95 Years Ago Ivan Voronaev Finally Reached the City of Odessa
Not So “Little Odessa” (from the book The Life and Ministry of Rev. Ivan Voronev) By the end of the summer of 1921, Voronaev…
Not So “Little Odessa” (from the book The Life and Ministry of Rev. Ivan Voronev) By the end of the summer of 1921, Voronaev…
TODAY in PENTECOSTAL HISTORY 95 Years Ago Pentecostal Missionaries Voronaev and Zaplishny Set Sail for Europe John Kissinger [07/17/2015 5:40 PM]http://www.amazon.com/Life-Ministry-Rev-Ivan-Voronaev/dp/1477496939/ref=as_li_tf_mfw?&linkCode=wey&tag=wildwoocom-20