we welcome all races to our church, especially Muslims, to hear Jesus’ message of there being no white or black, no Jew or Gentile, no slave or free in His Kingdom. if Jesus “ever closed the door to new comers from different races, our leadership in the world’s religions would soon be lost”.
i was using the last speech of Ronald Reagan; prophesying how America could lose its leadership in the world. It applies to USA church today as unbelievers watch evangelicals work out how they will respond to Trump’s racial divide. Apart from Lindsay Graham, their response is deafening.
RichardAnna Boyce
we welcome all races to our church, especially Muslims, to hear Jesus’ message of there being no white or black, no Jew or Gentile, no slave or free in His Kingdom. if Jesus “ever closed the door to new comers from different races, our leadership in the world’s religions would soon be lost”.
Varnel Watson
not the point here RichardAnna Boyce this is more of the church reflecting the community Philip Williams open again?
RichardAnna Boyce
i was using the last speech of Ronald Reagan; prophesying how America could lose its leadership in the world. It applies to USA church today as unbelievers watch evangelicals work out how they will respond to Trump’s racial divide. Apart from Lindsay Graham, their response is deafening.
Varnel Watson
RichardAnna Boyce well he got it right didnt he