minister alone to a woman or a woman to a
man. The best combination is for husbands and wives
to minister as a team whenever possible. Since the
"laying on of hands" may be used during the ministry, it
is best to have both sexes on the team. Men and women
should not lay hands on the opposite sex
indiscriminately. Also, the person being ministered to
sometimes must be physically restrained. Though we
do not war against flesh and blood, the demons might
demonstrate themselves violently at times, so that the
person experiencing deliverance must be restrained
from injuring himself or others.
Team Unity
Unity is absolutely essential for a deliverance team.
Satan will capitalize on any disunity. He will seek to
create disunity by devious methods. Be on constant
guard against this tactic. This is well illustrated by an
experience in my second involvement in a deliverance
ministry. Six or seven of us in a prayer group became
involved in an attempt to deliver a woman from demon
oppression. Upon being challenged, the demons began
to speak readily through the woman. One demon said,
“Only one of you is really following the Lord; the rest
are just tagging along.” The purpose of this statement
was to break our unity - and it did. Each of us
immediately began to think that he was the only one
following the Lord and became suspicious of the
dedication of others. Consequently we lost sight of the
enemy and each one’s attention was centered on
himself, and on the others.
Any group that works together must learn to flow in the
Spirit anti have confidence in one another. When you
are in the heat of battle with the demon powers it is no
time to settle differences between yourselves.
If there is a discerning of spirits by one of the team
members it should bear witness in the spirit of the
others. However, it is better to go ahead and challenge a
spirit discerned than to hold a discussion on the
accuracy of the discernment. An occasional mistake
will probably be made in discernment, but this will not
defeat the overall ministry.
Functions of Team Members
It must be emphasized that no hard and fast rules can
be laid down Each member of the team must be
sensitive and obedient to tin leading of the Spirit. It is
usually best for only one or two persons to hr
commanding the spirits. The others will be in prayer,
reading scriptures, praising or singing. Songs
emphasizing the blood of Jesus are especially effective
and appropriate. It is not unusual for the “lead” to
change i several times, especially if the ministry
extends to an hour or more. This transition in
leadership can be accomplished very smoothly.
It may be difficult for one person to remain in the
position of leadership over a long period of time. Have
you ever watched a wedge of geese in flight? Then you
have a picture of how the leadership responsibility can
change from one to another. The lead bird will buffet
the wind for a few minutes and then he will drop back
in the formation to “rest” while another moves into the
lead position to take his place. The deliverance team
can cooperate in similar fashion. The aim is to set the captive free and give the glory to Jesus, so it should
make no difference who is leading the warfare. Each
position on the team is important.
Isara Mo Joe Absher there ARE rules Functions of Team Members
It must be emphasized that no hard and fast rules can
be laid down Each member of the team must be
sensitive and obedient to tin leading of the Spirit. It is
usually best for only one or two persons to hr
commanding the spirits. The others will be in prayer,
reading scriptures, praising or singing. Songs
emphasizing the blood of Jesus are especially effective
and appropriate. It is not unusual for the “lead” to
change i several times, especially if the ministry
extends to an hour or more. This transition in
leadership can be accomplished very smoothly.
Philip Williams of course it does The only times I’ve noticed ppl saying it doesnt is when they want to avoid direct questions from the posts Its easier to slander article as not reputable than actually read it and get into it
Philip Williams I think I hear you saying something to which I say Radio and internet waves are not a constant thing Check your connection – the problem could be in your TV Cant judge the world by your iPhone
Philip Williams As long as you can open it were OK NEver mind thousands other users open the article and dozens comment on it BTW if it wasnt working FB would have displayed a 404 and not the nice thumbnail you see above each post Works for FB and half of the world but not for PW must be an iPhone thing
Isara Mo you would note that Joe Absher is not commenting much here One man army of the Lord Teams sometimes slow you down too Especially a jezebel-ahab team that tries to take over the Kingdom by silencing the prophet with 400 false wannabes
In these strange new “perilous times” (2 Tim. 3:1), it takes an awful lot to shock us. An unexpected trend has emerged, however, that is so unthinkably disturbing that we hate to even fathom it. It involves pushing a random stranger down onto subway tracks or even in front of an oncoming train. If more […]
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo Joe Absher there ARE rules Functions of Team Members
It must be emphasized that no hard and fast rules can
be laid down Each member of the team must be
sensitive and obedient to tin leading of the Spirit. It is
usually best for only one or two persons to hr
commanding the spirits. The others will be in prayer,
reading scriptures, praising or singing. Songs
emphasizing the blood of Jesus are especially effective
and appropriate. It is not unusual for the “lead” to
change i several times, especially if the ministry
extends to an hour or more. This transition in
leadership can be accomplished very smoothly.
Isara Mo
Good article
Varnel Watson
seems like only Philip Williams cant open them
Philip Williams
Troy Day No. That link opened fine.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams of course it does The only times I’ve noticed ppl saying it doesnt is when they want to avoid direct questions from the posts Its easier to slander article as not reputable than actually read it and get into it
Philip Williams
Troy Day My success as a telecom expert was much due to listening to rather than dismissing what people were saying.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams I think I hear you saying something to which I say Radio and internet waves are not a constant thing Check your connection – the problem could be in your TV
Cant judge the world by your iPhone
Philip Williams
Troy Day the iPhone is the world standard, judge of all things. ?
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams whose world? The most popular cell phone in June 2019 was Samsung Galaxy S10e
Philip Williams
Troy Day you should test your web sight using an iPhone.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams its loading fine now – isnt it
Philip Williams
Troy Day yes, imitative iPhone. Use the real thing to test.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams As long as you can open it were OK NEver mind thousands other users open the article and dozens comment on it BTW if it wasnt working FB would have displayed a 404 and not the nice thumbnail you see above each post
Works for FB and half of the world but not for PW
must be an iPhone thing
Philip Williams
Troy Day leave the 99, and assist the 1.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams click – open – read iPhone makes it so simple for old and aging telecom experts
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo you would note that Joe Absher is not commenting much here One man army of the Lord Teams sometimes slow you down too Especially a jezebel-ahab team that tries to take over the Kingdom by silencing the prophet with 400 false wannabes