[Jeremiah felt ashamed of his own weakness, which was that he did not confide in the promise and strength of God; and GOD’S WORD…
[Jeremiah felt ashamed of his own weakness, which was that he did not confide in the promise and strength of God; and GOD’S WORD…
Promise for the Day – The devil steals the Word from the heart of people. (Finis J. Dake)
[God’s word IS A TREASURE worth hiding in our hearts, and there is no place safer than in our hearts; if we have it…
Published on Jan 4, 2018 KENT CHRISTMAS Prophecy for 2018: FULL TRANSCRIPT below: God has been speaking to me prophetically about our nation and…
[James was speaking to the twelve tribes scattered among the nations; he said that they had heard this doctrine; they had believed it; but…
Happy New Year! L’Shana Tova 5778 This is going to be a very exciting year! Let’s go through each point that God gave for…
The Year, 2018 will be an incredible year, the year of the harvest. What you have sown in tears in 2017, you will reap…
Rev. Kevin Blader’s Sunday Morning Message @ FCC Winterset 0 2/6/2016. Sermon Sources: 1) Bible Works 5, Revision 2 (Bigfork, Montana: Hermeneutika Computer Bible…
Does a rhema word need to be tested by scripture and the church community? John Conger [12/02/2015 10:41 PM] Yep. Everything should be tested…
From Assemblies of God Creation Position – Restore Our Biblical Young Earth… Christian Colleges that “Burn” God’s Word? As reported in the Christian Post…