QFTBOC: Enoch ‘Walked with God’ :: By Mark A. Becker

QFTBOC: Enoch ‘Walked with God’ :: By Mark A. Becker

Introduction One of the things I really enjoy doing with the ministry the Lord has blessed me with is answering questions of believers and unbelievers alike. The questions people have never cease to amaze me; most I have never even considered myself. This QFTBOC (Questions from the Body of Christ) series are articles from these […]

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What Have I With You?

What Have I With You?

I get a kick out of idioms! Idiomatic expressions spice up speech and literature. They can add levity to mundane subjects or technical works. Here are a few idioms to make you hunger for more: Food for thought A piece of cake Pie in the sky Egg on my f…

Fellowship with the Holy Spirit

Fellowship with the Holy Spirit

Pastor Shane Brown gives a Bible-based teaching about the importance of the believer having daily fellowship with the Third Person of the Godhead –…