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Tarrying for the Holy Ghost,
In the book of Acts, the apostles are sent to Jerusalem to tarry for the promise Jesus gave of the Holy Ghost. Some of the early Pentecostal meetings emphasized tarrying for the Holy Ghost. If I remember right, that was one of the activities that was done in the ‘Upper Room’ at Azusa Street.
That doesn’t seem to be a widespread Pentecostal doctrine these days, since the Spirit was already given in Acts 2 early 2000 years ago. They tarried, but why should we still have to tarry.
But I hear that the Pentecostal Church of Indonesia (GPDI) will encourage people to pray and fast before the day of Pentecost to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. The day of Pentecost is a big deal, focused on being baptized with the Holy Spirit. My wife got saved through the ministry of GPDI, was baptized in water there, and spoke in tongues for her first time on the day of Pentecost. I’d never heard of a Pentecostal church in the US even knowing when the day of Pentecost was. We’ve got two days on our ‘liturgical calendar’, and don’t use that phrase.
Has anyone else had any experience with Pentecostals ‘tarrying’ for the Holy Ghost?
John Kissinger [11/07/2015 7:49 PM]
Link do you keep an account how many people have been baptized in the Holy Ghost through your ministry?
Charles Page [11/07/2015 8:07 PM]
I have memories of “tarrying” for the Holy Ghost baptism and those are not pleasant ones. Perhaps the meaning of tarrying is different. One is waiting on Jesus, the baptizer, and the other is getting ourselves right -mental warfare to overcome the personal obstacle to speaking in tongues. We were lacking ion good teaching about the baptism. We were so experience minded that we didn’t believe that we could be taught.
Tim Anderson [11/07/2015 8:29 PM]
Went to an Independent Pentacostal church that did that, I received the Holy with speaking in tongues the night I received Christ at the encouragement of those that prayed and gathered around me.
Melvin Harter [11/07/2015 9:36 PM]
We use to tarry all the time in the CoG. It was a common practice.
Charles Page [11/07/2015 9:38 PM]
Melvin, why did it take so long in most cases?
Melvin Harter [11/07/2015 10:39 PM]
Easy Charles. They were not yet sanctified.
Charles Page [11/07/2015 11:02 PM]
filled with the Holy Spirit is evidence of sanctification! makes sense!
Actually it should be that easy…
Melvin Harter [11/07/2015 11:20 PM]
Filled with the Holy Spirit is evidence of salvation.
Charles Page [11/07/2015 11:27 PM]
wouldn’t that make being filled with the Holy Spirit a requirement for heaven?
Melvin Harter [11/07/2015 11:43 PM]
No, the infilling only gave proof of their salvation, as well as I may say, it also gave proof they were sanctified.
Charles Page [11/07/2015 11:45 PM]
the born again can resist the Holy Spirit, right?
Melvin Harter [11/07/2015 11:47 PM]
The born again can also resist their sanctification. We walk in the light only as it shines upon our path.
Charles Page [11/08/2015 12:06 AM]
Trump is doing a good job on SNL!!!
John Kissinger [11/08/2015 6:49 AM]
Melvin Harter “born again can also resist their sanctification” There’s many church goers today who STILL resist their sanctification. Jesus is coming for a SANCTIFIED and HOLY church. Many “saved” gift operators and miracle workers will be left behind for the reason of appearing sanctified but never trully knowing the LORD #yada Rick Wadholm Jr
Troy Day
yes they did