The Theology Of The Holy Spirit And The Pentecostal Churches In The Ecumenical Movement
17 The Theology of the Holy Spirit and the Pentecostal Churches in the Ecumenical Movement William G. Rusch* A colleague recently reminded me that…
17 The Theology of the Holy Spirit and the Pentecostal Churches in the Ecumenical Movement William G. Rusch* A colleague recently reminded me that…
This small series continues with the 4th address in Liberal Theology. OPENING UP SOME ELEMENTS OF LIBERAL THEOLOGY – MY UNDERSTANDING OF SOME COMPONENTS OF LIBERAL THEOLOGY: EXPLANATION In 2015 I had the request to address a group in Boston, England, on Liberal Theology which was starting to gain inroads in the Methodist Church structure […]
The post Liberal Theology in the Churches: Part 4 :: By Ron Ferguson appeared first on Rapture Ready.
PNEUMA 27,1_f7e_124-129III 8/17/05 7:53 AM Page 124 Pentecostal Theology, Volume 27, No. 1, Spring 2005 A Perspective from Regent University’s Ph.D. Program in Renewal…
Find out more about Rev. Dr. Charles Howard and the work he is doing HERE.Find his collection of essays in the book The Souls of Poor Folk or his book called Black Theology as Mass Movement.Listen to the full Roundtable Talk on Black Theology …
What is an Academic Definition of Pentecostal Theology? A friend recently asked me to write a one-paragraph academic definition of Pentecostal theology. Of course,…
Pentecostal theology was born out of Revival of Sprit anointed zeal, with hearts that were hungry for the kind of Christianity they read about…
More Mercy: A more biblical theology of the afterlife and eternal destiny In 2011 a spirited debate broke out among Evangelical circles reference a book…
65 Roger Stronstad, The Charismatic Theology ofSt. Luke, (Peabody M.A.: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc., 1984), 96 pp. paperback $4.95 ISBN 0-913573-11-6 Reviewed by Gary M….
89 The Genre of Systematic Theology David Bundy* in Pentecostalism presentasjon 1990). A Review Essay of Alf Somdal, Tro og Laere. Et forsok pÅen…
Have you ever wondered? Pentecostal theology includes believing in divine revelation and that leaves me wondering why the Lord didn’t reveal more about the…
538 Book Reviews Amos Yong,Learning Theology: Tracking the Spirit of Christian Faith(Louisville,KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2018). 137 pp. $18.81 paperback. Amos Yong is…
85 DIALOGUE Whither Systematic Theology? A Systematician Chimes in on a Scandalous Conversation Amos Yong What is systematic theology? How is it to be…