
John 2:4 Translation

John 2:4 Translation

I was wondering if anyone had some insight on the translation of John 2:4. The verse seems to be rendered in a variety of ways, usually either that Jesus says the lack of wine is of no concern to Him, or to both Him and Mary.
All the Greek…

Daniel 7:27 translation

Daniel 7:27 translation

I hope someone can help me with this one.

Question – What is the correct translation of end of Daniel 7:27? Is it Him (God) or it (kingdom)?

As much as I looked, all English translations say Him – ESV,NASB,NET,HCSB,ASV,KJV,YLT and so on…

What would be a good translation of ‘poiēma’?

What would be a good translation of ‘poiēma’?

Two verses use the Greek ποίημα (G4161):

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excu…

First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament

First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament

First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2021), xviii + 483 pages, ISBN 9780830813599. The First Nations Version[1] is “An indigenous Translation of the New Testament” that provides an Introduction ([ix]-xiii), including “Why the Name First Nations Version?” (x), “Partnering Organizations,” “Church Engagement,” “The Translation Council” (x-xi), […]

Question about translation of Romans 4:9

Question about translation of Romans 4:9

In church this morning, I stumbled across Romans 4:9 in my bilingual English/Spanish NIV/NVI Bible, and was puzzled by the Spanish translation of this verse.1 (Emphasis added for sake of comparison)

In English, the text reads:

Is thi…

Translation of רַבָּֽה “rabbāh” in Psalm 62

Translation of רַבָּֽה “rabbāh” in Psalm 62

In Psalm 62, verses 2 and 6 differ in just one word, רַבָּֽה rabbāh, at the end of the verse. This is glossed as “great(ly)”, “much”, and the like.
Many translations render it as modifying the preceding verb: NASB “I will not be greatly sh…

Translation Matters

Translation Matters

Watch the full seminar titled: Can Bible Translations Be Trusted? We are all aware that modern versions probably have some inaccuracies. After all, they say different things sometimes! “But how bad can it really be?” the modern reader often wo…