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POLL: Do You Agree That Homosexuality Is a Sin?
The Bible doesn’t speak of homosexuality very often; but when it does, it condemns it as sin. Let’s take a look.
Leviticus 18:22, “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.”1
Leviticus 20:13, “If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them.”
1 Corinthians 6:9-10, “Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”
Romans 1:26-28, “For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper.”
The Bible doesn’t speak of homosexuality very often; but when it does, it condemns it as sin. Let’s take a look. Leviticus 18:22, “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.”1 Leviticus 20:13, “If there is a man who lies with a male as those who…
Debi N Barker
Link Hudson
Some people define ‘homosexuality’ as the state of being attracted to the opposite sex. That may be the original psychologicla definition, too. A lot of evangelicals define it as people having sex with the same sex, living a ‘gay lifestyle’.
People who have been brainwashed by the LGBT movement think there are those who are born gay. If you tell them that gays go to Hell, they think that means God just designed them to go to Hell. They think of it as saying all black people automatically go to Hell when they die.
The Bible doesn’t teach that someone who struggles with same-sex attraction but does not act on it goes to Hell. There are passages that deal with ACTIONS. The Leviticus passages are about performing sinful actions. Most likely arsenokoite and malakos in I Corinthians 6 have to do with action, at least arsenokoite most likely does.
Street Preacherz
I have a gay friend I talk to him about Jesus. We talk he respects my efforts to serve Christ. I preached at prince memorial at a gay bar. He was there and even came over to talk to me. Before they called the cops. If you’re dead in sin it doesn’t matter if it was gambling or fornication or pride that killed you. If you want to bring life and light you can’t just hate one sin or rebuke one type of people. Talking ugly and brow beating people is not bridge building. How can you have a conversation for Christ if you’re always slamming the door in people’s face. Keep it clean and try to hold the door open as long as you can. My simplistic approach. Sorry short answer, yes. it is condemned in the Bible. It’s sin
Bobbi Klein
Yes it is. Our pastor did not like a homosexual man that attended our church. They had a big fight, the man stopped attending. I told the pastor that was wrong, we should of prayed for him. I still do pray for him. But, Yes it’s a sin.
Street Preacherz
Sad… but we don’t know everything the pastor knows. You gotta trust the pastor. Even when he’s wrong. lol
Dwayne Edge
That pastor should have been fired on the spot I don’t support Guys but I do support Jesus love one another as you love yourself.
Street Preacherz
You ain’t firing my pastor. he’s not a hirling.
Bobbi Klein
It was bad in the church. He told me I could not talk to the man. We lost two pastors and their wives over it. Things have not healed in our church. It’s a sad story, you pray for the lost. I better be quite, because he watches posting all different sites and I will get into trouble.
Street Preacherz
I don’t know where you go to church. But you gotta know pastoring is the hardest job on earth unless it’s being the pastor’s wife. Now there’s a job. No thanks.
Bobbi Klein
I know it’s a round the clock job. I just think you need pray for a homosexual, not kick them to the curb. I wish now I would not of posted.
Dwayne Edge
Pastoring is not a job it’s a calling if a pastor gets in a fight with anyone then he probably should not be a pastor.
Street Preacherz
Delete I do. My conscience is weak I need sleep. I need Jesus more but I think you know what I mean.
Bobbi Klein
Dwayne, I could tell you about fights. I would tell stories, but I’ll get into trouble. The pastor saw I was on another site asking for help. With the homosexual person. He said people ask who that nutty woman was. So I go to church sit in my seat, mine my own business. Cause I have told anything is mine if my business.
Dwayne Edge
You for sure won’t go wrong doing that
Jeanette Elizondo
I agree with the WORD OF GOD !!!
Street Preacherz
How do you welcome someone who is in open sin. I heard of church were they had an atheist came every week. Is he predator or lost? We certainly need the holy Spirit. His help and his gifts.
Paul Jones
Welcome the sinner to hear the Word…don’t welcome the sin.
George Burbank
Street Preacherz, do you consider remarried couples in open sin?
Street Preacherz
What does your Bible say. Do you think I’m going to answer a question like that on a theology page? You can’t make a house cat out of street preacher. Are you right with God? luv ya.. lol
George Burbank
The bible says it is sin. Though I have never seen “adulterous marriages” excluded. Have you?
Street Preacherz
This is just like God. I was just telling Him “thanks” nobody’s called me out. My saviour I’ll tell ya!!!
1. “You can’t unscramble an egg”
2. We don’t ask for birth certificates or marriage licenses at our church, the truth always comes out.
3. We just had brother confess the girl he’s been teling everybody is his sister is really his divorced wife. He’s remarried now and living for God. So if your going to be in ministry stop thinking you know everything.. He does. Jesus and He died for that man and that woman. Jesus is the wise master builder not you.
4. I hope you noticed I didn’t go into Greek on the sermon on the mount. NKJ is fine.
5. Ask your pastor.
6. If your thinking if divorce don’t do it.
7. What does your Bible say?
Forget 6. It was supposed to be funny.
Street Preacherz
Excluded? What do you mean? Like in puritan days from communion? If I remember correctly we had youth leader that quit because he wanted to marry a divorced woman. But that’s pastor’s business not mine. And I’m not asking him either.
Bobbi Klein
You pray for that person, you welcome them with open arms. We are a open door church, you never know what you say to the sinner. Might be just the right thing to save them.
George Burbank
Yes, if the bible says the homosexual act is sinful it is a sin. Of course.
Somehow though, a stigma has been attached to that temptation that simply does not belong there. Too many Christians believe that gay people all go to the lake of fire. If a homosexual comes to Christ in repentance, they are saved. If they sin again, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ covers that sin. This is my understanding, I believe, from the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.
Homosexual behavior though, is one of the most accepted-by-the-world forms of sin. No homosexual will make it into a relationship with God without acknowledging their sin.
Was a person born this way? Of course many people are. We are all born with the inclination to sin. This temptation is not different than others. According to Hebrews, Jesus was tempted in all points as us. This means He can minister grace to homosexuals having been tempted this way, just as any other sin.
Louise Cummings
Yes. The Bible doesn’t change. What it declares as sin is still sin. But they are the ones that calls it hate crimes. Jesus just declared what sin was. But He didn’t hate them. It’s the sin he hates. Not only this one but all sin. That’s the reason He Died On The Cross was to forgive all our sins. He doesn’t hate anyone. He loves everyone. But He does hate sin no matter what sin it is.
Varnel Watson
If you are gay you are gay! What else is there to say and why explain it away? Tony Conger Ricky Grimsley Timothy Carter
Timothy Carter
Troy Day, are you trying to rhyme? LOL
Varnel Watson
Many in this group seems to studder at theology so I am rapping here …
Joyce Gardner
You are crazy!
Tony Conger
Imho the problem is that the church doesn’t treat all sexually sin the same as homosexuality
Bobbi Klein
Tony thank you for saying that. We had couple living together with a baby. But, she was still not divorced from her husband. They were welcome with open arms. But, the man was not.
Varnel Watson
Tony Conger Bobbi Klein What would be the same treatment? Like stoning people – this is a bit far fetched dont you think?
Bobbi Klein
I think everyone should be welcomed into the church. Pray for them.
David Lewayne Porter
Welcomed if they are wanting to be saved and changed.
Not welcomed to continue IN sin.
Bobbi Klein
It takes some people years to be saved. Keep on praying
Link Hudson
If someone professes to be a believer and lives in fornication, we shouldn’t keep company with him.
Street Preacherz
That’s Bible
Street Preacherz
Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. ( Gal 6:1)
– a little balance?
Varnel Watson
We cannot be bigots. We are commanded to love and accept the person. When it comes down to the sin itself however it is a whole different story
Street Preacherz
When you hug someone you hug the stink too. lol sorry…
David Lewayne Porter
They were added unto the church daily such as should be saved.
Where does that involve being accepting of sinners?
Where is the conviction of the Gospel through the Spirit?
That is the welcome.
Paul Hughes
Tony Conger
Even ostracizing was to allow the person to feel the shame of the sin for a season with the purpose of restoration. I think the current does a disservice when it shelters people from the shame of their choices. But it must be done with love and wisdom
Varnel Watson
seems fare
ALL you need to know about the gay homosexual issue from a theological point of view
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