
Women of the Wall making history
Rick Wadholm Jr Women of the Wall making history reading from a full-size Kotel Torah scroll at the Western Wall. http://jstandard.com/content/item/praying_while_female_at_the_kotel/32919jstandard.com

Church of GOD misses historic opportunity to allow women as ordained bishops to the ministry
Church of GOD misses historic opportunity to allow women as ordained bishops to the ministry A spokesman in support of women ordained bishops in…

Egalitarian vs Complementarian Views on women in ministry: A Combined Discussion on Tradition and Praxis
Egalitarian vs Complementarian Views on women in ministry in Pentecostal Theology: A Combined Discussion on Tradition and Praxis Kenneth J. Archer: A Pentecostal egalitarian view…

DID YOU KNOW THAT: Pentecostals were leaders in ordination of women?
DID YOU KNOW THAT: Pentecostals were the leaders in the ordination of women? Because they are less bureaucratic and more “gifting driven,” Pentecostals were…

Why did God order women?
Here’s a question many ask: Why did God order women and kids to be killed by the Israelites? How do you defend this? John…

14th Annual International Round Table Symposium on Religion and Women
14th Annual International Round Table Symposium on Religion, Women and History This is a reminder that registration is still open for the 14th Annual…

Ordaining women in the ministry
“Those “against” ordaining women as bishops adamantly argued that a literal interpretation of Scripture allowed no room for any other view. They appear to…

What are your thoughts about women preachers?
What are your thoughts about women preachers? Is there proper decorum and place for women?

WOMEN in MINISTRY Position paper adopted by the IPHC Council…
WOMEN in MINISTRY Position paper adopted by the IPHC Council of Bishops last week A biblical and pastoral position paper adopted by the International…