The Biblical Mandate for Disobeying Unjust Laws

The Biblical Mandate for Disobeying Unjust Laws

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Pete Fiske |


The Biblical Mandate for Disobeying Unjust Laws…

“We must obey God rather than human beings!” ~Acts 5:29

Dr. MLK did it…

“A just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law.” ~Dr. Martin Luther King, Letter from the Birmingham Jail []


In BOTH Cases These Individuals Were and Are Right. Hence, We Must STAND WITH KIM DAVIS… #ImWithKim
#FreeKimDavis #JustSayNo2GayMarriage

John Kissinger [09/06/2015 12:11 AM]
“The Biblical Mandate for Disobeying Unjust Laws…” ~AMEN

Norman Rice Jr. [09/08/2015 4:59 PM]
Breaking news: the lady was just freed!!

John Kissinger [09/09/2015 9:59 PM]

“I love you all so very much. I just want to give God the glory. His people have rallied and you are a strong people.” Kim Davis thanks people for coming out to support her after being released from jail.

Публикувахте от Fox News в Вторник, 8 септември 2015 г.

John Kissinger [09/10/2015 12:08 AM]
not sure if she is “in the Spirit” or needs help from Dr. Timothy Carter

Timothy Carter [09/10/2015 4:04 AM]
She said that she is only doing what her conscious will allow her to do. With this in mind lets look at the bottom line. The Bottom line is Kentucky has never agreed to allow Homosexual marriage – Therefore in the state of Kentucky there is no such thing as a marriage license for a homosexual couple. The judge who told Davis to give / sale marriage license to homosexuals in Kentucky is a Federal judge on the Supreme court. The Constitution clearly shows that the office of the country clerk is under the control of the State not the Federal government. This is to provide protection against Federal government taken over. Also the Supreme Court can’t make laws. The judge is in violation of the constitution because the judge crossed boundarys. And the judge is guilty of trying to force her to break Kentucky law.

John Kissinger [09/10/2015 4:16 AM]
so was she emotional and jerking in the spirit on this video?

Timothy Carter [09/10/2015 2:34 PM]
Oh I have not seen a video. I have only been pictures and read about the case. Unless the video shows something that doesn’t line up with the Word how can we know? Unless Holy Spirit tells me even then it will line up with the Word because Holy Spirit with not go against His own Word.

Charles Page [09/10/2015 3:34 PM]
she was forced to wear male apparel in jail at least
CoG women would not have had a problem with that.

John Kissinger [09/10/2015 10:33 PM]
Charles Page on the move

John Kissinger [09/10/2015 10:34 PM]
Timothy Carter we shall know by first watching the video before commenting on it 🙂

Charles Page [09/10/2015 10:51 PM]

Francisco Arriola [09/10/2015 11:38 PM]
What if Kim Davis were a Muslim, Atheist, Hindu etc. using her position to deny Christians a license for whatever they thought violated their consciences. Would you support that? There are proper venues for protesting against things that go against the will of God. Are you going to have every cashier who believes that selling alcohol, condomns, cigarettes is a sin go on strike?

Francisco Arriola [09/10/2015 11:39 PM]
How many of you know that the Church of God Cleveland Tn has members in Virginia and North Carolina who grow tobacco?

Francisco Arriola [09/10/2015 11:40 PM]
Check their polity books where they make exceptions for tobacco growers. Crack down on our own before we make our forrays into the the sinful world

Francisco Arriola [09/10/2015 11:56 PM]
When you wake up I better hear a response

Timothy Carter [09/11/2015 1:59 PM]
Francisco Arroiola that is completely off topic. Please create a new thread to introduce such a big subject. You will probably have a good discussion. ?

John Kissinger [09/13/2015 12:45 PM]


  • Reply January 16, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    What do you think about that Street Preacherz Law against street preaching in public places?

  • Reply January 16, 2017

    Street Preacherz

    They gotta catch ya first

  • Reply January 16, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Cameras on every corner

  • Reply January 16, 2017

    Street Preacherz

    I know downtown pretty well. Marquette and the Federal building is the only place I’ve had trouble. Besides it’s kinda fun to say to the crowd well somebody called the cops I gotta go. It adds a little levity. Depends on the neighborhood to. Some places the cops welcome you. And we’ve kinda carved out some spots over the years. I love it when they say you can preach (natural voice) but keep it under 50′ lol

  • Reply January 15, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Ira Huth Grover Katzmarek Sr One clear cut case in history in which the Church simply could not obey the unjust Jim Crowley law of the land and could not honor Caesar for it. The Church must take a stand for what is right before God. As many spiritual leaders are telling us today that the church must take a stand against the racism and unrighteousness coming from the top of our nation…

  • Reply January 15, 2018

    Daniel Malley


    . Eph 6: 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world……”

  • Reply January 15, 2018

    Ira Huth

    Troy Day In my Spirit I just can’t believe Durbin and the Washington Post given their previous history and agenda. But I do believe others that was in the room when these allegedly remarks were made. You have already made up your mind about Trump. That is your choice to stand and believe the liberal Democrats and liberal media with their agenda and be fooled with possible propaganda. I will stand and support my President and give him the benifit of my doubt. If anything substantial and irrefutable happens I will then seek the help of the Holy Spirit. You know based on the simplicity of the Word of God and the Fruit with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit Theology can be a good thing or it can be bad and clearly contradict the simplicity and principles of the Word of God within the guidelines of the Fruit and Gifts of the Holy Spirit. It can cause a foothold and a tool for Satan against the Body of Christ. WE TEND TO FORGET MYSELF INCLUDED THAT THIS IS SPIRITUAL WARFARE AND WE CAN NOT WITH ANY HUMAN MEANS BE SUCCESSFUL HERE ON EARTH, BUT WE ARE SEATED IN HEAVENLY PLACES AND MIGHTY THROUGH GOD BY BRINGING DOWN STRONGHOLDS AND EVERY IMAGINATION AND ANYTHING THAT EXALTS ITSELF AGAINST THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD, NOT OURS NOT HUMAN THINKING. WE ALL NEED MYSELF INCLUDED TRUST IN GOD AND LEAN NOT ON OUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. BUT HEAR ME ON THIS, DO THE BEST WE CAN AND LEAVE THE REST UP TO GOD.
    So you can continue to post threads EITHER POLITICAL OR SPIRITUAL that clearly does nothing but causes discord, confusion, arguements ect..
    You know Troy Day you and some others in this Group including myself we can be wrong in human error no matter how much knowledge, theology degrees and or pride we might have. BUT GOD THROUGH THE SIMPLICITY OF HIS WORD WITH THE GUIDIENCE OF THE FRUIT AND GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NEVER WRONG.

  • Reply January 15, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Ira What can your Spirit believe about the truth Daniel Rushing posted from Bishop Tim Hill who is spiritual leader of your denomination?

  • Reply January 15, 2018

    Ira Huth

    Keep it up Troy Day it seems like you and Daniel Rushing won’t be happy till this unnecessary mess will cause another split. Just what Satan wants very sad!!

  • Reply January 15, 2018

    Grover Katzmarek Sr

    But is that scriptural? Is that what Paul write to the first century Christians when Nero was the emperor?

  • Reply January 15, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Daniel Rushing Bet you aint seen this one so pls mark as argument O like in: Oh I did not realize I was causing a split when speaking the truth

    • Reply January 15, 2018

      Ira Huth

      A split happens when someone thinks their humanistic thoughts and opinions are 100% correct and perfect with no possibility error and no discernment through the Holy Spirit guided by the Fruit of the Spirit. . And fail to admit there might be error in their thoughts which is higher than God’s, intentions and ways. Above others that disagree with those thoughts and opinions, but realize threw a contrite heart that there might be the possibility of error on both sides. Then trust in God with the Fruit of joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance and especially love not the world’s humanistic definition of love but divine unconditional Godly love. Doing the best we can and leaving the rest up to God. Knowing that in his time and Wisdom we will all know the truth.

    • Reply January 15, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      I dont think the COG bishop offered humanistic thoughts. It is a very Spiritual word that the church needs to hear right now. I know for a fact you dont approve of racism and cursing either Ira Huth

    • Reply January 15, 2018

      Ira Huth

      Brother Troy Day your really naive and humanistic if you think Dr. Hill is perfect. I respect him very much and appreciate him, but he is not perfect and knows it. In his own words at a Campmeeting in the Great Lakes Region the same year he was elected to the Office of presiding Bishop of the COG. I was sitting on the Front row of one of my childhood churches that I attended when I was a teenager. I started to record part of his sermon when he looked straight at me and said ” You can not be more spiritual than scriptural “. You will see the rest Wow!! Glory to God!!

    • Reply January 15, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      So basically what you just told us bro Ira is that you deem President Trump as higher perfect spiritual authority than your denomination president. It is precisely what others before my have tried to show is the problem here. More trust in the government than in the church. This now looks more than obvious and unfortunately I dont think the Church should agree with it.

      The attempt to manipulate the Church via politics is bordering Byzantium heresy and flat out sin. I rest my case!

    • Reply January 15, 2018

      Ira Huth

      Whatever Troy Day If that is what you think by twisting my words around because you need to be right about everything and you can’t admit the possibility that you might be wrong. Oh well!! So be it!! I’m done with this.

  • Reply May 27, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    YES or NO Michael Ellis Carter Jr. Joseph Bob

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